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WILL you stop with the erotic ads!

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posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:11 AM
This soo called find you mate ads is pissing me off.This is not a porn forum.You guys are showing women in skimpy outfits,i thought ads for non regsitered members.Plz remove that offensive obscene ad.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:15 AM
I just want to know if this offend's your religion or what ever with these women in skimpy outfits if so does that mean you never watch any films or tv as this would offend you even more? I say deal with it it's life!

I alsobelive they can't chnge them as there a part of the ats sponsers but don't hold me on that one

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
This soo called find you mate ads is pissing me off.This is not a porn forum.You guys are showing women in skimpy outfits,i thought ads for non regsitered members.Plz remove that offensive obscene ad.

I am female and haven't even noticed them..Maybe they are getting you hot under the collar

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:37 AM
Worst Ads Ever!

The Admin have been running this thread for quite some time, to discuss Ads that the memberships deem inappropriate.

I actually think this one may have been brought to their attention a few times already. Check out a few of their pages and see if it has been.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:46 AM
oh god lol
grab a beer, sit back and let the goodtimes roll man,
your not on the site to look at the ads are you ?
If u dontlike them then just dont look at them? it aint rocket science bud.
im sure theres more to do around here then look at adds you dont like mate.
jeesus christ build a bridge ,


posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:47 AM
It has been pointed out numerous times that the administration of ATS does not pick the ads that are run. The ad networks that ATS is affiliated with do.

SO has indicated in the thread that was linked above by chissler that if an ad comes up that you do not feel belongs on here to please post it up in that thread and he will remove it from circulation.

I personally think that SO has done a fine job in removing ads that aren't appropriate for our audience once they've been pointed out in that thread.

As such please continue the discussion over there. This thread is closed.


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