posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 08:39 AM
Mechanic, you were saying that because of your background and expertise in computer graphics (which is considerable, btw), you have a hard time
believing that those photographic images of those 'aliens' shown in this thread are real because you already know how easy it is to manipulate such
images to make them look differently where the final product can look differently from the original. Well I'm not debating you on that one but I too
have an educational and career background in art where for many years I was one of the top trompe-l'oeil muralists (lol, but that's not saying much)
in my geographic area working in the interior design industry. The below images are some things I aleady have on my hard drive -- just posting it here
to back-up what I'm saying...
I've since (for the past 12 years or so) have moved on to work as a free lance graphic artist and illustrator in the printing industry where most of
my work involves computer graphics, of course ... so I do believe that I have the expertise in this area to authoritatively analyze photographs and
images to determine if they've been tampered with or not. And in fact, I've pointed out that those 3 images of those grey's that I posted that were
on that website have in fact been tampered with but only in minor area's.
But having said this, in addition to my expertise in the fine arts, graphic arts and computer graphics (and this includes photography), unlike you, I
also have a background in video Instrumental Transcommunication where for over a year now I've been recording and analyzing those frames of those
movies and those anamolous images that have been showing up in them. I have a knack for having anomalous images showing up in my movies on
I've also spent a considerable amount of time analyzing those movies and frames of movies recorded by other ITC experimenters -- and because of my
interest in Ufology,
I've also analyzed hundreds of photographic images and movies in this field too. So yes, I do feel more than qualified to post my analytical comments
of these photo's that claim to be of alien beings as to their veracity or not. I'm just saying that when analyzing such images, it's a whole lot
more than just evaluating things on a technical level but obviously, that's the starting point when analyzing such media. But once the technical
aspects of those images more or less check out, one then moves on to see if those anamolous aspects of those images are there -- and believe me, in
the real one's they are there.... but only those with the kind of background (or one similar to it) that I have in video ITC would be able to pick
those things up. I should say, that the results of my own ITC experiments speak's for itself where it gives clue just how strong my expertise in
isolating those anomolous images are -- and I also should add that most of the top ITC researchers out there are familiar with my work.
At any rate, I felt it necessary to inform those here of my background in case anyone is wondering why I'm analyzing those images I've been posting
here and then posting my tentative conclusions as to their veracity or not. I can see that some of you would appreciate this information.
[edit on 23-12-2006 by Palasheea]