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Kitty births Puppies?

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posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 12:58 PM
I find this to be quite interesting but on the other hand i also think it is a bunch of Phooey...... Anyone have any other info regarding this???

This is Mimi, the first cat to give birth to puppies, her owner claims.

Kitty with Puppies??

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 02:11 PM
It's a hoax.

Dogs and cats are very different (not even from the same family/genus/species.) You can't breed things that are so very different -- it'd be like trying to tell someone that you built a Genuine Volkswagen Beetle out of Humvee parts.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 03:37 PM
most definite hoax . from a pure genetic POV , even cross genus hybrids [ lion and tiger ] are rare , hybrids crossing famility boundaries [ canine and feline ] are impossible .

though i find the comments accompanying , well distrurbing :

No way, Biblically impossible. God would not allow it. All animals are made after their own kind.

if the witer of that only believes that things " sanctioned in the bible " are possible - i would love to hear the biblical authority for the internet

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 09:26 AM
My dogs are notorious for getting busy with animate and inanimate objects;like my kids stuffed animals, my mother-in-laws leg and yes even some unsuspecting cat now and then , but come on, does any one really believe that this is true?

If so I can't wait to see the result of this:

Just for the sake of clarity, this is not my dog.

This is just too funny.

My apologies if this offends anyone, but its just nature un-censured.

[edit on 17-11-2006 by Sparky63]

[edit on 17-11-2006 by Sparky63]

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 09:30 AM
The cat adopting the pups after losing her babies is a more plausible story. I doubt a cat and dog could mate and reproduce.

The owner is either very naive or very dumb

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by ImJaded

The owner is either very naive or very dumb

She has nice cleavage, though.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by ImJaded

The owner is either very naive or very dumb

She has nice cleavage, though.

Wow, you are right! O_O

On topic: Yes, it is totally far out that this made media headlines..

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 09:23 PM
This reminds me of this video on in which a cat who had recently lost some of her kittens adopted the puppies of a dog who showed no interest in nursing them. That's the most plausible scenario in this case as well, in all likelihood. That said, who knows? I genuinely believe anything is possible lol.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 11:34 PM
Whoa! that Kitten better explain herself to papa Cat, otherwise that pussy better look for hog dogs somewhere else!

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 07:17 AM
I can't believe this even made headlines. For one thing, as has already been mentioned, a cat/dog hybrid is impossible--not without some serious gene alteration, for which we haven't the technology as of yet. For another, the cat couldn't have carried those puppies, since they're as big as she is. If she tried to birth even one of those, it would've torn her apart.

Thankfully, it's been debunked. No more of that ridiculousness.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 05:14 PM
I found The Reason:

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 05:23 PM
Would a cat be a viable surrogate for implanted dog embryos?

I'm not saying this is the case here. But Would it be possible for a cat to give birth to
a litter of pups this way? Instead of crossbreeding?

Ever since Grady mentioned the cleavage, I can't get to the article..It won't load.LOL

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Would a cat be a viable surrogate for implanted dog embryos?

I'm not saying this is the case here. But Would it be possible for a cat to give birth to
a litter of pups this way? Instead of crossbreeding?

Doubtful. First off, a fertilized dog embryo has a different signature than a cat embryo. If implanted into the cat, it's likely that the immune system of the cat would attack the embryo, destroying it. It's the same concept of transplanting organs from one patient to another. Transplant patients have to take immunosuppressants so that their body doesn't attack the foreign tissue.

Secondly, the majority of puppies are about twice the size of your average kitten, therefore the size alone would quite possibly kill the mother. Assuming that she doesn't die carrying them, there would surely be complications with the birth (pups wouldn't fit through a cat's birth canal).

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:54 AM
Well I guess this has finally run its course and reason wins the day.

Blood tests prove that the cat did not give birth to the puppies.

Blood tests refute a Brazilian woman's claim that her cat had given birth to three puppies, geneticist Adil Pacheco said on Tuesday.

The link for this is here:

It is amazing to me that the News Media would even print stories as retarded as this. Some poor uneducated woman makes a wild claim and the story is transmitted around the world. Unbelievable. I guess it just goes to show how gullible some people are.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 04:32 PM
I can se it now on jerry springer:

"YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER"..... even after this picture was taken:

snoopy goes mad tries to go after garfield and steve tries to break the fight! ohh the humanity!

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