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Video on How Schools Work

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posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 01:03 PM
Take a look at this video on education. It tells how schools indoctrinate people to confirm for industry.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 05:44 AM
Good find Crontab

After the student reads a passage about a group of vandals who would go around can-spraying people’s walls at night, the test asks the students: (possible answers: Yes, No, Maybe)

I would join the group the group if:

1. My best friend asked me to join.

The answer: Yes!

I would join the group the group if:

2.Most of the popular students were in the club.

The answer: Yes!

I would join the group the group if:

3.My parents would ground me if they found out I joined.

The answer: No!

These question are from the Pennsylvania EQA test (later incorporate it into the new PA Assessment System.)

Goal: Collectivism You are suppose to go with the group and avoid punishment.

The children are being thought to adjust to sudden change without complaining or revolting.

Before I keep viewing this video, (about 15 minutes in) is there’s anyone who could confirm that any of this is legit? This is/was on a test???

Just finished watching it, it’s really good. She knows her stuff. The lecture is from 1992. Has the state taken oven many schools since then?

I suugest checking out John Taylor Gatto, He gives an excellent history of how and of why schools train students to take orders easily and without fuss. It goes way back to the robber barons of the early 20th century.

[edit on 11/12/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 07:06 AM
Outcome based education is real. You can read more about it here
Probe Ministries

If you do a search on Outcome based education, you will come up with a lot of information. To be honest, IMO, they took what could have been a good idea, and twisted it to what would be best for them rather than what would be best for the child. And have stated it in a way that by only telling bits and pieces, would make a parent think it was ok. A lot of people want to see the way kids are educated change a bit. There are just too many twisted things about this style.

This part really bugged me.

It is in devising learner outcomes that one's worldview comes into play. Those who see the world in terms of constant change, politically and morally, find a transformation model useful. They view human nature as evolving, changing rather than fixed

Christians see human nature as fixed and unchanging. We were created in God's image yet are now fallen and sinful. We also hold to moral absolutes based on the character of God. The learner outcomes that have been proposed are controversial because they often accept a transformational, changing view of human nature. Advocates of outcome-based education point with pride to its focus on the student rather than course content. They feel that the key to educational reform is to be found in having students master stated learner outcomes. Critics fear that this is exactly what will happen. Their fear is based on the desire of reformers to educate the whole child. What will happen, they ask, when stated learner outcomes violate the moral or religious views of parents?

Im sorry but that really gave me the creeps.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
Good find Crontab

Before I keep viewing this video, (about 15 minutes in) is there’s anyone who could confirm that any of this is legit? This is/was on a test???

Yes I actually taken that test. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr I specifically remember it, since I thought it was really stupid. Now after she said what the correct answer to the first one was, I know I must have flunked the rest of it.

I can not specifically remember the time period. I think it was either in college or when I was being tested for a job at a temp service. If it was with a job service, I guess my records were incomplete.

You would think a normal thinking person would be glad to see the answer no. Personally I would think that would mean that they would be more likely to obey the rules and not get into trouble.

For me this even raises more questions. Why is all of this being tracked at the federal level? Why do they want a collective mentality with people who would become highly disruptive? Hmmm, is someone hoping for extreme riots so a federal emergancy can be declared and Martial law be enforced? Or do they want people's behaviour to become bad so the government would have a reason to try to control people's lives every second of the day?

Is there some other evil, nefrious purpose for all of this?

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
Outcome based education is real. You can read more about it here
Probe Ministries

Their fear is based on the desire of reformers to educate the whole child. What will happen, they ask, when stated learner outcomes violate the moral or religious views of parents?

Im sorry but that really gave me the creeps.

This reminds me of some verses I remeber reading in the Bible about the end times. Brother against brother, child against parent, and etc.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
Why do they want a collective mentality with people who would become highly disruptive?

I believe the point is that once people have a collective mentality and will just go with the flow and accept what they perceive as popular without questioning it, controlling them becomes a simple matter of telling them through the media what is popular and what everyone else expects.

The truly disruptive person (as far as the system is concerned) is the independent thinker who doesn't care what "everyone else" is doing and cannot be humiliated into submission.

[edit on 18-1-2007 by Groo the Wanderer]

[edit on 18-1-2007 by Groo the Wanderer]

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 04:19 PM
Very very VERY interesting video crontab. I managed to see it through to the end, although it gets a bit boring sometimes which can derail you a bit from the subject. Then again it is from 1992
. Scary part is that if they were doing that with the technology they had in 1992, monitoring each student and adapting his/her education to fit his/her character to a particular entities needs, imagine what technology these guys have access to today. Since they're probably founded by the Big $$$ Companies, they have virtually illimitable resources for monitoring students.

About the questions, I honestly can't believe how human beings actually put those questions on an exam. "Let's see Kim, you scored great on your self esteem, but you're a bit low on honesty, could you see if you could catch up on that during the weekend? Perhaps take some time off your self esteem study time?". Oh common, if that's happening in schools (And it is) it's beyond detrimental for the pupils normal growth process, it's just plain WRONG. No one has or should have the right to score people according to how he or she wants them to be.

There is a very thin line between indoctrination and teaching, and sadly that line is getting rubbed out with each passing day. I have a few basic understandings of Psychology, and knowing how impressionable children are, and applying the "Outcome based" education system, it is perfectly possible to make a child believe what you want him/her to believe from a very very early age.

Having seen this has made me reflect on how lucky I was to get out of that vicious cycle. I spent my elementary years in a typical small town elementary in the Whiteplains area, near New York. Due to having experienced that type of education first hand, I can collaborate the videos message.

I remember that just for being from Spain, I was treated differently than the other kids. I was always reprimanded by the teachers for not being how they wanted me to be. For example, just because I thought it logical to scratch my lower stomach when it was covered with a poison ivy rash, I was called to my teachers desk and told in a cold and angry way to go to the principles office.

There I spent around 1 hour thinking about why I had been sent there. When the headmaster finally deemed it was time, I got called into his office. He asked me why I had scratched myself there. I responded that it itched, it wasn't anything blatant, I didn't touch my "parts", I just had an itch and wanted to relieve it. Be it in the arm or in the lower stomach, I have a poison ivy rash, it's driving me mad, I scratch it, in a discret way too, it's not like I jumped on my desk and shouted "Look at me, I'm scratching my tummy cause it itches!" He threatened me saying that if "My current attitude" continued, I would be put in a separate class, all alone.

His response to my explanation was "Couldn't you have gone to the bathroom?". Sure, I'll just disrupt class by standing up from my desk, going out the door, going to the bathroom, coming back in and siting back down. It's so much more logical to do that than to just scratch your stomach, jeesh. Funny thing is, I later learned that it was a girl in the class that told my teacher about "My inappropriate behavior".

This may seem a funny anecdote, but it really represents how schools try to enforce collective acknowledgment of values, force people to add them as their own and show pupils to denounce "Inappropriate Behavior". This was 5th grade of Elementary. Funny thing is I came out of that school without knowing Europe even existed, or South America, or Asia, or Africa, or Australia etc. All I knew was all the states of the United States and how great they were.

I'm putting this as an example, there were countless other "Incidents" that occured, but I belive this one better shows you the absurdity of the situation. I was lucky to get away from the States, to Brussels. Thanks to that I'm writing this atm. Let's hope this changes


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