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Why a missile could NOT have hit the pentagon

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posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 11:28 AM

Maybe they attacked the pentagon as a side track to the 2.3 trillion, so it would be forgotten by the main stream america (which it has)? Who knows. It could also be that they are not even related. Again, who knows. I bet Rummy knows something though.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 01:20 PM
Hey Griff~

Well creating a diversion...sure as hell did. Is that part of a conspiracy? My opinion is no....Was Rumsfield secretly happy this diversion was created.... um... the guy is a di%* sure he was!

Still, the trillion of dollars were not at the hands of only the Bush Administration. G Dumbya is an idiot....but I dont think he could have lost trillions in the 8 months he was in office. I would assume that this went back MANY administrations. Typical goverment BS.

[edit on 11-12-2006 by CameronFox]

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Griff
Maybe they attacked the pentagon as a side track to the 2.3 trillion, so it would be forgotten by the main stream america (which it has)? Who knows. It could also be that they are not even related. Again, who knows. I bet Rummy knows something though.

There were rumors, which I think are still unsubstantiated, that intelligence officers in the Pentagon were becoming upset and threatening to go public over some various issues, and these officers were subsequently killed on 9/11.

It is fact that a number of Navy officers were killed inside the Pentagon, which is odd considering that the wing that was hit had just wrapped up construction and shouldn't have yet been occupied.

LaBTop has also brought up questions regarding the hole in the C-ring, and the locations of banks of computers in that area of the Pentagon that he speculates stored sensitive information that had potential to be leaked. The C-ring hole, imo, was created by explosives. All the rest of the Pentagon mess, I won't even concern myself with, but that C-ring hole was pretty clearly blown out from the inside, and not punctured from the outside.

Check this out:

This act was allegedly to go public on September 11th, 2001.

This ties back into the economy, and the banking interests behind it. Even disregarding all of this, I've been led to believe that 9/11's immediate purpose was to support the US economy. Without 9/11, our economy would have had a devastating crash by now, and this crash has only been postponed by 9/11 and the subsequent invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Oil is being used to prop up the value of the dollar, and there is also evidence that illegal sales of opiates are being used to further prop up the US economy. In 2000, the Taliban began dismantling opium production in Afghanistan, eliminating it as a source of income for drug sales. After our 2001 invasion, opium production increased some 3000%, and you can find mainstream sources of this online with quick searches. You guys may or may not have heard about the CIA and other agencies being caught in the past running narcotics from foreign countries into the US in huge quantities, sometimes using front companies, such as the flight school in Florida where the hijackers were allegedly trained (more info).

Watch this video!!:

It's a presentation by former narcotics criminal investigator Mike Ruppert. Most of the stuff above, I can't properly source, but Ruppert does it himself in this presentation. Ruppert offers a cash reward for anyone that can successfully challenge the information he cites from public documents.

Originally posted by CameroFox
Still, the trillion of dollars were not at the hands of only the Bush Administration. G Dumbya is an idiot....but I dont think he could have lost trillions in the 8 months he was in office. I would assume that this went back MANY administrations. Typical goverment BS.

Same with 9/11, imo.

This money disappeared into the DoD, the Pentagon, and the companies it contracts to do all of its dirty work in terms of production, clean-up, construction, etc., not to mention probably a host of groups operating for black-budgeted programs, which may very well be exactly where most or all of this money went.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
As far as the lamp posts go...some say that trail of white smoke is the damage that was dont to that engine after it hit the pole.

God, I don't know how or why I get sucked into this debate....over ONE HUNDERED and FIFTY people saw a plane !!!

Well no actually the white smoke is said to be form the engine after hitting the generator, that was after hititng several light poles.

Yes the witnesses saw a plane, that does not mean it was flight 77, that has yet to be proven.

Originally posted by Griff
I saw a clip of a fighter jet piercing through a reinforced concrete wall. It was a test of some sort. In the clip, you can even see the wings penetrate the concrete.

BTW, Force equals mass times acceleration.

Well the thing is the fighter jet in the clip is an F-4 that is mostly made of steel and it was flying into a special reinforced wall that was made to protect nuclear plants.

So the question remains if a plane made moslty of steel could not penatrate that wall how could a plane made mostly of aluminum penatrate a reinforced concrete wall, collums and interior walls and then be almost completely destroyed by fire.

[edit on 11-12-2006 by ULTIMA1]

[edit on 11-12-2006 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

im in another thread with the same argument

there is such an overhwelming amount of evidence a plane did hit the building and it was an american airline plane.
the fact that the lightpoles got knocked over which the area cleared was the width of the plane.

what kind of damage do you think a plane traveling 500 mph full of fuel into the side of a buildnig is going to cause. heres the million dollar question. if this plane didnt hit then where is that plane?

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