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Is this memorial a UFO landing area?

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posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 04:50 PM
I seen this and first thought that it looked like a great area for a UFO to land so there wouldn't be any ground contact, what are your thoughts?
I wonder why they chose this shape and configuration for a air force memorial?
Ok so if it is just a bunch of towers to help remember fallen soldiers why spend so much money time and effort for that cant that money be better spent on some new aircraft or spaceship or pillows?
This is a waste of money for dead guys who will never see it and if you want to remember them why not have a wall of names like the other memorial is that not cheaper cant they design something that can be used by the homeless for shelter or something more useful?
Just my weird observation maybe but what do you all think about it?

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by megaslayer
I seen this and first thought that it looked like a great area for a UFO to land so there wouldn't be any ground contact, what are your thoughts?
I wonder why they chose this shape and configuration for a air force memorial?
Ok so if it is just a bunch of towers to help remember fallen soldiers why spend so much money time and effort for that cant that money be better spent on some new aircraft or spaceship or pillows?

It's called a bomburst formation! If you every watch the Thunderbirds, you will see them fly that pattern. It's done with three or sometimes four jets flying straight up, and suddenly breaking fromation.


posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:53 PM
ok I get it but why didnt they put planes at the end of the spires?
and why start the bottom of them so far appart? damn 38 million for that piece of garbage I hope someone is happy about this thing.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 09:59 PM
Dude, it's symbolic.

Also, a memorial isn't built for the benefit of the dead. It is built for the living as a place of for friends, families and future generations to remember the sacrifices of those of came before.


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