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The Hogfather

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posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:38 AM
The two part television adaptation of Terry Pratchett's book Hogfather is showing on Sky on the 17th (Sunday) and 18th (Monday) of December.

Now I'm very sceptical of any potential film or television adaptation of any of Terry Pratchett's work as I'm such a big fan of his, but I must say the Hogfather is looking fantastic!

From the trailers and short documentaries I've seen they've kept very much to the Discworld theme of the weird, the wacky and the down right wonderful with a hint of dark humour.

I'll be watching, and I recommend you do as well

Hogfather Sky Homepage
Wikipedia: Hogfather
IMBd: Hogfather

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 08:59 AM
Terry Prattchet is great. I haven't read Hogfather. This might be a good reason to go out and get it, and then check out the tv presentation.

Pratchett's human would be hard to translate to a film. A lot of the comedy is in the narration, which isn't easy to convey in a movie or anything like that. But the guy is hilarious, so the attempt, even if not perfect, is sure to be funny and worthwhile!

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 05:33 AM
Having watched the first part last night I'm very impressed with the television adaptation, the actors they have to play the parts fit in extremely well.

The only problem I have, and its a big mistake on the part of the actor is that of the role of Mr Teatime, he's a doppleganger of Mr Wonka from the modern adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, from the little creepy giggly laugh to the way he speaks, its very annoying to be honest.

Apart from that, I can't wait for the second part tonight!


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