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Ozone layer hole has disappeared...

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posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 11:00 AM
Gazrok, that is the climate over millions of years, not over ten years like today seems to be normal.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 01:10 PM

By NephraTari
Um actually if you read the article it says "again" as in the hole is a seasonal occurance and this year it was the largest it has ever been.
The way it reads... the hole is not gone forever.. just the season.

That's what I said.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Yes Gazrok, or perhaps it is really due to menkind. I think there is enough prove for the hole as becoming larger every time again. Perhaps it isn't a fenomena which happened already for eons.

Perhaps menkind really frocks things up really good you know
Het jaar 2002 was wereldwijd het op ��n na warmste jaar sinds het begin van de metingen in 1860.
Just translate this with freetranslations

The whole top ten of hottest years in the Netherlands does consist out of the years 1989 till 2003 (14 years) out of 100 years !!!

the hole is getting bigger, the sun is acting up more and more. coincidence? doubtful.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by surfup

Originally posted by Satyr
I don't think there is a hole. That entire theory is pseudo-science. any proof.

It's the lack of proof that convinces me. There's no way to know whether it's always been that way, or just formed. As Gazrok mentioned, it may just be a natural phenomena. There's no evidence supporting the theory that it's not perfectly normal.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Satyr
There's no evidence supporting the theory that it's not perfectly normal.

There is no evidence supporting it is a perfectly normal activity either.

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:36 PM
So, if the wind blows a different direction, are you going to spend the rest of your days trying to get it to blow the other way? Not quite the same thing, but we're talking about a mere microscopic speck on the timeline of the earth.

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 04:00 PM
i think that the O-Zone layer can regenerate itself, after all it's only a bunch of gases or something isn't it? i don't know. but it probably can and now that the original place of the hole is facing away from the sun it's got time to regenerate itself. just a suggestion i suppose. what do you think?

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 08:45 AM
Longyforlive, I think that's bullshyte sorry.

And the humans themselves cause the global warming

NasaPerhaps all this attention is deserved. With the possible exception of another world war, a giant asteroid, or an incurable plague, global warming may be the single largest threat to our planet. For decades human factories and cars have spewed billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and the climate has begun to show some signs of warming

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 08:47 AM
Satyr logical thinking helps also a lot, if you are going to look at what happens to the climate it is just like a singularity.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by longyforlife
i think that the O-Zone layer can regenerate itself, after all it's only a bunch of gases or something isn't it? i don't know. but it probably can and now that the original place of the hole is facing away from the sun it's got time to regenerate itself. just a suggestion i suppose. what do you think?

It is a gas. It's O3. Three Oxygen Atoms that form a molecule.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by surfup

Originally posted by NephraTari
Um actually if you read the article it says "again" as in the hole is a seasonal occurance and this year it was the largest it has ever been.
The way it reads... the hole is not gone forever.. just the season.

Thanks, I never read the article.

So do you think when it comes back it will be bigger?
Working off what we know so far... yes.
It is very concerning... especially since I cannot get my mother in law to stop using aerosols etc.. some people just don't care.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 12:40 PM
I myself dont 'care'. Its pointless to try and make people give a damn right now. They wont care until it actually affects them.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 06:19 PM
ok im lost, is it gone, filled in, just plain english please lol.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Satyr logical thinking helps also a lot, if you are going to look at what happens to the climate it is just like a singularity.

Please do elaborate.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 10:19 PM
wow good info

very interesting

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by longyforlife
i think that the O-Zone layer can regenerate itself, after all it's only a bunch of gases or something isn't it? i don't know. but it probably can and now that the original place of the hole is facing away from the sun it's got time to regenerate itself. just a suggestion i suppose. what do you think?

It's the other way around. One way to nail an enviromentalist on this topic is to ask them what actually creates the majority of the O3 in the atmosphere. The answer better be sunlight or they are arguing from a dishonest position.

The fact that sunlight creates ozone (O3) explains why the ozone "hole" is at it's largest at the end of the Antarctic winter... If sunlight creates ozone (which it does) then after 6 months of darkness that occurs during an Antarctic winter wouldn't you expect to find a lack of O3???

Actually, The ozone hole over Antarctica has was discovered in 1957, before the widespread use of CFC's. It was discovered by a scientist named Dobson who recorded it as a naturally occuring phenomenon. Dobson was no slouch either... Ozone is measured in Dobson units.

Since the overall theme of this site is Conspiracies, I should include this little tidbit: Dupont held the patent on CFC's until it's expiration... Anyone manufacturing the compound had to pay royalties to DuPont. This gave DuPont an edge in the marketplace. Once the patent expired, Dupont had to rectify the situation to regain their market share. Enter a pile of scare-mongering about CFC's and a new "substitute compound"... HCFC's. And guess who holds the patent on this new highly corrosive compound?? Hey!! You win the prize!!! DuPont. And now those of us with older cars, older refrigerators, and older central air systems have to either by new ones or have a costly retro-fit done with seals that this "new" compound doesn't destroy. Thanks DuPont.

[Edited on 24-2-2004 by jimmy_madison2002]

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 04:35 PM
Yeah the chemtrail spraying has done its job as a temporary fix.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:34 PM
I believe that an OZONE HOLE is being formed above these thirteen (13) cities in Southern California. Why? The UV Levels as bounded by these cities have been either 11 or 12 for the past THREE months in which I have been documenting their UV levels on a daily basis. Furthermore, when one moves away from the cloud these specific cities outline, the UV level drops to 4 or 5.
Is this something that is happening or not? I need a review and comment from someone in authority or in this science.
The MAP OUTLINE includes the following cities (as a minimum)

1. Anaheim
2. Brea
3. Compton
4. Downey
5. Fullerton
6. La Puente
7. Pico Rivera
8. Placentia
9. Sunset Beach
10. Walnut
11. Westminster
12. West Covina
13. Whittier

Please CONTACT (No PUN INTENTED) me and either VALIDATE these finding with CURRENT data or refute this data entirely with CURRENT data. Regardless of SEASON, the % DROP outside the CLOUD formation should still be present and therefore documentable...

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by StanleyYelnatsIII

I believe that an OZONE HOLE is being formed above these thirteen (13) cities in Southern California. Why? The UV Levels as bounded by these cities have been either 11 or 12 for the past THREE months in which I have been documenting their UV levels on a daily basis. Furthermore, when one moves away from the cloud these specific cities outline, the UV level drops to 4 or 5.
Is this something that is happening or not? I need a review and comment from someone in authority or in this science.
The MAP OUTLINE includes the following cities (as a minimum)

1. Anaheim
2. Brea
3. Compton
4. Downey
5. Fullerton
6. La Puente
7. Pico Rivera
8. Placentia
9. Sunset Beach
10. Walnut
11. Westminster
12. West Covina
13. Whittier

Please CONTACT (No PUN INTENTED) me and either VALIDATE these finding with CURRENT data or refute this data entirely with CURRENT data. Regardless of SEASON, the % DROP outside the CLOUD formation should still be present and therefore documentable...

Im surprised your list doesnt include the cities going east on the 60 fwy towards San Bernardino. The pollution over those cities is crazy. You can see on clear days from Downtown Los Angeles.

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