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Bush Sr. calls for New World Order 9/11/90, 11 years exactly before Flight 11 hit the 110 story 'Tw

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posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:20 AM
George Bush, Sr. calls for a "New World Order" Sept. 11 1990

So how many times can you find the number 11 in this connection? Post any 11 coincidences you know of.

Sept. 11, 1990 Bush Sr. calls for NWO
Sept. 11, 11 years later,
Flight 11 crashes into to towers that
spell 11 - the ones are the buildings...the towers themselves
were 110 or 11.0 stories tall.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:24 AM
Prince of Peace,

You registered on to ATS yesterday and have now opened 3 threads with links that go to a site where the name Prince of Peace appears and the video on the site is easily obtainable form youtube or google video.
It seems obvious you are trolling for hits on your site.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:27 AM

there is exactly 44 characters in that STATEMENT.

there were 4 planes used.

44/4 = 11

There are 11 characters in september11

11+11 = 22

Bush Snr has 7 character

22 + 7 = 29

The computer next to me has a name of UFCP0031
3+1 = 4

29 / 4 = 7.25

7.25 times by the number of englishmen likely to be run out for ducks in the 3 ashes test
7.25x10 = 72.5

minus the number of points the allblacks will beat the aussies in the worldcup

72.5-61.5 = 11

Holy bajesus... your right..

1 1

God dammit, so your telling me 11yrs before those planest hit we shoulda been able to see this attack?

* hangs head in shame *

If only we hadda known what to look for!

sigh.. my point is.. you can make anything mean anything from anything based on anything using any number you damn well please.

[edit on 12-12-2006 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:32 AM
Go easy on the new person. He's got something here.

With Bush Sr. crying the other day about his sons accomplishments, i'm sure these were tears of joy, the fact that Jr. has put forth what he so yearned for.

Jr. has made them some money, hasnt he?

He's so proud.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 12:20 PM
I know the whole "Numbers" thing is abit crazy........


the only reason people don't see why numbers should be envolved is exactly that..."they dont see why".

But why must THEY need the "reason" to see the ANYTHING

There IS alot of strange number coincidences in the world with alot of things, (and occult practices in high places DO go on ), but none more stranger than richard hoaglands work on the space shuttle lauches coinciding with the position of stars (ill come back with a'll take me a while to find it). the stars, namely SIRIUS and ALNAK (forgive bad spelling on Alnak,its not too far off), the latter is a star in Orions belt and BOTH STARS ARE THE VERY SAME STARS THAT THE SHAFTS IN THE GREAT PYRAMID POINT TO.
During SS launches these stars were found to be either 33 or 19.5 degrees elevation from the horizon....and let me tell you (you'll have to take my word for it untill i find the link) THERE ARE FAR TO MANY TO BE JUST COICIDENCES.

and as for strange, yer telling me this dont "weird you out" just a little bit.
The 20$ is the best, and yes
9+11 does indeed equal 20.


I could go on about quite abit more on this subject, but the info's a bit sketchy in my mind and i'd have to go back and read a few things, but hey, i'll come back with that Hoagland/SS/33/19.5 link. You could proberbly find it yourselves, i think its on The Enterprise Mission website, but coupled with not knowing what you're looking for, that site is a NIGHTMARE to navigate.

Back soon

[edit on 12-12-2006 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 01:02 PM
Why though?

Its like the crimes shows on tv.

I can never understand why the criminals leaves clues on purpose that can be figured out to stop there plans?

In real life BAD GUYS DONT TALK!

They dont use codes, or signes clear to people, but understood by a few.

Why not just pick up a telefone?

Alqaeda, The Present government, and 911... do not collaborate with numbers..

the NWO doesnt collaborate with numbers.

Im my personal opinion,
I believe that trying to decipher a code, within Dates, numbers, currency and rah rah rah is a waste of time.

yes the government is involved..

but there's no reason for it to be put under the noses of everyone, when only the elite are the ones in the know!

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 10:58 PM
The last time a plane hit a building in New York City was October 11th, 2006. That date can be written as month, day, and year as so:

10 11 06, or:


Now, go and write that out on a piece of paper, and turn the paper upsidedown, and you'll notice:

101106 turned upside down looks like 901101. The date coincides with the last time any planes flew into buildings in New York City.

posted on Dec, 17 2006 @ 12:18 AM
John F. Kennedy was assassinated on 11/22

posted on Dec, 17 2006 @ 04:52 AM
Agit8dChop You are absolutely true.

I totally agree with you. If the people Understand this numerology they have a International victim and bloody terrorist. Bush jr. is just a scam as his father. They never did good for their country; They Have Created Many enimies. They have put their sodiers on scafold by sending them to afghanistan and Iraq.
First the Talibaan were trained to fight against RUSSIA. When They kicked out Russia ( with financial and WEPONARY support of USA). Now Bush was secure enough.




When the most terrible incident 911 happened, Every one was crying for 911.

with best regards;

posted on Dec, 17 2006 @ 08:15 AM

does this mean 11:11, the time, the number, as a symbol, and as a time of day.. AM or PM.. is connected to the NWO too?

because i see 11:11 all the time. i used to never see it. then i read somethin about it and starting seeing it everywhere. its never gone away. and i wasnt like .. utterly believing what i read, i was being my usual skeptic cautious self.

If this is all true, then people who frequently see the symbol 11:11 in their everyday lives are actually recieving a message subliminally that they need to .. either bow down to the NWO, or to fight the NWO and discard their lies?

Or it could very well have nothing to do w/each other. It's just that 11:11 is a big deal with some people, and here you are saying theres an intimate connection between the number 11 and the NWO, and the terrorist attack, one that goes beyond the date of just the attack(9/11). For that alone i find this quite strange, does anyone else have any better grip on what they think im trying to say here? lol

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Now, go and write that out on a piece of paper, and turn the paper upsidedown, and you'll notice:

101106 turned upside down looks like 901101. The date coincides with the last time any planes flew into buildings in New York City.

Hmmm....that is kind of interesting, and spooky too. I don't know if it really means anything or not but it is kind of interesting.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 09:40 PM
I agree . . . this numerology is very interesting and it makes sense and is true that Bush Sr. make the comments about the NWO.

After all he is part of the Carlyle group.

Great analysis.

The truth is that every major crime in history has a signature to it.

Why not 9/11.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by etshrtslr
Prince of Peace,

You registered on to ATS yesterday and have now opened 3 threads with links that go to a site where the name Prince of Peace appears and the video on the site is easily obtainable form youtube or google video.
It seems obvious you are trolling for hits on your site.

Either he is not new and that is a mess up, or he was baned and came back on the same name? .. because there used to be a guy on this site by that name and I thought he was baned?

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 11:53 AM
September 11th has a special meaning to the people in the know.

I guess its because Adam Weishaup officially re-established the Illuminati in Bavaria, Sept. 11th 1776.

Maybe the date goes back further than that? I can't remember right now.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Great White Cheney

I guess its because Adam Weishaup officially re-established the Illuminati in Bavaria, Sept. 11th 1776.

The Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776, not Sept. 11.


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