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Whats this B-2 doing???????????

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posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 12:54 AM
It sure is Seapeople

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 10:56 PM
i mean ive never been there or anything... but i would say it could be groom lake... it looks like there was a body of water there at some point.

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 01:32 AM
Russian, the graph is useless without an explantion for us lay people.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 08:12 PM
Yupp Its Area 51 In The Background Of The Picture Because When You See The Sattalite Images Of It All The Way On The Top Is That Big Circle Of Dirt And On The Front Of The Plane You Can See That Big Circle Of Dirt In The Background I Think. Am I Wrong On This?

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 08:21 PM
hmmm well if someone has a 3d image we could use that pic of the bomber and compare the 3d rendering to the image in question would that work?

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 08:33 PM
I Guess So.
Do You Have A 3d Image Kris?

[Edited on 09-12-2003 by ShadowMan]

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 05:44 AM
hmm no I dont have one but on one of the many area 51 sites there is an artist rendering in 3d of the facility that is based on the latetist sat images and pics. So if someone could find it. orrrr you can simply look at the pic and compare the moutains with the panoramic pics of area51 but you need to fiq out what angle the pic is taken from of course

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 05:57 AM
hmm well i didnt find the 3d image but from what I can tell there are 2 runways one that extends into the lake bed one that doesnt if you look at the sat photo you can see the same runways i cant tell abou the hanger by runway one ( the closest to the plane) but there is something strange about the aircraft it seems to me that there was some touch up dome if you look at the wing i looks like the red lights on the wing and the ventral side of the craft seemed to be painted in.Someone with good photo editing knowledge would have to look at the pic to determine if airbrushing was added as far as groom lake it looks like the real thing.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:18 AM
fairly sure this is fake, look in the file header, it's got "Ulead technologies" in it, could just be the program it was cropped in etc. - but could also be the program used to fiddle with it, to be honest tho, it even looks fake

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 08:19 PM
But I Guess I Was Right On The BackGround

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 10:22 AM
It is breaking the sound barrier. Most jets do that when they reach mach one.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by infexious
fairly sure this is fake, look in the file header, it's got "Ulead technologies" in it, could just be the program it was cropped in etc. - but could also be the program used to fiddle with it, to be honest tho, it even looks fake

I seriously doubt that the image is faked - that said, I also doubt that what you are seeing is either a sound barrier being broken or an anit-gravity drive being "kicked on"...

Ulead technologies has for several years made among the main programs for optimizing images for the web - (the process of reducing the size and therefore the download time of web images...)

Only recently comparatively has Ulead been into image editing and I dare say that if someone were to attempt a fake this good it would be accomplished with photoshop or another more professional program.

The original picture came from the Edwards AFB photo gallery - the location of the photo is not A51/Groom Lake as some here have stated but Dryden Dry Lake Bed @ Edwards AFB, in California.

Here is a link to a similar picture on the Edwards AFB web site.

I do not believe this picture is showing the B-2 breaking the sound barrier or "kicking in" it's "anti-gravity" drive - a reasonable guess is that the clouds are due in part to lift enhanced by the Prandtl-Glauert singularity. The speed of the B2 is likely to correspond to a Mach number of approximately 0.6.

[Edited on 23-12-2003 by intelgurl]

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 04:51 PM
they would not use the B-2 its a unstable air craft to start with. they would most likely use a more sstaable air craft like the F-15, F-14 ,or the A-6.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:16 PM

It looks like it is pulling some kind of tether.

Is it an antenna?

a supposedly secret contrail-reduction technology?

Also notice how it seems that different generations of B-2 have changed the infamous leading edge. On that picture it is clearly a different material. That seems to be the original configuration.

but here, it is invisible.

it's 99% probably just a new radar absorbing/deflecting material....

but if you are conspiracy minded, maybe only some generations have the anti-gravity? As the B-2 moves towards normal operation they make a normal flight version of the plane.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:27 PM

where do the lights shine from?

Maybe it is all a huge LCD impregnated panel, and they can make
any section of it clear as necessary for lights or cameras or sensors?

Actually this might account for the varying appearance of the front panel, from being dark black to light gray.

That's because the appearance of an LCD depends alot on polarization, you know if you look at LCD display with polarized sunglasses.

Maybe it's always just the same thing but depending on the lighting.

If anybody sees a B-2 closeup in an air-show, try looking at it under polarized glasses. Then take off the glasses and rotate them while
looking at the plane.

And check this picture out. It is the only shot I know from 'underneath' looking up at the front edge.

If you see, it has a "cornice", it is not a blunt body going through the air, it is rather like a lip which curls down. And there appears to be two white lights emitted from squares which are embedded in this surface.

WTF is up with that? I know of no aerodynamic principle which demands that. Any other wings with that shape? No.

And also, notice how segmented the leading edge is.

Everywhere else in the plane, they try to make it as amazingly smooth as possible for minimal radar cross section.

Why is the front segmented? Obviously there must be a real good reason.

Is it because of heat expansion gaps? (supposedly the SR-71 heats up and gets tight at high speed, so much that it is loose and leaky at low speeds).

or the infamous "antigravity" panels?

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:31 PM
Kinda looks like bright orenge, or maybe even reflective painted on triangles to me, but good find. I have never seen this pic before...

The reason I say that is because it doesnt appear to change shade at all when the angle is changed... Like, looking down to the right wing(captains right), wouldnt you expect the angle to get greater and greater, and at least slightly change the way it looks?

[Edited on 8-1-2004 by Milk]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:34 PM
where do you see the white lights emitting from?

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 07:36 PM
Ooops, forgot to include the second picture URL.

This is it.

there you can see under the leading edge a little.

I now think the odd curvature is probably for radar stealth, considering the main scenario woudl be B-2 heading in towards enemy radar.

So that the front portion would get alot of incoming radar from horizontal or slightly angled below that. You would want to reflect as much of this as possible upwards to the sky.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:17 PM
Maybe its an aerodynamic chemtrail?

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:42 PM
Looks like landing lights to me... With the delta wing aircraft, a higher angle of attack is usally needed to land at "low" speeds... The nose would be pointed up, and the bottom of the wing slightly foreward... Only thing I can think of... I dont know that the B2 has to land at a low enough speed that they need that high of an angle of attack.

One other thing that I just thought of is the possibility that they are "windows" to facilitate cameras, and the "light" you see is simply a reflection from the lights lighting the rest of the wheel bay...

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