Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
I have some good advice for you.
Stay away from pot and other illegal drugs and if you really want to save yourself some money and a lot of needless headaches, stay away from tobacco
and alcohol, too.
That makes the whole issue of legalization a lot easier to deal with on a personal level.
I am not sure what you are saying.
Are you implying that I am a user of "pot" or "other illegal drugs"? Because that is how I am reading this.
I don't do drugs, so what advice do you have for me?
And what personal level do you mean?
The reason I posted this, is that I found it an interesting, and thought provoking, not because I have some personal interest in it.
Yes, I do have a problem with morality laws, and save the idiots from themselves laws.. Protecting the innocent from the idiots, I am all in favor of.
However, I do not think that is what current marijuana laws are about.
Does any one remember the commercials a few years back that stated that more people in suburbia are using marijuana?
But yet, where are most of the people in jail for selling and/or posession from?
Thre is a growing demand for hemp based products, in part because of the legalize marijuana campaign, I admit.
But farmers cannot take advantage of this because as far as I know, no species of hemp has been bred to be completely THC free.
I recall something where one type of hemp had been bred so that it was virtually THV free, VIRTUALLY, but because it has a slight trace of THC, the
entire crop had to be destroyed, even though one would have to smoke about 3 tons of the stuff to get a buzz.
And as far as medicinal use is, if there were no medicinal value, why then, as my memory recalls, at one point in time, you could get a special
prescription for marijuana.. This is 20 years or so ago at least, and it was for the treatment of glaucoma.
Thne that ceased.
Now mounting evidence has shown that it does have value, again for glaucoma treatment, and for those taking the cocktail of drugs for the treatment of
AIDS, as well as those undergoing chemoptherapy.
IF there were no medicinal value, why then would the drug companies rush out with their synthetic forms? Synthetic forms which are less effective than
the natural form, (as much as hybridized, bred for potantcy cannabis can be concidered natural), which can have detrimental side effects that make
them more dangerous for the immediate health of the person taking them.
The truth is, there is money in the so called war against drugs. And there is money in the pharacopia provided by the drug companies.
It pays to have more prisons built, than to have schools built, to push money into failing drug programs, than to give children a sense of value, and
worth, that pulls them out of the streets, and away from the illict drug culture, whether and a provider, or an imbiber.
Aside from the marijuana contriversy, there is that of hemp.
Today, cotton is at risk, from the dropping number of available bees to pollinate it, as bees are being infested at an alarming rate by varroa mites,
which have become resistant to the pesticides used to control them, as well as the emergence of the herbicide resistant plant, Palmer Amaranth, also
known as pig weed.
Hemp could well be the answer to both of these problems.