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Really Necessary?

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posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 07:54 PM
Pandemic it really necessary?

I mean, I live in an earthquake prone zone - I've been through several "biggies" (not the big one, but darned close!!). I have enough supplies to last independently (just me and the herd of cats) for at least 2 months easily without any feeling of deprivation, excepting water. (Just the way I buy staples, not specifically for emergency preparation). If I help feed my Dad, or completely feed him (he's not so good at getting supplies), I can stretch it to 2 months, as well (like most Americans, I can stand to lose a few pounds). I bought some storage containers and have put them in Dad's garage, full of canned goods that he can access should the need arise, under the guise of "really great sale, Dad, need the storage here." (We live really close to each other).

So, just because H5N1 is rather alarming, I've been surfing the net. I've seen preparations that some have made, some amazing (and rather...odd) preparations to be sure. But I've seen more and more webbies that are sounding the prepared for a long time (no one says actually how long) alone/idependent/without leaving the house.

But I can't help but remember the Y2K panic. Things were weird in December '99 to be sure...and nothing happened.

So. All that to ask:

Is it really necessary to stockpile like those I've seen? I figure I'm pretty prepared for the short haul, if the need arises (i.e. earthquake, a short quarantine, et cetera). But is it all hype and hooey? Or should I be a bit more serious about things? Like I've said, I'm prepped for the local natural disasters, and think that it would be sufficient for a short term quarantine. But the "panic" I see out there is almost scary itself, you know?

What is everyone's opinion here?


posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 03:27 PM

Didn't think you all were that closed to a newish person. I had hoped for some help. Apparently, I won't get it here. I shall continue searching aimlessly elsewhere about this topic.


posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 03:38 PM
dont fret Aimless Searcher, I have been here awhile and almost think of myself a thread killer

it just seems that way sometimes, but I would love to have some preparations.
I think its your call but when your own goverment tells you its a good idea maybe listen.thair is alot thay are not telling us about alot of stuff. well good luck.

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 03:56 PM

Sorry you fell that way, but a godd answer requires thought.

My take is that Disaster by any other name, is still disaster. I live in a remote area, and beyond the end of a dead-end tirtiary road. We have a stockpile, and the skills necessary (from my Appalachia upbringing) to survive here for an extended period of time and be pretty close to vertically self-sufficient. We are very prone to Natural disaster, here, as well as pandemic (real or imagined) and about anything else that can befall a Human Being. So, we strive to maintain the ability to survive whatever occurs.

As to the "Bird Flu", (ALL Influenza comes from Birds, BTW), even with all the flap and hype, there has not been a single Human case of it in the United States. THIS DOES NOT mean that it can't happen! If it does, then your best policy is to STAY HOME and out of contact with other people--period--as it greatly reduces the risk of contracting the disease. In order to be able to do that, you have to have the "stuff" to do it with, so, you supply up! Nothing at all wrong with it.

Hope this helps you.

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 04:03 PM
I don't see anything wrong with preparing for a disaster, because you just never know? I like to keep my house well stocked with things that could tie my family over for a few months. But not just for disaster purposes, I live up in the mountains, and I just never know when I might get snowed in? It's happened before, so has flooding happened in my area- when the temperture rises and the snow pack melts to fast. In fact just a month ago such a flooding happened, and people on the low banks of the river got it bad...some of them lost their houses to the river.

I think it's wise to be prepared the best you can, with food, water, medical/first aid kind of name it. I even keep a stock of evaporated canned milk on hand that can be reconstituted by adding a can of water. It makes wonderful gravy in a pinch
Yes, you should prepare for whatever might come your way

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 12:08 AM
Fear is unnecessary and self-defeating.

Being prepared is just smart.

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