posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 03:11 AM
I don't think people are ready for the truth, because they haven't thought out the steps that come after disclosure.
Say they did disclose that aliens you've moved the question from: "What isn't the government telling us about aliens" to "What are
the aliens hiding about themselves?". You can't verify what the aliens don't have a lightspeed spaceship to spy on them. We're not on
a level playing field with the aliens, we don't know their history, cultures, motives...nothing except what they would tell us, which may or may not
be true. Why are we assuming that the aliens even want to reveal themselves to the whole planet?
I know some people say: Well it's better to know than live in ignorance. I don't think some of us can handle that. I think most of us believe
already that multiple alien lifeforms exist, either by the evidence, theory, or actual experience.
I think what some people really want through "disclosure" is acknowledgement that there exists a new Power to guide them. Maybe a new alien
Quetzalcoatl will show us the way and dethrone the powers that be.
If anything, I think the aliens want us to save our own planet first so later on we can possibly see disclosure, from the aliens themselves...not the
government. I don't think that's going to happen in the 21st century. I think we'll be softened up first by being allowed to discover other
Earth-like planets (via specialized telescopes)and probably basic alien lifeforms. We'll also have to advance spiritually and learn to control our
emotions. We'll have to learn to be "coachable" before the aliens are going to let us on the team.
I think Seth Shostak is wasting his time listening for radio signals, I think any signals he is looking for are being jammed to delay disclosure by
the aliens. I think we may be getting a filtered view of reality until the aliens think we are ready for bigger bites.
Originally posted by JackJuice
Penn and Teller's show went around at a rally and were easily able to get a few hundered signitures for a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide.
Well I'm glad someone is bringing this to the attention of the public. Dihydrogen monoxide in it's frozen state is often used by the fast food
industry to unnaturally extend the lifespan of most drinks. I don't know what the FDA allowance is per drink but I don't enjoy paying $2.00 for
unsafe levels of this being added to my drink. I specificly ask now in resturaunts that they provide me with a frozen dihydrogen monoxide free drink.
The worst part is seeing ignorant parents that let their kids eat/drink this stuff. They should package this crap up and ship it to northern Canada
for proper disposal.