posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 11:26 PM
its finally here
11/19/06. since everyone who was lucky enough to get their hands and wrist on a wii has wii sports i have decided to make it the
first game thread for the wii.
i like this game. its simple and absolutely fun. i love the bowling right now and it has kept me from trying boxing or golf. if anyone else
likes the bowling alot i recommend playing the training . there u get the chance to knock down 90 some pins at once. its sweet!
i took my wii to my friends and we had a 4 man , actually 2 guys one woman and a 10 year old girl bowl off. i won of course. but after that i
decided to take a rest from my wii and my friends / gfs/ daughter who is 10 messed around with wii sports. what did she like? wii boxing and she
probably played it for 40 min straight. this game has something for everyone.
my 6 year old daughter loves wii bowling but we mostly played twilight together because she insist so she hasnt seen the other sports yet.
ill write more about wii sports later , but im going to go play some more of the training.