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IS THE UK FULL OF Warm Caring People ???

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posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 07:16 PM
Snake, that is how to trim it down to a paragraph and add a link. Next time I have to do the trimming, I'm using an axe, plain and simple.

Great, Jaw, if you're saying that your country is now a nation full of gutless cowards that embrace the memory of Chamberlain more than Churchill, who am I to argue?
If you think that our president is lying and that he is stron-arming Blair into, wait, I don't think you are that stupid and have paid so little attention to the news in the last several years that you have no idea who the bad guys are. I'm more willing to bet on gutless than idiotic.

What I think, though, is that you are wrong, and that you do not speak on behalf of the British nation. I honestly do not think that Great Britain has lost its manhood, and I do not believe it has forgotten how to stand next to a staunch ally in their time of need.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Silk
well Sapphire

Thank you - i never thought of BC as fans

Damn Rights we are!! hehe Besides the fact that I'm a Brit, there are quite a few Brits in BC and being a Commonwealth Country, Canada favors England quite a bit over other countries.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Silk
well Sapphire

Thank you - i never thought of BC as fans

Damn Rights we are!! hehe Besides the fact that I'm a Brit, there are quite a few Brits in BC and being a Commonwealth Country, Canada favors England quite a bit over other countries.

Hmmm I know that Ontario favor USA... It's pretty different from a province to another. But I still think that the power of that country should remain to BC, far, very far, from that old High and Low Canada BS

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 08:06 PM
Considering this is the mud pit where anything goes, I am suprised at the extent of the tantrums from british posters to snakes interesting thread starter

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Salem

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Silk
well Sapphire

Thank you - i never thought of BC as fans

Damn Rights we are!! hehe Besides the fact that I'm a Brit, there are quite a few Brits in BC and being a Commonwealth Country, Canada favors England quite a bit over other countries.

Hmmm I know that Ontario favor USA... It's pretty different from a province to another. But I still think that the power of that country should remain to BC, far, very far, from that old High and Low Canada BS

hmm well, you forget my fellow Canuckie that it was the French who stole Quebec from the Brits to begin with, the only reason the French got away with it was because they whined so loudly the Brits covered their ears and ran away yelling Pluck Yew Pluck Yew, heh ok just kidding about the pluck yew bit, that was France, yes yes the Brits created the word # and the middle finger thingy ~ smirk ~ anyways, the British just let them have the damn land because they didnt have the man power to take it over at the time. Thats History! And it's half True

Not plucking bad eh?

[Edited on 20-11-2003 by Sapphire]

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by jawapunk
hey thomas crowne, i'm fairly sure that's not what the people form the UK here have posted, i think they firmly believe that those people you just called idiots, were demonstrating because they believe they've been lied to, been forced into a war by your president, and a war in which they didn't want to be involved, and the majority of Britons would rather shove a banger in their ass then have your president there on a state visit. The coalition of the willing? Whatever.

what would the britons do if terrorist pulled off a massive terror attack in Great Briton? say "bissiness as usual" and drink their tea?

[Edited on 11-20-2003 by KrazyIvan]

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Salem

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Silk
well Sapphire

Thank you - i never thought of BC as fans

Damn Rights we are!! hehe Besides the fact that I'm a Brit, there are quite a few Brits in BC and being a Commonwealth Country, Canada favors England quite a bit over other countries.

Hmmm I know that Ontario favor USA... It's pretty different from a province to another. But I still think that the power of that country should remain to BC, far, very far, from that old High and Low Canada BS

hmm well, you forget my fellow Canuckie that it was the French who stole Quebec from the Brits to begin with, the only reason the French got away with it was because they whined so loudly the Brits covered their ears and ran away yelling Pluck Yew Pluck Yew, heh ok just kidding about the pluck yew bit, that was France, yes yes the Brits created the word # and the middle finger thingy ~ smirk ~ anyways, the British just let them have the damn land because they didnt have the man power to take it over at the time. Thats History! And it's All True

[Edited on 20-11-2003 by Sapphire]

Ho really ?

I thought that first the French had stole Qu�bec to the natives, after that the english had stole Qu�bec to the french, after the americans had tried to stole Qu�bec to the english, but failed because french canadians are headless fanatics ( that's the reason why we are capable of enduring you
) after the french canadians stole Qu�bec to themself... That's history, et oui, ce n'est que la stricte v�rit�.

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Salem

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Salem

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Silk
well Sapphire

Thank you - i never thought of BC as fans

Damn Rights we are!! hehe Besides the fact that I'm a Brit, there are quite a few Brits in BC and being a Commonwealth Country, Canada favors England quite a bit over other countries.

Hmmm I know that Ontario favor USA... It's pretty different from a province to another. But I still think that the power of that country should remain to BC, far, very far, from that old High and Low Canada BS

hmm well, you forget my fellow Canuckie that it was the French who stole Quebec from the Brits to begin with, the only reason the French got away with it was because they whined so loudly the Brits covered their ears and ran away yelling Pluck Yew Pluck Yew, heh ok just kidding about the pluck yew bit, that was France, yes yes the Brits created the word # and the middle finger thingy ~ smirk ~ anyways, the British just let them have the damn land because they didnt have the man power to take it over at the time. Thats History! And it's half True

[Edited on 20-11-2003 by Sapphire]

Ho really ?

I thought that first the French had stole Qu�bec to the natives, after that the english had stole Qu�bec to the french, after the americans had tried to stole Qu�bec to the english, but failed because french canadians are headless fanatics ( that's the reason why we are capable of enduring you
) after the french canadians stole Qu�bec to themself... That's history, et oui, ce n'est que la stricte v�rit�.

heh, jolly good mate. apart from the enduring comment which i believe you've got backwards err, it's the other way round

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Salem

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Salem

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by Silk
well Sapphire

Thank you - i never thought of BC as fans

Damn Rights we are!! hehe Besides the fact that I'm a Brit, there are quite a few Brits in BC and being a Commonwealth Country, Canada favors England quite a bit over other countries.

Hmmm I know that Ontario favor USA... It's pretty different from a province to another. But I still think that the power of that country should remain to BC, far, very far, from that old High and Low Canada BS

hmm well, you forget my fellow Canuckie that it was the French who stole Quebec from the Brits to begin with, the only reason the French got away with it was because they whined so loudly the Brits covered their ears and ran away yelling Pluck Yew Pluck Yew, heh ok just kidding about the pluck yew bit, that was France, yes yes the Brits created the word # and the middle finger thingy ~ smirk ~ anyways, the British just let them have the damn land because they didnt have the man power to take it over at the time. Thats History! And it's half True

[Edited on 20-11-2003 by Sapphire]

Ho really ?

I thought that first the French had stole Qu�bec to the natives, after that the english had stole Qu�bec to the french, after the americans had tried to stole Qu�bec to the english, but failed because french canadians are headless fanatics ( that's the reason why we are capable of enduring you
) after the french canadians stole Qu�bec to themself... That's history, et oui, ce n'est que la stricte v�rit�.

heh, jolly good mate. apart from the enduring comment which i believe you've got backwards err, it's the other way round

Maybe you're right... but while I'm thinking to it... Non ! It's still the same...
Que voullez-vous ? C'est mon c�t� fran�ais !

Ps: I still don't understand why you came up with that French/English Bs annie

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 10:44 PM
hey thomas

i can't really have a discussion with you if are relying entirely on your new sources form CNN and the rest of the right wing corporately owned media conglomerates the U. S. has to offer. I feel sorry for you if you truly believe that they are unbiased, and the coverage they are giving is total. Obviously thats why you think a majority of people are for this war, and that your coalition of the willing is comprised of REAL men. I'm not sure what that means really, but i suppose thats just the way of republican counterattack, when wrong, personally attack. I can say i'm not a pansy, nad do believe in a war if justified. Don't you think a UN sanctioned effort would have demonstrated that the world really believed that a war should be fought in IRAQ?
As for ignorance, i believe you should do some more reading, especially of polls taken outside of the US. Although if you want polls from wihtin your country than by all means i suggest reading Michael Moores newest book, Dude, wheres my country? He uses many of the smae gallop polls that are taken and used by all the major media conglomerates in the US, tv, radio, nad printed. I think you'll be surprised, nad maybe dismayed at how many non-men reside in your own nation.
I also think that people don't usually have a problem with war, as long as it isn't for reasons that are completly fabricated, and not for corporate gain. How many weapons of mass destruction have been found? Answer me that.
Here are some questions that miochael moore poses and ANSWERS in his book, asked to your president, answered by facts, and polling information:
1) Is it true that the bin Ladens have had business relations with you and your family off and on for the past 15 yrs?
2)What is the "special relationship" between the Bushes and the Saudi Royal family?
3)Who attacked the United States on Sept. 11th-- a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan, or your friends, Saudi Arabia?
4)Why did you allow a private Saudi jet to fly around the US in the days after Sept. 11th and pick up members of the bin Laden family and then fly them out of the country without proper investigation by the FBI?
5)Why are you protecting the "Second Amendment rights" of potential terrorists?
6)Were you aware that while you were governor of Texas, the Taliban traveled to Texas to meet with your oil and gas company friends?
7)What exactly was that look on your face in the Florida classroom on the morning of Sept. 11th when your chief of staff told you, "America is under attack?"

and finally what is a worse lie?
"I did not have sexual relationswith that woman, Miss Lewinsky" or
"He has weapons of mass destruction--the worlds deadliest weapons--which pose a direct threatto the united states, our citizens and our friends and allies."

Well where are all those weapons George?

P.S. Mr. Crowne, get the wool out of your eyes, you arrogant...

[Edited on 20-11-2003 by jawapunk]

posted on Nov, 20 2003 @ 10:59 PM
also i never said i was speaking for the entire British nation, but:

alot of pansies out there i guess, or maybe they aren't as higly "INFORMED" as you crowne. cheers and have some great reading

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 02:00 AM
It is quite obvious who the major foes of GWB and the white house are these days:

- other countries vying for world domination
- socialists and particularily unionists
- Democrats
- Anybody that thinks it is fashionable to attack GWB
- Satanists or atheists

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 02:01 AM
satanists and atheists?
can't compete with that logic

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
It is quite obvious who the major foes of GWB and the white house are these days:

- other countries vying for world domination
- socialists and particularily unionists
- Democrats
- Anybody that thinks it is fashionable to attack GWB
- Satanists or atheists

I second what THENEO said.

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 02:23 AM
Ho really ?

I thought that first the French had stole Qu�bec to the natives, after that the english had stole Qu�bec to the french, after the americans had tried to stole Qu�bec to the english, but failed because french canadians are headless fanatics ( that's the reason why we are capable of enduring you
) after the french canadians stole Qu�bec to themself... That's history, et oui, ce n'est que la stricte v�rit�.

heh, jolly good mate. apart from the enduring comment which i believe you've got backwards err, it's the other way round

Maybe you're right... but while I'm thinking to it... Non ! It's still the same...
Que voullez-vous ? C'est mon c�t� fran�ais !

Ps: I still don't understand why you came up with that French/English Bs annie

Eh?! annie?? make some sense man!!!!

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 02:28 AM
What I dont understand is why are those who dont want to pull a gun and shoot yee-haw! cowboy way, shoot first ask questions later, considered cowards!!?!?
I would say that is wise to assess the situation first, consider options, come up with REASONABLE strategy, then act. Goverment hasnt done that. They underestimanted the enemy, judged the whole situation wrong, organised THE worst campaign of all time AND they lied big time about it.
If a goverment betrays your trust you SHOULD and you MUST protest against it, otherwise they will do it again.
Brits are protesting, like many others, because goverment LIED to them about the resons for war. They are NOT supporting terrorists or Saddam. I would say they have more guts then mindless drones who nod to everything Bush says.

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 02:46 AM
Our PM (or soon to be vice president) followed Bush's lead with no question.
The british people who questioned this still supported the troops of both the nations.
Then all we get in return is a big slap in the face.

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 05:40 AM
Don't you just love it when people start a thread like this and then don't return to participate in the resulting debate?


posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by UniversalFiction
Don't you just love it when people start a thread like this and then don't return to participate in the resulting debate?


yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. It is indeed pathetic.

posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan

Originally posted by jawapunk
hey thomas crowne, i'm fairly sure that's not what the people form the UK here have posted, i think they firmly believe that those people you just called idiots, were demonstrating because they believe they've been lied to, been forced into a war by your president, and a war in which they didn't want to be involved, and the majority of Britons would rather shove a banger in their ass then have your president there on a state visit. The coalition of the willing? Whatever.

what would the britons do if terrorist pulled off a massive terror attack in Great Briton? say "bissiness as usual" and drink their tea?

[Edited on 11-20-2003 by KrazyIvan]

Firstly not all of British people drink tea, and as for terrorists attacks.

We have and hopefully will never have to see anything like what happened on 9/11 2001, but we have had our own troubles with terrorists, in the IRA for nearly 30 years, it hasnt been on the massive scale of 9/11, but people have been killed/murdered etc.

It doesnt matter how large or small the terrorist attacks are, it hurts/affects many thousands of people all over the world, is will never been forgotton.

And as for US being fools/idiots NO we aren't, but I could name a few Brit's that are.

The only foolish thing we did, was let BUSH into the country.

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