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Australian Yowie - Bigfoot Down Under

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posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Lemon1148
Hey man, A few years ago I was staying at a friends farm and I think we saw the same thing you described, there was a few animals going missing around that time too, dogs found killed and birds with wings and necks shredded. Anyway, we were out shooting fruit bats at night, when we saw something lumbering and making growling noises in some bushes near a fence, at first we thought a kangaroo was caught in the barbed wire. It was fairly close by, just near the trees that the bats were in, so we went to take a closer look, when the bushes just sort of exploded apart! So we just bailed back to the motorbikes and rode home as fast as we could. The next morning we went back to the spot and the fence was ripped apart, we both thought that whatever it was must have had fairly tough skin, as there was no fur or flesh caught on the barbed wire.
Though in our story, the creature seemed more scared then aggressive and there was no bad smell. I also found out that most of the Aboriginal stories of Yowies were just to scare children and misbehaver's into being good though.

Thanks for the post!

Sounds like typical Yowie behavior and location.

Interesting point about the Aboriginal stories though. I talked to the local elders here a while back and they said that they did use the story to control troublesome children, but that the story did have a basis in fact. The Yowie, as with all of Aboriginal history, connected to the ancestor spirits from the Dreamtime.

Possibly an angry spirit itself?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 05:13 AM
Hi guys. This is an interesting set of posts. Id invite both the guys who has experiences to visit my yowie site at, check out my book and PLEASE drop me a line. I'd love to find out more about your experiences. Cheers.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
Interesting point about the Aboriginal stories though. I talked to the local elders here a while back and they said that they did use the story to control troublesome children, but that the story did have a basis in fact. The Yowie, as with all of Aboriginal history, connected to the ancestor spirits from the Dreamtime.
Possibly an angry spirit itself?

I (I'm Lemon1148) didn't mean yowies aren't real, they are one of the crypto's I actually beleive in.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 07:48 AM
I would like to share a story of an experiance I had when I was a teenage more the 10 years ago now. Just the thought of the experiance still sends chills up my spine and through my body.

My home while as a child was on a remote mountainous property apart of the new england national park in nothern new south wales. I spent more then 10 years living here. My Parents still live on this property.

The story goes. I used to ride my fathers trail bike around this property usually at a fast pace for thrill seeking purposes. This property is full of old fire roads through thick remote bush land. So one day riding around I decided to go down a track that I very rarelly visited, as there was allways a strange feeling in this particular area of the property. Others that lived around there had also felt this. Anyway, riding down this old over grown track, my dog racing along beside me, as he always did. I stoped, a feeling of dread and horror came over me! my hairs standing on end. As the road was narrow and on the side of mountain, my reaction was to jump of my bike and start turning it around. By this point my dog had fled the area, nowhwere to be seen. As I jumped back on my bike, I heard (Approx 5m off) very large heavy foot steps coming down the hill towards me through the long grass. (Bascially sounded like a large Human footsteps, the image of Yowie entered my mind) So petrafied by this point I could not look back and I hit the throttle hard. Half way back down the hill I found my dog heading for home and I did the same. When I got back to the house my mum said I Looked like I saw a ghost, hair still standing on end. Needless to say I did not go riding again for along time.

She still remembers to this day, how scared I was and says she has had similar experiance of feelings that something is watching. Others that had lived there also had similar stories of feelings that there was somthing watching in that area.

There are also aboriginal stories of the hairy man living along that mountain range, the area was avoided by the aboriginal tribes before the settlers and was a place they sent there people as punishment.

It should be mentioned that I know the sounds of the bush. There are wallabys around the area and I have seen and know the sound they make when bounding. They always run away not towards. This experiance was unlike any sound I have ever heard.

I have had many other experiances of something watching from the surrounding landscape on many occassions. Still to this day whenever I return I have the feeling that this thing! things are watching. My mother has has the attitude of im not bothering it so it doesnt bother me and my dad wont say anything and chooses to ignore it.

The thought of that experiance still freaks me out. What ever it was, was unknown to me and I still have trouble passing through that area.

Anyways, I hope this valid, just thought Id share my story. Im open to any suggestions.

Ps. Sorry for the terrible grammer.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by fooffstarr

Hi fooffstarr,
Great post man.
I had my Yowie experience in 1981 whilst working on a dairy farm in Doriggo, NSW. I came across it amongnst the cows, whilst exploring the edge of the Dorrigo State Forrest. it bolted into the bush. It was approximately 9 foot tall and had size 19 feet (From its footprints). This experience freaked the # out of me and I don't tell many people about it.
So what do you think they are? (Yowies)

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:40 AM
I don't know if this helps or not, but since there are many examples of convergent evolution on Oz and NZ in terms of apex predators and analogues of mammalian species -

Could Yowie be a marsupial version of Sasquatch?

Apologies if this is already settled, I did a search but didn't find anything.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:39 AM
Hey this sounds real interesting i've actually never really heard of a yowie before? Other than those little chocolate things tha were like kinder surprises called yowie power which had a little toy inside?

what are they meant to look like, because right now all i can picture is some cute little fuzzy thing filled with chocolate

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by fooffstarr

In case you don't want to be too specific.....

Can you offer a general idea as to where your encounter occurred?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 04:23 AM
Hi guys
I am new to ATS although I have been lurking for a while. I joined because someone I know has recently had an encounter with a yowie and I thought you guys might be interested. A couple of weeks ago this lady came in to where I work and seemed to be a bit troubled.
I asked her if she was ok then she told me about how she and her friend had seen a yowie the a couple of nights before. It was standing in the culvert at the side of the road and seemed a dazed by headlights.She could see its fur move as she drove past and was a classic yeti shape with no neck from the picture she drew. She is a down to earth kind of person so I totally believe her. Has anyone else heard of this incident yet? It was reported in the local paper.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by grumpy64
Hi guys
I am new to ATS although I have been lurking for a while. I joined because someone I know has recently had an encounter with a yowie and I thought you guys might be interested. A couple of weeks ago this lady came in to where I work and seemed to be a bit troubled.
I asked her if she was ok then she told me about how she and her friend had seen a yowie the a couple of nights before. It was standing in the culvert at the side of the road and seemed a dazed by headlights.She could see its fur move as she drove past and was a classic yeti shape with no neck from the picture she drew. She is a down to earth kind of person so I totally believe her. Has anyone else heard of this incident yet? It was reported in the local paper.

G'day grumpy....

Where was this?

Kind regards

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 07:51 PM
This is in NSW Taree area in a location called Krambach. There was an article in the local Wingham Chronicle paper but there were errors in their report of course. The lady went back to the spot the next day and they found footprints and strong smell of urine sround a sapling that had been stripped of bark. The thing that surprised her about these prints were that the creature had 3 toes on each foot- what on earth is this thing- a giant sloth?
Anyhow, this is not the first report of a yowie in this area but the other reports have described them as having yellow hair but this one was dark.
If I can get photos of the footprints I will try and post them.


posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by grumpy64
This is in NSW Taree area in a location called Krambach. There was an article in the local Wingham Chronicle paper but there were errors in their report of course. The lady went back to the spot the next day and they found footprints and strong smell of urine sround a sapling that had been stripped of bark. The thing that surprised her about these prints were that the creature had 3 toes on each foot- what on earth is this thing- a giant sloth?
Anyhow, this is not the first report of a yowie in this area but the other reports have described them as having yellow hair but this one was dark.
If I can get photos of the footprints I will try and post them.


Thanks grumpy.....

I was asking in case it was in an area I am familiar with. However I don't know the Taree area that well, other than staying in town on occasions where I had to some work up there, a few years ago.

I guess it's easy to guffaw at such things until it happens to you.

Kind regards

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