posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 10:06 PM
Being part of the military would be a great advantage! Mostly the Navy.
If you are able to operate on a skeleton crew on lets say an aircraft carrier, or large ship that is well supplied and stay out of the open oceans
where you would have to deal with hurricanes, or other extreamly bad storms.. Chances of living threw a Zombie attack would be my choice.
Hunker down upon a large and well supplied ship or aircraft carrier.
Zombies couldnt climb up those large ships to get inside.
And you just need to stay where the water is deep enough they can not get themselfs meshed into the gears, and propellers of the ship.
So I would want to be on a well stocked house boat. Cruise ship.. Or aircraft carrier for any zombie outbreak.
Land is just to dangerous.. Yet with ships.. the issue would be having enough supplies to last you so you didnt have to port and restock.
But sooner or later you would have to restock.. Thats when you have to take everything else said in this thread to heart..
Out in the waters you are pretty safe.. More so than any roof top. Mountain or otherwise well defended spot.
The zombies that can not reach you on a boat or ship would be my best idea of saftey.. Yet its important to note.. supplies are limited, and nothing
lasts forever.. But lets say 25 men on an aircraft carrier that was well supplied to keep you going to about a year or so..
And then you just have to make sure you dont run ashore.. Or your a sitting duck.. As you have now crashed your ship, and zombies can breach the hull
if its cracked open run a shore..
Rivit city in Fallout 3 is one of the better safe havens of this new world..
Why? Because it is surrounded by deep water, and no one can get on the ship or off the ship without the say so of those in charge..
But a full manned ship wouldnt last to long.. supplies would be used up to fast.. And if one person on the ship is infected.. Then the more people on
that boat means more zombies to deal with in the enclosed area..
Thats the base issue.. A secure zone with to many people could turn out to be a bad thing.. Where the less people you have, the better your chances
are.. Sadly enough you would have to leave many behind.. And have only a handful of people, enough to keep the ship running, and keep it out of harms
way when dealing with other non zombie realted issues..