posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:01 AM
While I agree that what both people are doing is bad, and imoral of a humans ability.
I think because the US illegially invaded, based on LIES, while CONTINUING to LIE... and CONTINUING to kill.. while MAIMING and SLAUGHTERING innocent
women and childeren BECAUSE OF THIS LIE.. WHILE LABELING anyone who tries to protect and defend there HOME OR FAMILY A TERRORIST, just so they can
seem to offer much more of a base to start dis-liking and dis-approving of US Tactics.
I mean, the UN didnt lie to the world, invade, occupy, continuing lying.. lock up, torture, rape people did they?
The UN Was against this war, saying more time was needed to declare whom was telling the truth...
well, it turns out IRAQ and SADDAM was..
but you dont hear much of that do you....
The UN isnt perfect..
but they tried to stop this absolute farse of an illegial occupation occuring because they saw the blood lust glowing from bush's/cheneys eyes when
they stood up and shouted pure FILTH...
Hate the UN if you want.
but jesus... You surely must hate the US government 1000 times more,
atleast thats what a smart / reasonable / respectable / honest / legitimate human being would be doing.
One party stands for peace,
One party stands for corporate greed.
Both result in the innocent dying, through actions direct and indirect.
Focus your anger where its needed, not at the only international party who has a CHANCE of helping this situation!