Originally posted by GreatTech
orangetom1999, do you believe the originator of each religion did it for God's purposes or self-seeking purposes? Or both?
Does the religion with the highest membership have God or Satan working through the membership?
Does the religion with the lowest membership have God or Satan working through the membership?
Should all of religion be abolished? Instead should we embrace individual Spirituality? If so, could two or more people agree upon anything? Is
there one truth or many truths?
Concering this post of yours on Page 2. I originally missed the premise of what you posted but went back today and reviewed it again.
YOur question ...Do I believe the originator of each religion do it for Gods purpose or self seeking purposes?
It is quite obvious in the Christian religion that a Way was outlined for men and that men chose to deviate from this for their purposes. This is
different from from the question you asked. This is a Hijacking of the religion for the purposes of men.
This is historically done under the guise of logic and reason. Many new religions have been organized over the years claiming to be Christian and
instead using man made philosophy and they too tend twords "entropos". THey are even credited with being Christian by the intelligences of this
world. It was never so.
THe tell tale fingerprint of these man made religions operating under the guise of philosophy...is always death...entropos...twords death.
Another way of defining this is the biblical statement...."violence...they have filled the land with violence"
Many Governments or buisnesses operating behind the veil of government have attempted to use Religion ..particularly christianity to justify thier
profits. Once again violence is thier fingerprint. This is the sign that these occult figures have been present. This continues today.
Many of the recorded wars have been with one group of these Hijackers/occult figures operating against another of these hijackers/occult figures. This
is not how the history reads but if you know certain facts and can think beyond public education levels it becomes quite obvious.
This deviation in secret...has caused most of the problems which the posters here are looking into correcting by thier philosophy and logic. IT will
be a continuation of the same olde thing. 'Their logic and reason too will be hijacked as is so much today.
This deviation in secret has been going on so long that many who claim the name of Christianity no longer know the difference and sit mute when claims
are made by many of the philosophers in rooms like this. There is much ignorance among my Christian bretheren even about Christianity. Amazing to me
at times...but quite true.
The infiltration of Christianity to convert it to man made philosophy continues to this day...and much of it without the perception of the
Christians involved in its conversion to the worlds standards and philosophy. This will eventually result in more entropos......not less.
Nowhere in Christian instruction are Christians told to spread the belief system by the Sword. It will not be found to do so.
One more thing for you philosophers out here. In Archeology and Anthropology...when ever a dig or site is found...one of the tell tale indicators that
it is a man made site ..not animal or such ..is the discovery of worship or tell tale signs of worship. This is a clear sign of men....men were here
and present.
GreatTEch ..think about what this means in lieu of your statement should all religion be abolished.