posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 06:52 PM
Uh actually... If someone did an economic course
What affects the value of the dollar?
Well! The same thing that affects everything you find at the local Mall
Offer & Demand
When people buy a lot of canadian goods (importations) they need canadian dollars, this lead to a higher demand of canadian dollars, wich mean a
higher VALUE of canadian dollars
Why is the US dollar an important money? because a lot of people around use it as a common trading medium. The same goes for the Euro
It's always the ratio of Offer & Demand, that is also why a Government cannot simply decide to print more money, as it will lead to a devaluation of
the money
For a country of only 30 million people, Having a dollar that is worth 90cents for 1 US is pretty good, that means we are a net exporter (wich is easy
to know about canada)
Edit: Oh just forgot, the thing about IMF owning all the Canadian natural ressources, uh sorry but where did you see that? Every country in the world
has debts... and almost every single person has debts... Hey I own the bank 2000$... Do they own my place? No they don't ... When was the LAST time
Canada couldnt honor a state debt? Just so you know, it never happened, that is also why State Bond is a safer value for your money than Stock Markets
RE EDIT: Another point I'd like to add, we are not a country that maintains it's money. We let our money float, unlike countries like China wich
use a fixed value money. Each system has his advantages and desadvantages but most occidental countries have a floating money
[edit on 14-12-2006 by CanadianGlasnost]
[edit on 14-12-2006 by CanadianGlasnost]