posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 10:44 PM
I read what semperfortis wrote in the supposed thought of him saying he's better than other Marines.
First off, whether I agree with semperfortis or not, he's served his country well...he has the right to look down on a fellow Marine.
Does that mean I agree with his opinion...not necessarily.
Does this mean I see semperfortis as less of a man because of his choice of words or opinions...not necessarily.
People are people, whether they are Marines or citizens like you and Me. People, of all sorts have the right to their opinion...period.
I don't care what any law says or thinks.
I don't care what any politicians says or thinks.
I don't care what government agency says or thinks.
You, I, semperfortis, and the rest of the free born world or not so free born world...have the right to have an opinion.
What we don't have, is the right, the freedom, or the permission to necessarily express that opinion any more.
I will still stand My ground on anything I've ever said.
I will stand behind, beside, and in spirit with semperfortis...whether I agree with him or not, just like I will stand with any soldier, Police
Officer, or any other common or not so common citizen of the U.S.A. and any other country in the world.
I support, every single person on this planet, in having their opinion and the right to express it, whether I agree or disagree.
The line, gets crossed for Me though, when someone tries to force feed crap down My throat. I may listen to your opinion...I may respect your
opinion...I may understand your opinion...but that does not mean I will accept it for Myself, that's My right.
I'm tired of people force feeding their crap down other people's throats here on ATS.
Let semperfortis be.