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Israel says to assassinate hamas leaders!

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posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 02:48 PM
I feel that israel is losing a lot of their internation support. Their arrogant tendencies are a psycological war of attrition in the minds of the people. Personally I don't think that they deserve the position that they have. I realize the attrocities of the past, yet that doesn't justify they oppression for the future. How about the all the other genicides throughout history? Why don't we give all of those countries a free ride? There is a sinister ideology being backed and I believe the people will see the light.

BTW, there are israeli people that share my same opinion so don't start shouting anti-sematic remarks. I love all people and respect all fair individuals. Let's even add that many orthadox jews believe that the torah strictly forbids jews from having a country, so add that to your thought process.

This isn't about religion... it is about power and stretegy and complete disregard for people that are different. Yes there is a conflict. But you can't toss out present day attrocities without factoring the beginning of the story.


thanks intrepid


[edit on 18-11-2006 by intrepid]

[edit on 18-11-2006 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 05:50 PM
Israel has openly called for the resumption in assassinations of Hamas leaders immediately following the bus bombings back in 2004. The term was something along the line of assassinate the leaders of Hamas “any place they are”.

To my knowledge this policy is current and was only interrupted for a very short period.


posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 06:01 PM
HAMAS is a terrorist organization that has left marks all over the world. But you're crying about Israel treating them unfairly? I question what agenda it is you're trying to spread here. Israel is justified in their attempts to rid the world of these terrorist leaders in HAMAS, it would serve humanity well.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
HAMAS is a terrorist organization that has left marks all over the world. But you're crying about Israel treating them unfairly? I question what agenda it is you're trying to spread here. Israel is justified in their attempts to rid the world of these terrorist leaders in HAMAS, it would serve humanity well.

Why can't you see that "they" created the regional terrorists? Since palestinians aren't resigned to giving up their human rights Isreal has the right to justifiably rid the world of these terrorist/freedom fighters? Why don't you entertain both perspectives? And my agenda is peace and fairness. What is yours? Swallowing special interest motivated propaganda and disregard one persons life over another? Clear enough for you?


posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 04:37 AM
If a Palestinian walked up to him and assasinated him, there would be a crapstorm 2 minutes later. If a Palestinian leader were to say the same thing about murdering an israeli official of ANY capacity , the entire Jewish world would be calling from the high heavens for everyone to get behind them to build the wall faster and higher and the Mossad would kill about 20 of their cabinet members the next day.

Not only do the israelis want to exterminate these people, they wish to make it that they have no voice or organization. Is it a wonder why they rejected the Peace plan that France, Spain and Italy had drawn up, only to say they would draw up their own peace plan.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 06:40 PM
Israel has been under attack since 1948. Major wars and smaller wars are he norm for them. If they do not defend(sometimes by being offensively minded) they will be destroyed. They understand the Islamic threat that they are under.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 06:46 PM
your point? So I can see you stance is... Allow the isrealis to oppress people that you don't know/care about (palestinians).

And remember they've been under attack since "they" stole palestinian land, evicted thousands of palestinian homes, and have continued to control viciiously since.

Are you saying that the palestinians should just bow down to israel? Because if the just stopped fighting back, that is what they would be doing.


posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
your point? So I can see you stance is... Allow the isrealis to oppress people that you don't know/care about (palestinians).

And remember they've been under attack since "they" stole palestinian land, evicted thousands of palestinian homes, and have continued to control viciiously since.

Are you saying that the palestinians should just bow down to israel? Because if the just stopped fighting back, that is what they would be doing.


Israel is sbout 3 million people, surrounded by many times that amount of people who want them dead. The argument that they stole the land is silly. If the other muslim nations(who say they support the palestinians) really care about them then they should create a palestinain country from the vast areas they control. Which if I remember right was what Jordan was supposed to do.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 07:01 PM
Well you do not remember right unfortunately. Israel planed, trained, shipped, and rescued jews from all over the world and dumped them in the palestinans back yard.

And not only did they do that, but they made Jeruselum their capitial city. A place where Muslim second most sacred mosque is. So the argument with building two states is that Israel isn't compromising on the perimeters of the palestinian state, which the palestinians denied for obvious reasons.

Why do you find israel more deserving of the land? Riddle me that.


posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 07:32 PM
Even thought many oppose Hammas, they fail to understand that it is Palestine's democratic elected government. When Israel decides to kill the leader of the Palestinian government, they commit murder. In a fair government, they would have a third party hold war-crimes trials for leaders they accuse. Instead Israel plans on living by "guilty until proven innocent."

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
Even thought many oppose Hammas, they fail to understand that it is Palestine's democratic elected government. When Israel decides to kill the leader of the Palestinian government, they commit murder. In a fair government, they would have a third party hold war-crimes trials for leaders they accuse. Instead Israel plans on living by "guilty until proven innocent."

Very true. Now go find ten people that will publically agree with you.


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