posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 06:43 AM
Being relatively new to this site, I have noticed a good number of people who seem to think that once a topic is discussed (by them) that that pretty
much covers it. In their opinion the topic should never be posted again.
So, maybe the next time you find yourself killing a post just because it has been discssed in depth before, give a care to remember that many of these
issues have raged since the beginning of time. Unfortunately you are really not a "special" thinker in the larger sceme of things, and quite
possibly yours is not the final say on any topic.
That said, pointing out that other threads exist is not unwelcome. From a newcomer's view, it is helpful to know if some other good arguments exist
in the archives. But get real, those of us who are new are not going to go back and read the entire archive of posts as if it was written by