posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 05:58 PM
Many bad news from Asia. It seem that the Chicom want to set up a new Cold War, or even worse, a Hot War.
The last link is an old report ( 1999 )
but the date are pretty interesting, as it send us back to the Clinton era.
While speaking at a geo-spatial intelligence conference, Lieutenant General Edward Anderson, deputy commander of U.S. Northern Command stated, "In my
view it will not be long before space becomes a battleground," reported the Sydney Morning Herald. "Our military forces ... depend very, very
heavily on space capabilities, and so that is a statement of the obvious to our potential threat, whoever that may be," Anderson said. "They [China]
can see that one of the ways that they can certainly diminish our capabilities will be to attack the space systems," said Anderson, who was formerly
with U.S. Space Command. (
Link )
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