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A Questionnaire for all members

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posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 04:10 PM
Age 40s
Sex Male
Country Australia!
Political Leftish, Rightish Centerish. Depends on the issue
Education Degree
Work IT
Religion Nuthin' really.

Believe in 'Aliens' Nuh. Fun stories though
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings Probably, somewhere
land on the Moon? Yup
life on Mars? Nah. Life transforms the atmosphere & environment
images from Mars true or 'doctored'? Why? What's Really there?
extra-terrestrials on Earth? If they are, not in a silly Body Snatchers sort of way.
abducted? Swept off my Feet is the way I'd put it.

seen a 'UFO'? No. I wish I would someday

believe in supernatural beings? Haven't experienced, not convinced that witnesses haven't confused the experience with something more physical or psychological
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? Nothing Ghostly
Ouija Board? Nuh
deceased relative at the bottom of your bed? Why the bottom of my bed? Why not the side? Nuh
Heaven? Would be nice. Who knows
Hell? Nah. People are fools, stupid, self-centered, people do bad things, but few people are "Bad", or bad enough to deserve such a fate
believe in a higher being? Who knows. Something weird in the Nature of the Universe, but I haven't figured it out yet. Probably never will
supernatural and extra-terrestrials somehow linked?
Oh sure. If you say so

backer of the War on Terrorism? To a degree. "It aint what ya do, it's the way that ya do it."
country affected by the war? Sure. Paranoia and divisions in society
vote for your leader? Voted, but not for this guy
Al Qaeda behind the 9/11? Probably. If they didn't, well, there's Fundie Muslims out there that sure wish they did it.
right to attack Afghanistan? Yep. It was the deeds afterwards that weren't so hot
plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? I'm a sheep blindly following the official propaganda

all civilisation from Antarctica? Why just one place? No
Atlantis? Flooding due to rising Mediterranean or Black Sea? Sure
ancient civilisations somehow linked - to each other? Umm. Roads? Ships?
ancient civilisations more advanced than now? Nuh.
ancient humans 'genetically engineered'? Nuh. If they did, it was a crap job
ancient civilisations wiped out by other intelligent beings? THE HAND OF GOD. Nuh
ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? Yep. Poor farming practices etc.
descended from ancient civilisations? Well, obviously.

[edit on 6-12-2006 by emjoi]

[edit on 6-12-2006 by emjoi]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:55 PM

Age (or to the nearest 10 years!) 21
Sex Male
Country of Residence USA
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc) Left
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc) Studying Broadcasting and Journalism, minor in Political Science
Work Background / Chosen Career Journalism
Religion Jewish

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc) Undecided
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc) Yes
Did we land on the Moon? yes
Is there life on Mars? Yes - Bacterial
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? True images
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? Undecided
Ever been abducted? No
Ever seen a 'UFO'? Yes

Do you believe in supernatural beings? Yes
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? Yes
Ever used a Ouija Board? Yes
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? No
Believe in Heaven? Undecided
Believe in Hell? Undecided
Do you believe in a higher being? Some days yes, other days no.
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? I think that everything is linked in someway, but do I think ghosts have meetings with aliens and talk about what theyre going to do next? No.

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? No. I believe that using military force without an understanding of why the terrorists dislike us is futile and will only create more terrorists.
Is your country affected by the war? Yes.
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? No.
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? Yes.
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? Yes but the strategy and the reasoning were both deeply flawed.
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? I believe that a passenger jet hit the pentagon.

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? No
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? I believe they are archetypical stories, if they have any basis in ancient fact, I have no idea.
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? No.
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? No.
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? Possibly.
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? No.
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? Yes.
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? yes

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 01:27 PM
Age (or to the nearest 10 years!) :25
Sex :M
Country of Residence :Sweden
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc) :None, or mixed depending on how you view it...
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc) :High school
Work Background / Chosen Career : Slacker, workaholic -mix
Religion : None, or personal

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc) :Yes
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc) :No
Did we land on the Moon? :Yes , the nazis were probably first
Is there life on Mars? :Not sure, there have been, they may have left
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? :True, but I dont know if what they show is natural or built
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? : Offcourse

Ever been abducted? :No, i dont believe so
Ever seen a 'UFO'? :Ive seen things I cant explain in the sky that wasnt an airplane, helicopter, blimp or star.

Do you believe in supernatural beings? :Yes, if you mean ghosts and other dimension beings
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? :Nothing SPECTACULAR
Ever used a Ouija Board? :No
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? :No
Believe in Heaven? :Not in the sense I believe you´re referring to
Believe in Hell? :Not in the sense I believe you´re referring to
Do you believe in a higher being? :I believe in a an all knowing, all accepting, all permitting consiousness.
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? :Yes, some more than likely are

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? :No
Is your country affected by the war? :Yes, all countries are, or will be eventually
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? :No
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? :No
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? :No
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? Im still undecided what hit/blew up one side of the Pentagon

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? :No
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? :Atlantis existed as a continent, Yes
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? :I believe they were creations of various alien species, so no link or very few links
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? :No, but they might have interacted with tech. that is beyond what we know to exist right now.
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? :Yep, created by them I´d say
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? :yes, several versions of "Man" have been destroyed I believe
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? :No
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? :Yes, some of our races I believe are.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 01:42 PM

Age: 29
Sex : Male
Country of Residence : United States
Political Stance: Probably a Moderate who leans to the "right."
Education: Quite a bit of college..I am currently in College now.
Work Background: I am aiming to go into Media Communications
Religion : New Age/ Christianity

Believe in 'Aliens': Yes
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings : Certainly
Did we land on the Moon? Certainly
Is there life on Mars? Ummm,possibly. I am fairly certain there was once life on Mars. I don't know whether there still is though.
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? Well,I tend to think that some have been tampered with.
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? Probably
Ever been abducted? No
Ever seen a 'UFO'? Yes, several.

Do you believe in supernatural beings? Yes
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena?On many occasions
Ever used a Ouija Board? MMM, not really..
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? No
Believe in Heaven? I believe that there is a better place waiting for us after death. Yeah.
Believe in Hell? Nope...I am a universalist
Do you believe in a higher being?Yes
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? Uh... Possibly. I think that extraterrestrials are very physical and spiritual are ethereal.. They,however, may be linked...

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? Ummm, I have sort of a divided opinion on the whole "War on Terrorism."
Is your country affected by the war? Certainly
Did you vote for your current country leader/government?
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? Oh,I certainly think that he did it. However,I also think that he did it at the order of the CIA.. After all, Bin Laden was and as far as I know still is an informant for the CIA.
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? Yeppers
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? Not sure.

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? Nope...I do think there may have been a civilization there,but not necessarily the "mother" of all civilaization.
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? Yes
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other?
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? Uh, possibly.
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? Not sure.
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? I feel like such stories as Sodom and Gomorrah are perfect examples of nuclear blasts. Now whether or not they were brought about by off the world entities or by humans, I don't know.
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out?
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? Yes

[edit on 7-12-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 01:57 PM
Age 27
Sex M
Country of Residence USA
Political Stance Right
Education B.S.
Work Background / Chosen Career library IT guy
Religion protestant

Believe in 'Aliens' sure
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings yup
Did we land on the Moon? yes
Is there life on Mars? maybe
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? "doctored" they used photoshop to get the red out
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? no
Ever been abducted? no
Ever seen a 'UFO'? yes

Do you believe in supernatural beings? no
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? no
Ever used a Ouija Board? yes
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? no
Believe in Heaven? no
Believe in Hell? no
Do you believe in a higher being? yes
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? no

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? yes
Is your country affected by the war? yes
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? yes
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? yes
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? yes
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? yes- Passenger jet

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? no
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? no
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? yes
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? relatively? no
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? no
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? no
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? yed
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? yes

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:36 AM
Age (or to the nearest 10 years!)43
Country of ResidenceNew Zealand
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc)Middle
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc)Degree
Work Background / Chosen CareerIT/Network
Religion Prot

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc)N
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc)Y
Did we land on the Moon?Y
Is there life on Mars?N
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'?TRUE
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth?N
Ever been abducted?N
Ever seen a 'UFO'?N

Do you believe in supernatural beings?N
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena?N
Ever used a Ouija Board?Y
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed?N
Believe in Heaven?Y
Believe in Hell?Y
Do you believe in a higher being?Y
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked?N

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism?Y
Is your country affected by the war?Y
Did you vote for your current country leader/government?Y
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events?Y
Was it right to attack Afghanistan?Y
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type?Passenger

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica?N
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis?N
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other?N
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now?N
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings?N
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)?N
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out?Y
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations?Y

[edit on 5-12-2006 by morgansolutions]


posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 10:18 AM
Age (or to the nearest 10 years!) 18 (20)
Sex male
Country of Residence USA
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc) mid left
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc) Some college mostly self taught. pursing a BAS in Computer/Electrical Engineering
Work Background / Chosen Career Cart attendant (Target) with some Telecommunication Training
Religion Raised a Roman Catholic I identity as one but I believe in what i believe

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc) Yea
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc) yea
Did we land on the Moon? I say yes because I haven't seen enough information
Is there life on Mars? Yea
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? I think theymight be alittle doctored but not much
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? no
Ever been abducted? no
Ever seen a 'UFO'? no

Do you believe in supernatural beings? yea
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? yea
Ever used a Ouija Board? no
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? creepy but no
Believe in Heaven? yea
Believe in Hell? yea
Do you believe in a higher being? yea
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? slightly

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? no
Is your country affected by the war? I guess technically
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? Not for the leader too young, and not for the government lost my card
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? as a patsy
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? I sit on the fence on this one
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? I once thought no plane but now I sit on the fence for real proof.

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? no, never heard of this
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? yea
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? yea
Were ancient civilizations more advance than we are now? I think that there society was more advanced.
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? no
Do you believe that anciant civilizations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? some maybe others I doubt it
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? very few did
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? I'd like to think we are, gives me a sense of legacy.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:54 PM
Age - 29
Sex - M
Country of Residence - USA
Political Stance - Libertarian
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications - HS Graduate
Work Background / Chosen Career - Electrical Generation
Religion - Christian

Believe in 'Aliens' - Not sure
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings - yes
Did we land on the Moon? - Not sure
Is there life on Mars? - Not sure
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? - Doctored
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? - Not sure
Ever been abducted? - Not that I'm aware of.
Ever seen a 'UFO'? - Nope

Do you believe in supernatural beings? - Yes
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? - No
Ever used a Ouija Board? - Yes, didn't work as far as I could tell
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? - No
Believe in Heaven? - Yes
Believe in Hell? - Yes
Do you believe in a higher being? - Yes
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? - Not sure

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? - No
Is your country affected by the war? - I think they all are
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? - No
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? - No
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? - No
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -Haven't been proven otherwise, to me... I don't think the plane took it down though

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? - No
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? - Haven't heard them.
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? - Somehow.
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? - No
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? - No
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? - No
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? - Yes
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? - Possibly

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:27 PM
Age (or to the nearest 10 years!) ----- 19
Sex ----- Male
Country of Residence ----- United States
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc) ----- depends on the various socio-economic aspects of the present day. usually center-left
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc) ----- first year of college with the intention of double-majoring in Political Science, Philosophy and/or Psychology
Work Background / Chosen Career ----- changing this world
Religion ----- my own assortment of beliefs taken from intuition and experience

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc) ----- dont know about "Greys" or "Reptillians" but I believe in extraterrestrial life
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc) ----- if the Universe if infinite there is an infinite amount of extraterestrial variety
Did we land on the Moon? ----- i believe we have
Is there life on Mars? ----- most likely with the recent discovery of running water. its most likely only on the organic level though
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? ----- i don't know
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? ----- i dont know
Ever been abducted? ----- no
Ever seen a 'UFO'? ----- as in an "Unidentified Flying Object" ... yes, as far as extraterestrial craft are concerned, probably not

Do you believe in supernatural beings? ----- don't know
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? ----- no
Ever used a Ouija Board? ----- yes
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? -----what the hell??
Believe in Heaven? ----- i wouldnt know
Believe in Hell? ----- i wouldnt know
Do you believe in a higher being? ----- i wouldnt know
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? ----- i wouldnt know

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? ----- the concept yes, the execution no
Is your country affected by the war? ----- i'd say so since we started it
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? ----- no
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? ----- yes but I believe there was a conspiracy behind the progression of events that lead up to that day
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? ----- yes
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? ----- I dont know man neither do any of you

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? ----- no
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? ----- don't know
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? ----- this seems to be the case with a lot of evidence
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? ----- in certain aspects yes they were
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? ----- dont know
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? ----- dont know
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? ----- what 'ancient civilizations' are we talking about?? there are many 'ancient civilizations' ...
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? ----- uhm ... obviously ...

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 10:20 AM
Age (or to the nearest 10 years!): 21
Sex: Male
Country of Residence: United States
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc): Centrist (Jeffersonian Republican)
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc): No official college education, took several classes.
Work Background / Chosen Career: Photography, graphic design, journalism
Religion: Christian

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc): Potentially alien life somewhere, but not necessarily the particular species mentioned by people.
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc): Yes.
Did we land on the Moon? Yes
Is there life on Mars? If water is found, life could be possible.
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? Aside from color adjustment, they're most likely accurate.
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? No.
Ever been abducted? No.
Ever seen a 'UFO'? Yes.

Do you believe in supernatural beings? Yes.
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? Yes.
Ever used a Ouija Board? No.
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? No.
Believe in Heaven? Yes.
Believe in Hell? No.
Do you believe in a higher being? Yes.
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? No.

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? No.
Is your country affected by the war? Yes.
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? No.
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? No.
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? No.
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? Yes, Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? No.
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? No.
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? At one point, yes.
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? At one point, yes.
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? No.
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? Yes.
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? Yes and no. Their actions led to them being wiped out.
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? I would imagine so.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 05:32 PM
Ok Guys,

So far things are going great. I've managed to enter all of your answers -took me 3 hours for 29 members!! However, I'm sure I can manage more - much more more! So come on, keep them coming. And I want more Girls!! So far, I've only had 2 women reply.

Average age of members who've ansered is 29. Quite interesting. I was expecting it to be younger.

As expected, a lot of you are either creative, or technical in terms of their work/career.

62% of you are yanks, and the majority of you believe in extra-terrestrial life.

Once I've got enough data to work with, I'll start running up some queries to find the correlations between different categories.

So thanks again guys, this is a real help for my coursework, as well as an interesting insight into your beliefs.

Keep 'em coming.

[edit on 9-12-2006 by morgansolutions]

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 05:40 PM
Age (or to the nearest 10 years!)43
Sex F
Country of ResidenceUK
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc)Whomever represents the people and not just the elite of this world.
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc)some university
Work Background / Chosen Career unemployed, disabled, was a factory worker

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc)Yes, don't worship them though
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc)I believe in biological organisms humanoid and otherwise
Did we land on the Moon?yes
Is there life on Mars?yes, deep underground
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'?depends on the source
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth?yes
Ever been abducted?yes
Ever seen a 'UFO'?yes

Do you believe in supernatural beings?yes
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena?yes
Ever used a Ouija Board?as a child thinking it was a board game like monopoly
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed?no, but have seen their photo in a newspaper after they died
Believe in Heaven?yes
Believe in Hell?yes
Do you believe in a higher being?yes
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked?yes

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism?no
Is your country affected by the war?yes
Did you vote for your current country leader/government?no
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events?unsure
Was it right to attack Afghanistan?no
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type?unsure

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica?unsure
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis?yes
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other?yes
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now?no
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings?possibly
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)?no
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out?no
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations?yes

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 12:02 PM
Age (or to the nearest 10 years!) 40
Sex M
Country of Residence USA
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc) Left
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc) High School, Some college
Work Background / Chosen Career Electrician / Now I am the Director of Engineering at a 1,000,000 sq. ft. facility
Religion : Born Catholic, now Athiest

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc) no
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc) no
Did we land on the Moon? yes
Is there life on Mars? no
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? true
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? no
Ever been abducted? not that I know of
Ever seen a 'UFO'? no

Do you believe in supernatural beings? yes
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? yes
Ever used a Ouija Board? yes
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed?yes
Believe in Heaven? no
Believe in Hell? no
Do you believe in a higher being? no
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? no

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? no
Is your country affected by the war? yes
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? no
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? yes
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? yes
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? yes, passenger

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? no
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? no
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? no
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? no
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? no
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? no
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? yes
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? no

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 08:12 PM
Age (or to the nearest 10 years!) -- 29
Sex -- M
Country of Residence -- Australia
Political Stance (Left, Right, Middle of the Road etc) -- Left
Education (Level/Standard) and Qualifications (Degrees etc) -- Bachelor Degree
Work Background / Chosen Career -- IT/Support
Religion -- Undecided (For the sake of an answer...Buddhist leanings)

Believe in 'Aliens' (Greys, Reptilians etc) -- Yes
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc) -- Yes
Did we land on the Moon? -- Yes
Is there life on Mars? -- Is, or was
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? -- True representation
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? -- Undecided
Ever been abducted? -- No
Ever seen a 'UFO'? -- Yes

Do you believe in supernatural beings? -- Undecided
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? -- Yes
Ever used a Ouija Board? -- No
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? -- No
Believe in Heaven? -- Kind of (too long to explain)
Believe in Hell? -- No
Do you believe in a higher being? -- Kind of
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? -- No

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? -- No
Is your country affected by the war? -- Yes
Did you vote for your current country leader/government? -- No
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? -- Yes
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? -- No
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? -- Passenger Jet

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? -- No
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? -- No
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? -- No
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? -- In some areas
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? -- No
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? -- No
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? -- Yes
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? -- Yes

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 12:00 AM
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Country of Residence: Canada
Political Stance: Undecided
Education: Highschool
Work Background / Chosen Career: N/A
Religion: Catholic

Believe in 'Aliens': Not decided
Believe in Alien life but not humanoid beings (therefore biological organisms etc): Yes
Did we land on the Moon? :Yes
Is there life on Mars? :Yes
Are the images from Mars a true representation or have they been 'doctored'? : They probably have been doctored
Do we have extra-terrestrials on Earth? : No
Ever been abducted? :No
Ever seen a 'UFO'? : No

Do you believe in supernatural beings? :No
Have you ever witnessed unexplained phenomena? :No
Ever used a Ouija Board? :Yes
Ever seen/talked to a deceased relative/friend at the bottom of your bed? : No
Believe in Heaven? : Yes
Believe in Hell? : No
Do you believe in a higher being? : Yes
Do you believe that supernatural events and extra-terrestrials are somehow linked? : Yes

Are you a backer of the War on Terrorism? : Not really
Is your country affected by the war?: Canada is Aghanistan right now, so yes
Did you vote for your current country leader/government?: Not of age
Do you believe that Osama Bin Laden / Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 events? : I believe there is a chance they also played a role in it
Was it right to attack Afghanistan? : If they truly did attack us, then I guess, but I would have prefered a different approach
Did a plane hit the Pentagon? -If yes, was it a Passenger jet or a small Cessna type? I haven't done enough research to come to a conclusion on it

Do you believe that all civilisation Originated from Antarctica? No
Do you believe in the stories of Atlantis? No
Do you believe that ancient civilisations were somehow linked - to each other? Yes
Were ancient civilisations more advance than we are now? No
Were ancient humans 'genetically engineered' by other beings? No
Do you believe that anciant civilisations were wiped out by other intelligent beings (not humans!)? No
Did ancient civilisations wipe themselves out? Yes
Are we directly descended from ancient cultures/civilisations? Yes

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