if you had good hard proof.I mean proof that would resolve one of many conspiracy and you will told by MIB to shut up or else and they took you proof
but you made copy or somrthing like that and had it hid would you come out and tell the world or would you hold it on your shoulders for the rest of
your life in fear due to the MIB
It depends on what I had proof of, what the proof was, and how much it implicated on real life. If it didnt affect anything I might keep it to
myself. If it had severe implications or something of significant magnitude my opinion might be different. How could I be sure though without
knowing what it was. Good question.
Saiyan, sorry I'm really not one to winge but I feel the need to in this case. I had already asked this question and you actually replied to it
shortly afterwards so I think it's kind of strange that you should post virtually the same question as new thread.