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Originally posted by Ste2652
I think the reason he says that is because revealing the situations in which the government will launch its nuclear arsenal puts the deterrent's credibility in jeopardy and it gives potential enemies the chance to push the UK around without fear of a nuclear strike.
Going to war is again the decision of the Prime Minister, and this power is used rarely anyway - we didn't declare war on Iraq (either time), Afghanistan or Argentina.
Nuclear weapons fall into a similar category - their use is ordered by the Prime Minister, and him/her alone.
In addition, it was revealed that the Prime Minister writes a set of orders for the crew of each Trident submarine should contact with the UK be lost, or the Prime Minister be killed etc. This might be to consult another government official, sail to a friendly port (apparently we have agreements with the US, Australia etc. to shelter our nuclear subs if there is an emergency), launch their missiles or allow the submarine captain and crew to make their own decision as to their best course.
Originally posted by devilwasp
Exactly, its top secret, he hasnt the authority to give information away like that.
In two of those operations we didnt go to war with a country we went to war with its leaders, in the first gulf war we went in under a UN security force not ourselves. In the falklands we were simply defending our territory which in itself is not war. The queen allows the use of her forces to the primeminister and can order peace (whether the other side agrees is another question), its never been used to my knowledge but itse still there.
In a defencive probably , in an "offensive" war I bet the PM would ask the queens premission.
Thats standard practice for all ships with boomers, the yanks have orders to fire missiles and go to a neutral country I believe so we would have a similar system.
devilwasp wrote
So I feel its safe to assert that the UK would use nuclear weapons even if the UK mainland was not itself attacked.
How can you suppose that? What possible reason can you suppose that we would launch first?
Mr Hoon later refused to rule out the use of UK nuclear weapons as a "first strike", thus encouraging speculation that UK nuclear weapons policy had changed to include pre-emptive nuclear strikes.
Because hoon was and still is a loon, hence the name. He has no authority to make the claim that we would fire first or even if we would fire...its up to the PM, his council and most likely the queen. Afterall she is the one who has the final say in war and peace in this country if you had forgotten.
On 14th March 2007 The government of the United Kingdom won Commons support for plans to renew the UK's nuclear submarine system. Between £15bn and £20bn will be spent on new submarines to carry the Trident missiles. The fleet will take an estimated 17 years to develop and build, and will last until 2050.
Originally posted by Ste2652
He hasn't really given anything away... just made things even more ambiguous by refusing to rule out a first strike. He hasn't denied or confirmed it.
Even though there was a UN mandate, the use of British armed forces had to be approved by our government - ergo, the Prime Minister.
The deployment of British forces can be ordered by the PM without asking anyone else (even Parliament, although Blair did get permission from Parliament for the Iraq war) - a formal declaration of war is technically required to be approved and signed by the monarch, but the liklihood of the monarch refusing is virtually nil.
If he/she did refuse, it would create a constitutional crisis in which the unelected monarch was challenging the supremacy of the democratically elected government, and thus it is likely he/she would be forced to abdicate if they refused to rethink their position and Britain would become a republic. The only conceivable scenario which I can think of where a monarch would be able to defy Parliament and not be forced to abdicate would be one where a government threatened to introduce some kind of tyrannical measures - in a case like that, I can see the monarch being supported by the people over the government.
In all matters - you don't need to declare war to launch a nuclear weapon, hence it's in the hands of the PM. Besides which the Royal Prerogatives are pretty old powers going back centuries. As nuclear weapons have only been around since 1945 (and Britain has possessed them since 1952) then the decision to use them has been given straight to the PM.
Tony Blair himself has said in Parliament on the 4th December 2006 that "Our present nuclear deterrent is fully operationally independent and will remain so. Only the Prime Minister can authorise its use." and "It can be used and fired only at the instigation of the British Prime Minister"
Yep, but the significance is that it's the Prime Minister who gives the wording of the note, not the monarch.
Originally posted by zero lift
Er...I thought I already had.
As I posted before devilwasp, and which you appear to have ignored, Jeff Hoon stated in 2002 that: "The UK is prepared to use nuclear weapons against rogue states such as Iraq if they ever used "weapons of mass destruction" against British troops in the field".
In other words, Hoon was warning Saddam that if he launched a sarin attack on UK troops, then the UK was prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iraq. Hence my assertion that the UK would use nuclear weapons even if the UK mainland was not itself attacked.
I suspect that you're confusing the UK Government's possible use of nuclear weapons with the Monarch's power to declare war.
Throughout the Cold War, the UK successfully operated a system which enabled the release of nuclear weapons without the need for a declaration of war.
The order of priority of those who were able to order a nuclear release was: the Prime Minister; followed the two Prime Minister's Deputies (Senior Government Ministers - Home Secretary, Chancellor, etc).
Thats why the UK nuclear release room (with its associated equipment) was at first situated in 10 Downing Street, and not the Palace. In the early 1970s the nuclear release room was relocated to the Cabinet Office Briefing Room (C) [situated just down the corridor to the more famous COBR(A)]
The Queen didn't figure anywhere on the nuclear release procedure....only politicians; possibly even your bete noir devilwasp - Jeff Hoon the Loon.
Originally posted by zero lift
It might be a better idea for you to put speculation about the role of the Monarchy in ordering a release aside for one moment and actually study the relevant Government documents.
Yes, the Monarch is, on certain occasions, involved in the decision to go to war;
but she has absolutely no say how that war is to be fought - including taking the decision of when it is deemed appropriate to order the use of nuclear weapons.
Originally posted by devilwasp
And the house of lords and the queen must ratify the use of force.
Yes and it would be political suicide for him to have gone into iraq without getting premision to go in, If the monarch thinks its wrong she can stop it happening and frankly the PM cant do anything.
Actually I doubt she would be forced to do so, the armed forces are not sworn to the PM but to her
Royal preogatives are wide ranging ie: Control of armed forces, correct me if I am wrong but the royal navy is part of the armed forces.
Yes and dont you suppose that if the queen was there she would be able to stop him , hell I doubt it takes just one man to launch a nuclear warhead since that would be insane (hence the two man rule).
The monarch doesnt need to since she leaves those who have more knowledge of it than her , but if she wished to leave a note to each submarine captain do you think the PM would refuse?
infact I have found several sources stating that the queen is still needed in a nuclear launch (or atleast one of her officers)
Originally posted by devilwasp
Originally posted by zero lift
Er...I thought I already had.
As I posted before devilwasp, and which you appear to have ignored, Jeff Hoon stated in 2002 that: "The UK is prepared to use nuclear weapons against rogue states such as Iraq if they ever used "weapons of mass destruction" against British troops in the field".
In other words, Hoon was warning Saddam that if he launched a sarin attack on UK troops, then the UK was prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iraq. Hence my assertion that the UK would use nuclear weapons even if the UK mainland was not itself attacked.
Being "prepared" to and actually "doing so" is a different matter, do you honuestly for one second believe that the PM would order a nuclear strike possibley setting of a third world war and bringing the world to armageddon over the use of sarin gas?
Do you really believe that the captain of a nuclear submarine would do that?
Mr Hoon is no more than a toothless tiger attempting to scare the world, his term as defence secretary was an absoulte joke.
I suspect that you're confusing the UK Government's possible use of nuclear weapons with the Monarch's power to declare war.
There is no confusion, if you launch a nuclear strike on someone you ARE declaring war....
Throughout the Cold War, the UK successfully operated a system which enabled the release of nuclear weapons without the need for a declaration of war.
Really? How do you suppose we could do that without actually declaring hostilities with a country or without another country declaring war on us?
Thats why the UK nuclear release room (with its associated equipment) was at first situated in 10 Downing Street, and not the Palace. In the early 1970s the nuclear release room was relocated to the Cabinet Office Briefing Room (C) [situated just down the corridor to the more famous COBR(A)]
Yes and this is linked with (or atleast has been hinted at) many government bunkers, the queen is quite safe when it comes to being attacked (she has three regiments within a few miles of her for god sake and a RPG team with her at all times and her own police station!)
The Queen didn't figure anywhere on the nuclear release procedure....only politicians; possibly even your bete noir devilwasp - Jeff Hoon the Loon.
Unfortunatly I havent found any evidence of this, infact I have found several sources stating that the queen is still needed in a nuclear launch (or atleast one of her officers)
Originally posted by Ste2652
Whilst the House of Lords debated Iraq, they didn't get a vote on it. Similarly, whilst I'm sure the Queen made her opinions clear to the government in private, she didn't have to sign off the Iraq War because it didn't involve a formal declaration of war. That's the only time the monarch's signature is required for the deployment of British armed forces.
Yes it would be political suicide, no the monarch can't do very much except perhaps try to derail the government's actions by speaking out against it in public. But there are no formal methods of stopping a non-declared conflict for the monarch since his/her permission is not required to deploy armed forces (even into conflict) unless a formal declaration of war is required. As far as I know, Britain has not issued a declaration of war since the end of Word War II. All Britain's actions since then have been 'police actions', or whatever euphemism you want to use.
Yep, the armed forces swear an oath of allegiance to the sovereign. As do MPs when they take up office. Not sure where all this coup stuff came up, though
Whilst the Royal Prerogatives include the declaration of war, they haven't included the direct control over the armed forces since Charles I. The monarch's position as commander-in-chief is purely ceremonial. After Charles was defeated during the English Civil War, the monarch's powers for controlling the military were taken away to prevent another monarch challenging Parliament's power via use of the armed forces. Though the prerogatives are pretty vague, so I imagine there might be some degree of control in there. However, all Royal Prerogatives are now exercised on the advice of the Prime Minister.
Originally posted by devilwasp
Yes and you doubt that launching nuclear weapons will be taken as an act of war?
Actually she can dissolve parliment , which would be political suicide but if she needed to she could.
Well you brought up the idea of abdication, IE removing the head of state.
Direct control lies with the defence secretary, the PM is still only a polition and must go through proper channels before actually giving the go code. Royal prerogatives would lie under the release of nuclear weapons I believe
Originally posted by Ste2652
I don't think that's the case - the reason it falls to the PM is because, as I said earlier, due to the nature of the UK's nuclear weapon system it is to act as a deterrent and hence its launch would probably be in response to another event... if this second event is, say, an invasion or the launch of another nuclear missile against the UK, then there's no time to go through "channels" otherwise it'd be too late. That's part of the reason for the system which Harold Macmillan worked out in the documents zero lift posted - the PM is required to take an instant decision, and if he's caught up in the blast before he can make that decision then it's the responsibility of an appointed deputy, and that person alone, to take the decision to launch nuclear weapons. Royal prerogatives probably do factor in there somewhere, but these days the Prime Minister doesn't ask the monarch before using those powers. I imagine the PM briefs the Queen about the various issues which required use of Royal Prerogatives at his meetings with her on a Tuesday evening - the only other time she's consulted about the business of government is when she has to sign Acts of Parliament into law.
Originally posted by devilwasp
Originally posted by zero lift
It might be a better idea for you to put speculation about the role of the Monarchy in ordering a release aside for one moment and actually study the relevant Government documents.
You mean like the emergancy powers act (have you read that?)