posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 09:48 PM
Masons aren't attacked, although slimes such as yourself give Masons a black eye. Luckily, there are more decent ones than dirtbags, so your
ignorance does little harm. As a matter of fact, I highly doubt that you are a mason, and if by some chance you are, you haven't been one for very
long at all.
Once again, dum-dum, I called you an idiotic pseudo-bigot; there's a difference. You don't seem too bright at picking up on such subtleties, which
is why a post thread had to be moved from terror to religion.
Speaking of grand stupidity, the Pope (who is Catholic, not Christian. There's a bit of a difference) did not condone Hitler's actions. You are
obviously another one who mixes fact up with fiction. Try a little research and you'll find the error.
The Spaniards did not kill the Indians in the name of Christ, but in the name of $$$. Once again, no Christianity there.
I wouldn't say that I'm representative of Christians or not, Christians come in different styles of personality as everyone else. Some can actually
stomach reading tripe of your low caliber, others, such as myself, cannot without responding
By the way, I don't throw Bibles; throwing a Bible at you would be akin to throwing pearls to swine.