posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 10:29 PM
Originally posted by orionthehunter
I'm just wondering where all the artillery is going to come from if it's a one way trip. Must have bullets, must have bullets, phrase keeps
popping up in my head. haha
Yeah, just saw it. They're showing it again now.
It was pretty good, but one thing keep nagging me.
It's "Voyager". One way trip, new quadrant of space, limited resources, new enemies, none of the politcal BS from home, no contact, how will we
ever get home?
I guess they couldn't do it any other way, but it's a bit disappointing realizing "Voyager" did this concept years ago. It also looks more serious
(less jokey) than SG1, which was like Voyager compared to TNG.
Oh well. Extra hour of SG every week.
Like the Wraith Chick.
Our food does not need to agree with us.
But yea, bullets will be a problem. Since Replicators on this series aren't like on Trek.
[Edited on 16-7-2004 by RANT]