posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 02:21 PM
So, this post made sit here and do some thinkin'..........
So I said to myself, Self, do I trust those slidin' doors too much?
Hmmmmmm.......... I never thought about that before.........
Hmmmm, I really like when I go to the store and those slidin' doors open. That way I can be drinkin' a soda, and eatin' a nice hot dog and stuff,
and not have to touch that slidin' glass door. Makes me kinda' feel like Moses and stuff when those slidin' doors part in front of me.
Wait! I just did some more good thinkin'!
I think it would be really cool if there was a door opener on bathroom stalls! Oh man, that would be so cool! You go and do your business, get up and
Boing! That bathroom stall door goes flyin' open! Man, how convenient.
Or like if your friend is goin' and you wanted to play a joke - you could bring in a bunch of people, then like walk in front of the door opener, and
when that door goes flyin' open, I bet your friend would be so surprised!