posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 11:29 PM
What do you think about the Adam and Eve story?
I'm Catholic, and one of the theories my Catholic priest told me is this:
There were other humans around at the time of Adam and Eve, and that the story is just a metaphor. That humans at that time did not have souls, and
that God creating Adam and Eve was him jus simply picking two people,a male and female, from the population and giving them souls. the story is just
a metaphor for God giving the first two people souls.
something like that, i haven't explained it the best.
and another one i've read is really cool, along those lines:
Its that people didn't have souls, and the spirits in heaven took pity on them. The spirits then decided to become a part of the humans, becoming
their souls. They came down to Earth and became the souls of man, becacuse without a soul there was no salvation or hope for mankind. It is
basically the spirits or angels came to save their hopeless brothers--mankind.
anyways, what do you all think?
What are your opinions and beliefs. I don't necessarily believe either of these, just thought they were interesting.