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America's greatest weapon

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posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:59 AM
America's greatest weapon is their scientists.
"The ruler of the world is no longer the country with the bravest soldiers, but the greatest scientists."
What is the point of having all the weapons that we do if we never use them? We have nukes, chemical weapons (VX), electronic weapons (e-bomb), planes, tanks, and who knows what else. Take North Korea for example. Kin Jong, is a crazy butt hole. Why not send a team of assassins in and train the koreans. We have brainwashing technology, we could make a "manchurian candidate" type korean kill Kim Jong and boom crazy man is dead and we live happily ever after. Same thing with iran, the people of iran claim to love us, and hate their leader. So why don't they do something about it? Personally i have a Roman mindset, not a hippie "love everyone". Our current war strategy is to win the people over and then when they are on our side we can either fight the enemy and win, or train the people to fight their own battles and win. Has that ever worked? No. I say do as the Romans do and kill the people into submission. Drop a couple canisters of VX, kill some people. The people go to their government, the government doesn't do anything, BOOM now the people are on our side.
Sorry, for that rant i just had to get it off my chest.

Is there any organic chemist in the house? I have an idea for a new weapon, and i need some help my chemistry ain't too good.

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 02:08 AM
Most of the youth in Iran do like the US. Its the older group thats in power and that will do what it would need to do to stay in power that keeps the youth from voicing a louder voice. Look at Iraq, they didnt like Saddam but fear kept them quiet. Of course now its turned into a headache but....

Plus we prolly couldnt get close enough to kill any leader of those 2 countries.

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 03:21 AM
Actually VX is a british invention. The US traded thermonuclear technology for the VX poison gas.

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by SenHeathen
Most of the youth in Iran do like the US. Its the older group thats in power and that will do what it would need to do to stay in power that keeps the youth from voicing a louder voice. Look at Iraq, they didnt like Saddam but fear kept them quiet. Of course now its turned into a headache but....

Plus we prolly couldnt get close enough to kill any leader of those 2 countries.

I agree with you completely on your statement of how Irans youth feel. It is the Imams and Clergy that hold the power there. But Iraq is a geopolitical nightmare at this point. No country on earth would want to be where the US and Coalition forces are now, basically maintaining the peace as best they can for a foreign govt that otherwise couldnt keep the country together themselves.

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by ludaChris

Originally posted by SenHeathen
Most of the youth in Iran do like the US. Its the older group thats in power and that will do what it would need to do to stay in power that keeps the youth from voicing a louder voice. Look at Iraq, they didnt like Saddam but fear kept them quiet. Of course now its turned into a headache but....

Plus we prolly couldnt get close enough to kill any leader of those 2 countries.

I agree with you completely on your statement of how Irans youth feel. It is the Imams and Clergy that hold the power there. But Iraq is a geopolitical nightmare at this point. No country on earth would want to be where the US and Coalition forces are now, basically maintaining the peace as best they can for a foreign govt that otherwise couldnt keep the country together themselves.

I agree with you too. Right now the coalition is just rying to keeo the peace. It seems the saying I've been hearing lately is true. "We want peace for them more than they do."
The Iraqi gov has got o step up on cracking down on curroption and tribal conflicts.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 12:53 AM
Americas Greatest Weapon Is It's Image.

Unfortunately, what we don't understand is that as that 'image' becomes common place in the form of widespread trade for goods and services in a world that doesn't see the real evils of capitalism 'for it's own sake' (disproportionate labor:wealth building) until it's too late, the power of our beliefs and culture /as espoused/ through our wealth and position, seems less seductive. Less Olympian in it's wow factoring of Ambrosia and Ale.

Incidents like Abu Ghraib don't help much of course.

As to 'Tomorrow being about the youth of Iran' I can only ask WHICH Iran you bloody innocents are referring to?

The Iranian Youth that forms 90% of their 'Revolutionary Guardian Force' of the Pasdaran. A paramilitary organization which rivals the regular army and has under it's wing 2 of the 3 external terrorist branches of their nominal 'intelligence' service?

You know, the militia whose 'sensible young folk' threw themselves into battle with little more than their faith and their smiling bright teeth against Iraqi tanks and artillery? Walked across mine fields, arm in arm 'for Allah'? Endured chemical attacks without protective MOP gear?



Iran 101 for the STUPID:

1. The only folks who get interviewed on Western TV by the CNN socialists are the little rich brats that are accessible at university because their parents form the top 10% of society that can send them there and THEY want to show the cream of the crop as being 'representative of all Iran'. Just look at the clothes and the pretty faces and the generally genteel attitudes. Pure Kennedy Club, Persian style. And almost entirely illusional for much the same reason that the cultural avante guarde (pinky off the teacup) elite of all societies are never really the ones in power. Money doesn't buy cunning. Cunning is a base animal instinct.

2. Those who live in the majority of the country, still largely rural and poor (the ones who instigated the revolution at the local level) are both desperate to improve their position and brought up under a _very_ conservative education system which enforces subjective viewpoints, not as a function of religion as a 'submission to God' but rather as _subservience to the power base_. Say the formulaic words of hate Jews, destroy Israel, blah blah blah and BE The Revolution. Or at least as much of it as ever comes out to the sticks.

THOSE are the ones who will come to rule because, through their religion, they enforce the power of the 'stodgy old farts' who encourage and benefact their lowly existence, 'just the way it is' on the basis of sustaining their own position.

THEY are the ones in whom a low animal cunning is born out of having nothing else to look forward to. They will wade through a tide of elitist blood pouring in rivers out of the cosmopolitan elitism that is the Iranian hoi polloi.

Morons In, Victims Out.


posted on Nov, 25 2006 @ 02:28 PM
I agree with much of what you posted on this post but there has been many bad things said in relation to our country of america these days. People who do suicide bombing for themselves in the name of allah, go, do a one time thing, but the problem is that they get a lot more recruits.

I believe that Iran has a lot of pro-american propeganda too but the people in power are more likely to displace their opinions with their own. Lots of the people in power are against that.

I think that we really should ask the CIA why we arent being attacked on our home soil.

I think the biggest reason people everywhere are afraid of our army is that we have an insurmountable defense, that's deep. You cant get past it! Plus we have all these secret bases and we are developing ufo technology and the ufology in our country scares several world leaders from attacking us.

As for the terrorists, I think we should be worried more about the east.

I think the UN is bull# personally, and that many wars we fought in the last fifty years would have been avoided had we not allied with the UN but we had no choice but to do that because we didnt ally with the league of nations and that fell from germany so that's pretty much what I think.

posted on Nov, 25 2006 @ 05:27 PM
America's single greatest asset is money. Money wins wars, money spurs scientific research, money is the single most powerful resource in the World.

When you think about the fact that the state of California has between the 6th and 10th (depending on which statistics you believe) largest economy in the World and that's just one of the 50 states, it gives some idea of just how much financial resource exists in the US.

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 04:52 AM

America's single greatest asset is money. Money wins wars, money spurs scientific research, money is the single most powerful resource in the World.

Money can be devalued in a heart beat. All's you have to do to crush the dollar is start trading oil in Euros on a massive scale. WHY do you think the Feds not only 'look the other way' but break about a dozen rules on free trade and laissez faire commercial activities to make sure OUR companies develop natural resources, for OUR first-lick exploitation, world wide?

It's because if the American Economy collapses, politicians will be blamed and powerless to shift that blame elsewhere. One of the major faults of a democratic society built on a Constitution which begins 'all men created equal' blah blah blah, is that we can't just go out and TAKE what we need to as an Empire that assures it's own resource access (and thus control of trade values through transport costs and industrial oil fiat currencyism) 'as tribute'.

And the whole world is watching us bleed out, secretly giggling at the notion that 'if we don't play nice, they won't have to pretend to like us, but if we do, they can steal us blind using our own system against us'.

When you think about the fact that the state of California has between the 6th and 10th (depending on which statistics you believe) largest economy in the World and that's just one of the 50 states, it gives some idea of just how much financial resource exists in the US.

SOCIETAL WEALTH that is built on disproportionate consumerist trade only works so long as you keep the slaves in East Asia from becoming a generic consumer class on their own.

It is already too late to keep that from happening in China.

If America collapsed into recession and secession to ensure 'local currency values' (what little is left to us is being sold away by NAFTA and other WTO driven insanities, independent nation states could shut that down and 'screw federally signed treaties'), the Chinese would take a _small_ hit but inside 20 years they would be dominant as their own 'closed loop' (home production ensures a consumerist society and forget things like eco-wise controls on pollution or 'free trade').

As is, they will completely replace us in a decade.

And then we will see how 'valuable' American money really is.

My own opinion is that capitalism for it's own sake requires such a disproportionate level of labor:profit (more junk-jobs must be created to support a few good ones making the few rich and the many into wage slaves in a 'service' economy) leveraging that it is like feeding a tape worm which eventually becomes so big that you CAN'T feed it fast enough.

As such, we need to REALIZE that what drove _enduring_ historical Empires to maintain their position was the creation of a slave class in which 'labor was free'. Since we are again blocked from that route at the human level by the hypocrisy of the Civil War and our own Constitution; we need to create an android equivalent system which effectively (by efficiency state) destroys all assumptions of what 'a good days work' is all about.

Forget education. Forget defense. Survivable nations exist based on efficiency of their labor:profit systems.

To insist on a policy of 'the cream rise to the top' only ensures that the other 70% of the curds-and-whey underneath them spoil in a degraded social position and that WILL destroy this nation as the megawealthy become ever more so and the middle class effectively disappears.

Unfortunately, the greatest obstacle to such a simple realization is two fold:

1. US.
The common folk. Who will have to face down and acknowledge our utter obsolescence as a societal work force. We don't want to do the scut jobs and so lax immigration serves to import ethnic slave labor which defacto replaces us in place (until their kids are equally spoiled and the process repeats).
Societal Stress inherent to an instinctive realization of inefficient and thus unsurvivable labor:profit ratio induces major increases in birth rates in all but the upper classes. Continued population bloom will thus SEEM to emphasize the 'old ways' of a job for everyone, even if it is at McDonalds at an unliveable minimum wage. Furthermore, since overpopulation is the worlds greatest problem overall and the easiest way to solve this is not to live more eco-wise but simply to have /fewer total people/, you also have to convince the 'the proletariat' to give up their one individual freedom: to make babies. NEEEEEVER gonna happen dude. And so we are literally screwed, by our own everything-for-nothing natures.

2. The Ruling Elite.
The ones who should lead by example but can't because they have so much more to lose that any sacrifice seems pathetic. If you replace national governance on a 'trade and diplomacy' basis of world domination with one in which a much reduced population of 60-100 million people don't NEED a disproportionate amount of resource access (and don't pollute the biosphere accordingly), those who represent that governing institution 'by class' again lose power if not a reason to exist in all their layered bureaucratic glory.
And you all KNOW that yielding of power to change ain't /never/ gonna happen. Because the very personalities involved are those which WE endorse as a staticist bulwark against scary-alteration of the status quo.

Thus, from both sides of the ruled and ruling aisle there is a definitive attitude that NOTHING which could save us will EVER do so. In particular as a technologic solution which will never be allowed to be nearer than '20 years out' from developmental exit and societal implementation (hydrogen fuel cells having been postulated as 'less than two decades away' since the 1960s for instance).

No cheap, miniaturized, power. No robots in the original czech sense.

And this in turn **guarantees** that when the worm turns and becomes dragon-on-top, we will have NOTHING to answer the 'Asian view of the New World Order'. As an independent culture.

To which I can only say, _forget_ Globalization. If the legacy our children inherit is that of runaway capitalism and a society ruled by international trade laws, we have NOTHING to look forward to as _Americans_. The basis of our cultural escape from Europe was NOT religion but rather leaving a feudalistic, class driven, powerless political-economic existence.

MONEY is not the damn answer to that eternal problem of too much top weight to breathe. Because MONEY is what makes that weight into an immoveable inertia of existence.

If it was anything else, we would be doing a helluva lot more to ensure that said currency didn't flow, one way, to pay for slave economics consumerism in someone else' new frontier. At the cost of our own massive debt.

Ignore the facts set out above and we are setting ourselves up to be right back where we started as vassals to a slave state. And thus being so egalitarianistically interested in exporting ourselves for the good of others that we empower them to obliterate US. We The People. IS A BAD IDEA.

WE are the one who started the _Humanist Revolution_. We must make sure that WE are the ones who survive to benefit from the metamorphic change.


posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 04:54 AM
killing people doesnt make them any only makes them look bad.and insane

[edit on 26-11-2006 by muhlis]

[edit on 26-11-2006 by muhlis]

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by muhlis
killing people doesnt make them any only makes them look bad.and insane

[edit on 26-11-2006 by muhlis]

[edit on 26-11-2006 by muhlis]

I agree but if all those people werent killed it wouldnt matter because (a) they have no rights to begin with and (b) they arent american citizens. Saying that killing these people would not be farfetched.

Money drives the united states. It is what makes our country powerful. The ruling elite contains the banking industry of a group of wealthy bankers and they have power over the government.

These few elite can control finance and currency. They make the policies and the government works around them.

America's image is greed and corporate wealth. It has to do with the strength and will to survive.

The nuclear weapons capability that we possess is only a far reach of our power, and they arent going to disarm our nuclear capabilities anytime soon.

While other people may mock america, it only grows stronger.

Our presence is what makes our country strong.

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 11:51 AM
What have the last 8 posts got to do with being America's greatest weapon?

This thread could have been a deposit for some lively debate, but no sooner had the originator posted, it turned into an Iran/Iraqi post.

Back on topic:

Somebody said that 'money' was America's greatest weapon well, I partly agree. I think that money enables a solid manufacturing base and that in turn provides an industry that can, at the turn or a wheel or the push of a button, turn from a peacetime to a wartime manufacturing output.

All you have to do, is look at the way America went to full wartime production, building aircraft, tanks, artillery and ships at lightning speed, not to mention millions of small arms and hundreds of millions of rounds of various calibres of ammunition - not only for it's own forces, but also for the UK & the Commonwealth, France and Russia.

So my answer would be Industrial Production is America's greatest weapon.


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