I'm SO #ing tired of all the bull# that?s been going on last couple of years in European politics.
I've said it many times, and I get more
serious about it every day, I HATE EUROPE and I want to get out of here ASAP.
I'm tired of the bull# lies, political talk about the strength of the EU. I'm tired of the unity talk, while it's so obvious France and Germany are
the only countries that have something to say. I'm tired about the weak childish behaviour of the Dutch government towards the EU.
We're getting screwed. I'M GETTING SCREWED!
Billions of Dutch euros are stolen from us and given to the new EU countries. At the moment the Netherlands is almost the only country which national
budget is less than 3% over budget.
France and Germany (who created the 3% rule) are way over budget, and should be punished for it, as the EU law states. BUT, because France and Germany
basically ARE the EU, northing will happen about it.
In the meantime we (the Dutch) get to spend less on basically everything our country needs (more money to national healthcare, schooling, homeland
security etc...) and have to send even MORE money to the EU bank.
We should have never entered the EU in the first place.
It was said that it was good for our country, it was good for the Dutch economy, blah blah blah. The only thing that has happened to our country is
that every year, millions, billions of euros are STOLEN from us.
I want to get out of here, ASAP.
I've been reading a lot of articles about Dutch people emigrating to Australia, or the United States.
Two weeks ago the largest Dutch newspaper wrote about why so many people are leaving this country. One of the main reasons was, it's just not fun
anymore. Living here, working here is not fun anymore. More and more people are struggling with stress-related problems.
Traffic jams on every major highway, trains that never arrive on time (or don't arrive at all).
This year, during the first quarter 30,000 people left Holland to live elsewhere, during the second quarter, 32,000 people left. During the Third
quarter, 55,000 people left!
Estimates are, that this year the number of people emigrating will be as high as is was just after the Second World War...
I still have 2.5 years of college to go (if all goes well), but after that I'm outta here.
[Edited on 17-11-2003 by Zion Mainframe]