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Alien Communication and the Evolution Homo Sapiens IS Now Underway

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posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 07:16 PM
So what, you guys are getting high with electronics? Using electronic waves to see aliens?

I don't want to sound like a killjoy here, but someone has to say what's up. To all of you who tried this, is it working, are you in actual contact with the Gray aliens?

Is this some sort of high on sound waves or something? Why do we need to put this frequency? Can't you just concentrate and call the aliens.

P.S. you'll fry your brain.

[edit on 14-12-2006 by Cabanman]

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 07:20 PM
As I've stated, I tried and got no results other than being relaxed. Though AA will probably blame that as some short comeing of my own.

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 07:50 PM
I'm first and foremost a believer. However I'm not gullible to any degree.

I tried this. As I tried the "other" faulty method AA posted in the "other" thread.

Gee I guess I'm not doing it right huh?

I tried it laying down. I tried it sitting up. I tried it four times since this thread was put up.

Calling BS.

I am very open minded. I believe in aliens. I believe in the power of the mind.

Your "lessons" fail to impress and fail to get results. Save for a select few.

Highly suspect in my opinion and I must wonder what your next "lesson" from this "exclusive" club will be?

Those who fail clearly fail because they aren't "doing it right" or as you state in your original post

ET (and I use the term ET to as a general acronym for all the species involved in observing earth) generally determines what, how, when, and where contact will take place it’s really never up to the individual unless your job enables you to initiate contact.

and this additional comment which absolves you of any responsibility for the BS you post AA.

you will be directed to the stream above you when the time is right.

how very convenient huh?

Clearly I, and anyone else "failing" to net the results you claim...failing to gain access to this "exclusive alien club"...well we just aren't ready right?

LMAO the aliens are deciding when I'm ready? So the fact that I was open minded enough to even attempt this "exercise" wasn't enough to grant a peek into the stream? The fact that I tried four times to rule out possible errors I was making...

Those who're just not ready and/or you are at fault and/or the sound wave is at fault, and/or your equipment is at fault...

Everyone is worthy of the benefit of the doubt. You have been given it by many, and indeed even by the Admin of ATS as you're still here...likely because you cover your butt well and have a few well versed critics-turned-converts.

I usually give a couple of chances to anyone...and I don't feel the fool for doing so either but you have no more chances left with me for what it matters - I am nothing in the scheme of your BS... You are a a tally would show...I'm not alone in that thought and belief.

I have no doubt that should the alien races truly want to communicate with human will not be an exclusive event.

There are other things I could make comment on but...hey...some things are better left unsaid.

Hopefully a few others will try it and offer you the same benefit of a doubt and be convinced once and for all that when AA's in the house, it's time to pull on the Hip Waders.

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 07:55 PM
I agree with the above

Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts � Please Review This Link.

[edit on 14-12-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 09:13 PM
I tried it earlier tonight and I have to admit that I was very peaceful and felt ... what's the word ... receptive? I started to think there was maybe something to this (and if you look at my previous posts I rarely delve into this sort of thing).

Then I thought to myself, "I wonder what it would be like if I just meditated with the image, but no tone." Same feeling. Interesting.

Then I thought what if I just sat in my room with the lights off and closed my eyes and concentrated on something peaceful. Same feeling.

So it appears, for me, that the techniques AA described do nothing more than what plain old meditation does. And at no time did I feel any sort of communication with any being of any sort ... instead, it was like the feeling you get when you first go outside into the snow on a bright sunny day ... blinding yet peaceful.

If anything, this thread has reminded me to take 10 minutes out of my busy day to meditate ... it really has put me in a very peaceful mood tonight. As far as contacting Grays, no dice.

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 09:35 PM
If earth is an experiment then I conclude it's a failure.

And I'm alien, so I can say this.

[edit on 14-12-2006 by laiguana]

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 10:40 PM
If AA is one of the 'chosen' elite and rare humans that has direct contact with the aliens, then may I recommend that we elect a new ambassador, purely on the observation that he/she doesn't represent the overall beliefs of humans as a whole, and holds him/herself on a higher podium than the rest of us. I want our representative to be a medium between both races, to be grateful towards the others, while still holding respect for us. To be able to both receive and provide valuable information. To bring our two species closer. Not to limit the human audience to an internet forum but to everyone of all nations.

Such an event is history making and therefore must be broadcast to all. Of course most will require proof of contact before giving their trust. Quick now, inform the masses! Don't be selfish, all must know, the importance of this is gigantic!

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
If earth is an experiment then I conclude it's a failure.

And I'm alien, so I can say this.

And this comment has what exactly to do with the OP's request of his particular experiment and their results?

Any response to my previous post AA?

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
Alien Communication and the Evolution Homo Sapiens IS Now Underway

They are EVERYWHERE, right next to you

Hi, thanks for the info; it is rather timely for me to read this but I wont flame you and take the weeeee our of the information you share.

People are so quick to slam info, but what they fail to realise is that there is a huge universe out there and our solar system is tiny in comparison to others. Our solar system is also very 'young' and I think people need to stop walking around with their head up their rectums and look at the undercurrent and the big picture.

Thanks for the info, really very helpful.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
If earth is an experiment then I conclude it's a failure.

And I'm alien, so I can say this.

That's pretty funny. I'm a human and I conclude it's been a success. You'd be hard pressed to find the level of difference in consciousness as you do on this planet. What other enlighted beings can go get a Big Mac whenever they want? The sheer amount of diversity on this planet is staggering. That alone is worth the price of admission to this show.

As far as the stream, if you aren't contacting grays, given the written evidence about them and the track record of their chosen humans, I would say you are lucky.

I've used Brainwave Generator of and on for over a decade now. I can say there are far better presets than this ELF. I've never gotten any effect from any of the presets other than relaxation. Oh and listening long enough, when I take off the headphones everything sounds different for about 30 seconds. That's about the coolest experience I could get from it.

There are nearly 700 presets for BrainWaveGen now. It took forever to download them, put them in the preset file one by one, and copy all the descriptions. But I would say it's worth it. Good for meditation. No alien contact though. No OOBEs either. But it's a really cool effect to feel the sounds moving back and forth between the hemispheres of the brain.

[edit on 12/15/2006 by Arm Of Geddon]

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 07:03 AM
Wasn't sure how to approach this, so I just looked at a picture of the flower of life, got it in my head and visualized myself sitting on it with the numbers around me.

I think a prerequisite here is successfully being able to visualize the flower of life, yourself sitting in it, and four numbers stationed around you.

That said, I was able to sit and relax myself and visualize that entire scene pretty well. I made the flower of life a bright, glowing wireframe version of it, stretching off into the distance, and imagined the numbers as bright, glowing numbers.

I sat for the 13 min. 30 sec. that the tone plays (I know, because I can hear my speakers click off when it ends). I can't report anything other than feeling calm.

I'm almost positive that this is not a thing where you turn on the tone and snap out of your body or hear a dial tone. Given this, I'll assume I need to sit a couple of more times.

I think tones can help, but it takes the tones and a receptive and "tuned" individual to make this work. AA can correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm going to try this another couple of times to see what happens, but the first two times only produced the same sensations that meditation produces.

Here's a link to the Monroe Institute's website (below). They have been working with tones for years (at least 10-15?). I understand they have chambers that people can enter and leave their bodies. Their institute is in Virginia.

Here's the link - Monroe Institute

[edit on 15-12-2006 by OnTheDeck]


posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Here's a link to the Monroe Institute's website (below). They have been working with tones for years (at least 10-15?). I understand they have chambers that people can enter and leave their bodies. Their institute is in Virginia.

Here's the link - Monroe Institute

i wouldn't drag the Monroe Insititute into this, other than to say, they pioneered a technique very similar to the one AA is proposing.

you saw your technique in the viewer right?
why have the grays authorized you to offer a new technique?

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 09:34 AM
If this thread is never going to actually discuss the content and/or outcome of communications with aliens, greys, grays, whatever.....

Why, is it in the "Aliens and UFOs" thread?

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 09:56 AM
Hi JsR,

How are your headaches?

The greys did not authorize this techniqe I ssmple asked for help because of the results from my last attemped. Because I feel so stongly and passionate about this that I am bearing the full frontal assult from the hornest nest to try and help you all to esteblish contact.

Before you pointed it out I had no formal knowledge of the insttute.

It will happen....



posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
Hi JsR,

How are your headaches?

i never suffer form headacches. well...except for the occational hang-over that is.
you must have me confused with someone else.

have the grays ever helped you in any material way?

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 10:21 AM
I have never received any materials in terms monatery gains if that's what you mean?

But I was given an item from the gays that is what appears to be a very old egyptian statue of a goddess.



posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
I have never received any materials in terms monatery gains if that's what you mean?

But I was given an item from the gays that is what appears to be a very old egyptian statue of a goddess.


the who?
sorry, i couldn't resist.
no, what i mean is, have you ever recieved any information that directly helped you in the material world?

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 10:56 AM
Yes I have received information that has allowed me to alter my own 3rd demensional cage.



posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
Yes I have received information that has allowed me to alter my own 3rd demensional cage.


any examples?

and im just curious, why call it a 3rd dimensional cage?
do you have any contempt for the 3rd dimension?

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 11:31 AM
Detailed information on the following but not limited too:

Variety of species now observing the great experiment know as planet �earth�.

Knowledge of advanced technology (soon to be shared)

Seeing reality as god meant it to be seen

Understanding of the conscious in a new shade of pearl

Among other things�.

I have no contempt for the 3rd dimensional reality I only feel sorry for those that are stuck in it and have not woken up yet�. But the changes are now underway..

I call it a 3rd dimensional cage because 99.9 percent of the human consciousness is still asleep from greater humanity. Once you understand that the consciousness is UNLIMITED then you will begin to see beyond the wall of our cages.


Time under our current path is at an end; the new age is upon us and nothing in the multiverse can stop it.

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