posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 06:15 PM
It has come to my attention that if one is dubbed a "liberal" you are automatically associated with the socialist left. You could quite possibly be
a communist and if in the US you are deemed a Democrat. Let me set the record straight. Liberal does not = democrat. Liberal does not = socialist
Being a liberal is thinking progressively. To quote the doomfiles:
But without experimentation,
no progress is possible.
The way the world can be
is forever held prisoner by
the way the world is.
Can fear of failure really
justify this paralysis?
The paralysis is brought about by conservative thinkers. This does not mean that progress is automatically good, it is just the belief of the liberal
that there is a better way out there somewhere.
Libertarians are also liberal. We only feel that security is provided by protecting freedoms. Like gun laws I suppose. The ultimate goal of the
libertarian is to be as free as possible. This means financially as well as socially. Therefore, libertarians are liberals but not socialists by a
In insites perfect world, the government would have far less control than it does. Less agencies, less funds being taxed out of the people to fund
stupid programs. I am the ultimate capitalist. I believe that if you want something bad enough there are ways to get it. I think leissez faire in
every issue my mind addresses. There would be no Drug Enforcement Agency, there would be no FDA (if consumers wanted clean foods, they would pay a
marginal extra cost to have their goods stamped with a private organizations seal of approval). No income taxes and no estates taxes either.Think to
yourself how many government agencies could be privatised, now picture them privatised and this is how I feel the country should be.
So how can a liberal, progressive thinker like me be uber-capitalist? It's about freedom in everything you do, utilitarian in believing that if your
actions do not harm others then they should be socially accepted. It's easy to comprehend, it isn't that hard and I think if you all stopped
believing that if you feel one way about a certain issue then you have to feel a certain way about another, you would see that you would probably be
on my boat. Snap out of it.
Stop calling Liberals democrats or socialists because you are not thinking outside of the box and it's very frustrating.