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Help: I'm Losing Color In My Vision

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posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 02:04 PM
I didn't notice this until I was driving to work today, but for some reason the colors I used to see, aren't the same anymore.

The grass is still green but its a very very bright green and it has patches of different kinds of green everywhere.

Whenever I look at the snow I can see random blue and red stains everywhere. It's almost like I have colored shades permanently locked onto my eyes.

I've also noticed that motion in my vision is blurred, and when I look at my fingers and move my hands up and down slowly I can see Teal in between the cracks of my fingers.

I feel like a computer monitor that has been drenched in water, and that has had a magnet dragged across is several times.

Does anyone know why this is happening to me? Nothing of this sort has ever happened before in my life.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 02:08 PM
I might be your eyes, then again, it might not be. I STRONGLY urge you to go see your doctor.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 02:16 PM
How old are you?

Do you have high blood pressure?

Do you have any history of diabetes?

Have you suffered any recent head trauma?

You should also make sure to be checked for any issues with your retinas, which could present as problems with colors and/or flashing lights.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Djarums
How old are you?

I'm 19, i'll be 20 on the 13th

Originally posted by Djarums
Do you have high blood pressure?

No high blood pressure

Originally posted by Djarums
Do you have any history of diabetes?

No, not that I know of

Originally posted by Djarums
Have you suffered any recent head trauma?

I left work early to go see my doctor about it, and he said he has no idea what it could be ( not his exact words but thats what he meant) and he gave me some eye drops to test out, and told me to get a good nights sleep.

I used the eyedrops and it didn't do anything but we still have the good nights sleep to go.

Has anyone experienced this before? Am I started to go color blind?

I'm interested in anyones opinon, or thoughts.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 05:42 PM
Weird, maybe you just need some rest.

Could be a temporary thing to, I've had color problems for
a day before that went away after the first time and never
returned, nothing like that though.

You should see about going to an optologist about it.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 05:44 PM
Color-blindness does not match the sympotoms your describing.

Being color blind would be easily identified, probably while you were in your early childhood, by the inability to distinguish between certain colors, the most common being red and green.

What you're describing sounds more to me like random colors appearing where they shouldn't be. To me that sounds like something related to either the retina or the optic nerve.

You should definitely have your eyes dilated so the doctor can get a good look in there. If it's something like a retina detachment issue, the sooner you find it the better, and most of these issues can be resolved by relatively simple outpatient surgery.

But really, I must emphasize the most important thing here is to get it diagnosed sooner rather than later.

[edit on 12-4-2006 by Djarums]

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by 1Crisis
I didn't notice this until I was driving to work today, but for some reason the colors I used to see, aren't the same anymore.

The grass is still green but its a very very bright green and it has patches of different kinds of green everywhere.

Whenever I look at the snow I can see random blue and red stains everywhere. It's almost like I have colored shades permanently locked onto my eyes.

I've also noticed that motion in my vision is blurred, and when I look at my fingers and move my hands up and down slowly I can see Teal in between the cracks of my fingers.

I feel like a computer monitor that has been drenched in water, and that has had a magnet dragged across is several times.

Does anyone know why this is happening to me? Nothing of this sort has ever happened before in my life.

wikipedia light and check out exactly what it is ... and what color is.. I'm sure you'll be fantastically surprised..
have you been changing the way you look at the world lately?
when you change the WAY you look at things... The things you look at change

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 07:29 PM
Although you are typically too young, you description sounds like macular degeneration. My mother developed macular degeneration in her sixties. When she started developing this disorder, she was in her sixties -- the typical age when this can occur.

Don't to your doctor as soon as possible. Macular Degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness!!! Although there is no cure for macular degeneration, it can be arrested.

Of course, what you describe could be something else, your vision is not something to be trifled with. Again, go see a doctor as soon as possible.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 10:08 PM
Excellent advice everyone but i've decided that I don't feel like handling the problem because, I don't want to find out if whatever is wrong is bad.

I'd rather just live with the problem, even though it gets quite annoying. :bnghd:

Are there any household remedies for this kind of problem?

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by 1Crisis
i've decided that I don't feel like handling the problem because, I don't want to find out if whatever is wrong is bad.

I'd rather just live with the problem, even though it gets quite annoying. :bnghd:

Are there any household remedies for this kind of problem?

Excuse me but have you read anything that the other members have said?
This could be something more than an annoying problem. Possible loss of your vision is something that is worth pulling your head out of the sand over.

What might be simply annoying right now could be symptoms of something far more serious. Please don't be naive and think that you can just ignore this and it will go away. Hopefully it will do just that but, at the same time, this might be serious and so, for the sake of your family and friends -- if not for yourself -- go see a doctor.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by 1Crisis
Excellent advice everyone but i've decided that I don't feel like handling the problem because, I don't want to find out if whatever is wrong is bad.

I'd rather just live with the problem, even though it gets quite annoying. :bnghd:

Are there any household remedies for this kind of problem?

Get your eyes checked buddy!
Don't fool don;t want to be kicking yourself for something you could have taken care of.
Better you can read the insurance bill, than have to get someone to read it to you!

[edit on 4-12-2006 by spacedoubt]

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
Excuse me but have you read anything that the other members have said?

Thank you for your concern benevolent tyrant, and yes I have read every post and took each of them into consideration, but the real fact as to why I am not seeking a doctor anymore is very quite embarrasing.

I understand the risks, and I know that I could possibly go blind. I'm not very close to my family, and my friends are in the same predicament (sp?) as I am.

I also have very high hopes that I will not go blind. I tend to do everything for myself, and the money it would take for a doctor isn't worth spending if it means i'll be living in my car.

That is why I am seeking a household remedy, or any suggestions besides treatment from a doctor.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 12:01 PM
You are not, or have not been, a drug user have you? If so, stop.

If I were you I would make an appointment to see a specialist, immediately.


posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:27 PM
What is color blindness?

"Colorblind" is an exaggerated term handed down over time, referring to individuals who have abnormal color vision. Eight percent of males and less than one percent of females have faulty color perception in degrees ranging from a slight difficulty in recognizing shades of color to complete loss of color vision. Colored objects that are labeled such as "blue skies" or "green grass" have specific meaning only to people with normal color vision.

The retina at the back of the eye contains types of seeing elements called rods and cones. The rods are responsible for night vision and the cones are responsible for color vision and operate in daylight conditions. There are three types of cones: blue, green, and red, which act together to allow us to perceive a range of color, from deep indigo to blazing red. Each cone has a pigment which is specific to certain colors. An abnormal gene may subtly alter or completely eliminate a specific pigment. An individual who has inherited an abnormal gene can have difficulty distinguishing certain color combinations such as yellow on green, green on red, red on green, blue on red, red on blue and red on black.

Although abnormal color vision can be verified with color testing during a medical eye examination, it cannot be cured. It is impossible to restore to the eye those elements in the retina which nature did not provide at birth. Some color blind people tend to gravitate to bright, vivid colors because they can be detected more easily. Muted colors or low intensity colors, (text, lines, or bands where there isnt enough color contrast to register) cause difficulty or are indistinguishable.

80 % of all males

See A Doctor........As Soon As You Can

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Shoktek
You are not, or have not been, a drug user have you?

No i've never been a drug user besides the occasional pain killer.

I used to smoke for 6 years but I just recently quit on Thanksgivings Day.

I also am not in current financial wellness. My job does not give any benefits, and that is why I have decided not to see or take any action toward this problem.

Although I am still seeking any house-hold remedies.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 11:35 PM
i seem to have the same problem , things look grey anf color isnt as sharp as it used to be, got checked up 2x, drs found nothing.

any advice, pls.


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