lets not totally discount the bemuda triangle as "hoax passe", there has been MANY unexplained happenings in that area aside from natural
A ship was found with no people on board, a true ghost ship. a journal found in the captins cabin spoke of lights circling the ship and a strange
"humming" in the air that persisted only at night.
Christopher coloumbus was apparently witness to a "green fireball" shooting out of the ocean in this area, and "stars that seemed to move of their
on accord" seen by the whole crew.
And a very strange incident was experienced by the entire crew of a ship when their compasses started going crazy etc., and they said they could feel
static in the air.
After a few hours of wondering what to do (compass still freaking out), a large "wall" like structure appeared on their radar,its length extended
well beyond their range of the radar and they were heading right for it.
The captin decided to check it out thinking it may have something to do with the strange happenings. as they aproached, on the radar it said they
were 100ft from it but they couldnt see it, they had the search light on and kept approaching, the sea;it was noted was extrodinarely calm. The radar
was saying they were right on top of it....and then suddenly thereit was, the search light lit up a grey wall of some sort that seemed to go straight
up and infinately long...(now these are credible witnesses captin with 32yrs experience,crew of 20 odd, all question seporatley and gave the same
testimony. At the time i watch the documentary this was on,i was thinking.."electrically charged anomalous fog"?.. they should have thrown something
at it to see if it was solid.)
After they looked at it for a while (not alot else you could do i s'pose) they decided to back off to a safe distance, get some sleep and have a
look at the situation in the morning light. when they woke in the morning, it was gone, their compasses were working and that night with the help of
the stars they assertained their rough postion and to there suprise they were 300miles off course...IN ONE DAY, the only conclusion that they could
reach was that what ever they had experienced had some how moved them of course.
Very strange stuff, theres plenty of documentaries out there available on the net.
But hey, until someone comes back with some video footage of whats really happening, will proberbly never know..(however i deem that unacceptable...so
hopefully we WILL one day know).