posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 12:53 PM
Really the world we live in today is downright explicit with beastly events of war, poverty, religion, discrimination, racism, and ignorant denial of
thousands if not millions who shield themselves over the turmoil. Those who are gratified by there wealth live to serve no one unorderly. We as a
people know that human beings are hastly mutilated by the deeds done by those in power. It is those in power who are corrupted and should themselves
be sent to a prison or rehabilitation unit. Our countrys leaders are responsible for war and chaotic choices that is witnessed by there citizens, yet
no one cares as long as they are not involved. Selfish people of such a prime example should be ashamed of themselves for allowing those responsible
for carrying out such evil procedures. It is a burdon not only for the helm, but as a citizen a part of their country. The New World Order (NWO) may
not be so bad afterall aslong as it strictly abides to peace and justice, where unhumanly and unjust influences toward war, poverty, religion,
discrimination, racism and ignorant denial is not concealed but abolished through a new educative system that teaches valiant meaning of a better
tomorrow today.
Let's unify our hearts and make a difference sooner than later!