I remember 'RE' (religious education....sometimes called RI, religious instruction) at school 30yrs ago.
On some occasions the school also turned out to the local Christian Church too....never-mind all that being packed to 'Sunday School'.
That was all overtly and almost exclusively a focus on the Christian religion, all about Christianity and practically zero about anything else
- other than a passing mention of Judaism because of the obvious connection.
But I know times have changed and the focus is, I'm pleased to learn, much more about learning about different faiths and various religious practices
around the globe (even differing Christins practices), I know this is true of even the C of E Church schools and also friends who send their kids to a
(RC) Church school tell me so.
But at heart this is just the same old debate between ignorance and information.....with a topical dark hint of scary Islam.
Is more information a threat or a begining of indoctrination or is it better to keep children ignorant of such things and indoctrinate them in faiths
'we' approve of and/or claim to understand?
I quite like the idea of leaving them alone to make up their own minds on it all when they're old enough (teach them about the various religions of
the world by all means but I don't favour forcing them into any particular one, myself).
That should be their own private personal affair or not, as they prefer to choose.
I just don't see anything threatening about information and awareness of other faiths (of which Islam is just one).
In fact if it were a school in my area I'd be inclined to thank those supplying this pack (for free) for helping to educate my kids and rid them of
some of the ignorance so clearly at large about Islam.....
......here in NI we're still stuck trying to educate each other about the Protestant and Roman Catholic faiths and how each should not be scary to
the other.
Count yourselves lucky you've at least moved some ways on from the 17th century, unlike (sadly all too many of) us here in NI!
This information pack referred to in the dawn.com link is nothing more than an aid to learning in the classroom IMO -
it contains a headscarf, a prayer mat, a prayer cap, sacred Ihram clothing worn during the pilgrimage to Makkah, a poster of the Muslim prophets
and a compass to locate the direction of Makkah.
I see absolutely no reason for anyone to start pretending that the tiny minority of Muslims in the UK are now trying to
"brainwash our
Calm down, eh?
[edit on 11-12-2006 by sminkeypinkey]