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Moral Questions

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posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 05:00 PM
Do you think, just a hypothetical question that America would be better off if we haddn't caught Nixon and watergate, that he got away scotch free, or at least until he was out of office. Watergate really ushered in an era of American politcal cycism, and if watergate never happens maybe people would still care. Maybe its one of those ignorance is bliss questions.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 05:13 PM
The United States was FULL of political cynism long before Watergate. Remember the Vietnam war and how people were protesting daily all across the counrty? Remember Kent State? Remember the civil rights movement? Remember both Kennedy assasinations? How about the Bay of Pig's disaster. I could go on, but thats a good start.

Imorality in Politics is as old as the day is long. Remember Politics... from the latin root Poly... or many... and Tics... blood sucking beasts.

Watergate was a good thing as it showed that we didn't have to put up with it and could actualy get a president impeached for his crimes. Now... it is time to impeach Bush. There is plenty of legal reasons why he is indeed impeachable. I just don't want Cheney in charge either. They are both crooks.

[edit on 1-12-2006 by Terapin]


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