I was driving up the road one night and saw two very odd things....1-I was driving through a curvey patch of land where there are no other roads
within almost ba mile and saw what looked like a single tail light and I watched it sit there about 100 yards away as I drove up a hill. it went out
of sight for 2 seconds and upon decent it was gone...it was a good 1/2-1/4 mile from any other road then it just dissapeared....2-I continued my way
home and I looked over a small hill and saw what i thought was a search light moving along the skyfrom the middle of a feild i scanned the feild with
my head lights during my turn and saw nothing....the nearest house was a ways up and down another road....im not sure what any of this is.......hmmm i
am asking for help on finding out what these were
sounds like it was a farmer out shooting with a lamp or spotlight,
we used to do it all the time on the farm , we even spooked a few locals one time who thought they had seen a UFO.
so i would say it is highly possible it was just somebody out shooting.