posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 12:31 AM
Well, it's not a prediction. Sorry but maybe this is my wish for all of us. I wish, for the next year, a world without wars, with good climate, i
wish medical solutions for all the people of the earth, less deaths, more happiness. I wish a country not called "powerfull country", called
"helpeless country". Unification, peace... Unification of countries (USA, Colombia, China, South Korea with North Korea, also my country with
others). Unification of religions, i mead: u trust in your word but also trust in my word. I don't trust the word of the media, to much censored
words. I don't trust in the big companys, they think in money like monkeys in bananas. I wanna see to the sky in the night full of stars with a smile
in my face. Not only for me, also for my childrens (and i don't have anyone yet but i think in the future). I don't wanna wait until 2012 for the
new era. I can't change the world but WE can change it.
Snake Skywalker.