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Dubya finally get's it -- "It's bad in Iraq"

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posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:53 PM
We are not fighting Iraqis, they are fighting back. We removed a government and helped set up a new one. This has been done countless times in Latin America and it hardly even makes the papers. If Iraqis had just cooled their jets, accept the fact that their hated dictator was gone, and stopped blowing themselves up, it would all be over today.

It is not the Iraqi people we're fighting, it's the insurgency. If the insurgency cut their crap out, and recognized the new, superior, democratic government as being legitimate, I'm confident U.S. forces would be out of there quickly. What should have been an in-and-out mission that would benefit both sides has ended up hurting both sides due to Islamofascist scum.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:59 PM
We'd still be there if there was no insurgency simply because we'd want to steal oil. The insurgency is there because we're there. They're defending their country, which they have the right to do since it's not about setting up a democratic government. It never was.

And, I suppose that family that was murdered and that 14 year old girl that was raped by U.S. soldiers is the "Islamofascist scum", right?

[edit on 12/8/2006 by TheyAreWatching]

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
We are not fighting Iraqis, they are fighting back.


We removed a government and helped set up a new one. This has been done countless times in Latin America and it hardly even makes the papers.

and how has that gone?

If Iraqis had just cooled their jets, accept the fact that their hated dictator was gone, and stopped blowing themselves up, it would all be over today.

Their hated dictator was not quite so hated now was he. He may not have been the best ...far from it. But he did keep thingss in order

It is not the Iraqi people we're fighting, it's the insurgency. If the insurgency cut their crap out, and recognized the new, superior, democratic government as being legitimate, I'm confident U.S. forces would be out of there quickly.

So its not the Iraqis but some other force called an insurgency.
Who do you think makes up this so called insurgency?

What should have been an in-and-out mission that would benefit both sides has ended up hurting both sides due to Islamofascist scum.

I still fail to see how this war would benefit the Iraqis. I suppose getting saddam out was good but who will replace him once we leave? Some Shiite "radical"; then where will we be. Saddam at least ran a secular country that was unfriendly with Iran.

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
We need to develop our own alternative fuel sources and let all these other countries have their God forsaken, air polluting fossil fuels. That's what we need to do.

[edit on 8-12-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

What the hell are you talking about? There is no such thing as global warning. It's made up by the liberal media.

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Here is why we steal from other countries:

We can.

As the only remaining superpower, the United States can indeed do as it pleases. If the U.N. decides we're in the wrong, what are they going to do? Attack us with soldiers from France?

Yes, I believe it is worth killing Islamofascists to obtain oil. It is more important for me to be able to pay less than $2.50 a gallon for gasoline than it is to preserve the life of an America-hating rat in a dirty nightshirt who has way too many kids who he sends off to suicide-bombing camp every day.

It is supremely ironic that this poster uses the term "islamofascist", because their argument is exactly like Nazi Germany's "need" for lebensraum. Just as the lesser peoples of Europe were supposed to provide living space and cheap labour for Germany, the rest of the world should provide oil, cheap labour and a market for US goods.

Hope that gives some hostorical perspective.

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
How bad is it really? Of the nineteen provinces in Iraq,how many do you think there is actually trouble in? Try three...
Yeah, there are people getting hurt and killed over there,but it's not spread all over Iraq like the liberal based news media would have you believe.


But when an average of 120 people are dying in the capital, with explosions, car bombs, executions, torture, kidnappings, missle strikes and rah rah rah all happenin in the few major cities..

what is happening in the outskirts means SQAT!

Iraq is in a total shambles.
I cant believe it has taken the president this bloody long to admit that.

Why do I get the feeling, with the sudden change in BS, that the american government are believing pulling out as the best answer here?

I also liek the way, that Americans will not be pulled from iraq until the IRaq security can TAKE OVER the security situation.

Jesus, if thats not a political setup.

It doesnt matter if the 200, 000 iraqi's have never fired a weapon.
As long as they wear that uniform, for the public relations photo.. they can all go and Die a horrible death at the hand of the trained insurgents..

as long as bush 'attempted' to put a force in place... once he's gone, its the IRAQI's Fault they couldnt handle the situation.

I can see it now.

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by marg6043

Yes . . . Iraqis are fighting and they will fight for that oil as long as they live and the oil in Iraq will keep burning just like is burning right now every time a major pipe is blown away.

Because they know. . .

I agree marg...

There will always be someone around to fight for there homeland.

After all it is there homeland.

and we are the illegial occupier.

For everyone one of them we kill, and label a terrorists simply for standing up and defending his homeland... 10 more will be created.


Huh, its not ours to begin with.
We went in there for WMD's, and the freedom of IRAQI's.

the second we touch taht oil in any way shape of form means we lose any credability left.


posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 11:17 AM

As the only remaining superpower, the United States can indeed do as it pleases

and what really IS the definition of SUPER POWER these days??
Is it the capacity of nuclear warfare?
Our weaponry is so superior?

I find it hard to fathom.with so many countries capable of world wide destruction..
The term even applys.......

Outside guestion.........
If we can't stop the flow of drugs into this country
that is in every town & city
Do you really think we can stop ONE man with a death wish
& a suitcase nuc???

What is the definition of a superpower???

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Yes, I believe it is worth killing Islamofascists to obtain oil. It is more important for me to be able to pay less than $2.50 a gallon for gasoline than it is to preserve the life of an America-hating rat in a dirty nightshirt who has way too many kids who he sends off to suicide-bombing camp every day.

How "Christian" of you, Southern...

So, you are willing to continue to kill people just so you can drive your environment polluting vehicle around,eh? WOW!!!

[edit on 11-12-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 12:25 AM
Nice thread..why is it here and not PTS. The bias of the moderators on this forum is really sad. Anything anti lib gets moved to PTS...stuff like this stays...

Nice work on keeping an open, unbiased forum for ideas.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 05:06 AM
Can I ask..

GW and Co have stated they will release the road to success in the begining of the new year.

That isnt normal.

If they have something on paper, which will solve some problems and begin the road to peace for this poor nation.. why are they waiting until AFTER XMAS?

Are the IRAQIs and US soilders too busy in IRAQ with xmas celebrations to start implementing things?

I mean really...

The moralle of soilders must be absoltuley diminished.

imagine sitting with ur mates in the back of your humvee thinking
' what we are doing today is worthless.. because in 2 weeks there is a new plan... '

If there's something constructive... it should be out NOW.. Not when the president has recovered from too much turkey.

But really...

howcan they have come to a succesful road map to peace in Iraq?
Have thye all of a sudden come up with some fantastic solution that no one imagined?

What good is the next week going to do? whats changed in a fortnight that we now have a

'' workable '' plan to succeed in Iraq?

Is this not the scariest thing ?

Whats going on over XMAS, that gives us the ability to SOLVE this problem?

Im scared...
I dont usually attempt to predict..

but the US has shown it is prepared to take DRASTIC steps if it believes it will benefit the country.

and the country, very very badly needs something to happen to change the focus on Iraq.

Are Israel going to Attack Iran during the xmas period?
Is the US going to endure another attack?
Is britan going to find out why so much radioactive crap has been turning up between russia, germany and london?
Why is ecoli appearing so abundantly?

I tell you... its going down this xmas period.

we've been waiting all year for something to give.....

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