posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:24 AM
Thats it i've had enough, i just have to say something
Why is it Evangelist always seem to go to places like Antigua, Barbados, U.S.A etc. i mean these places more than probably have more curches per head
than the uk?
When i come accross an Evangilist/paster i always ask why don't you go to places like Iran, China, Sudan, Gongo, Korea etc.
it seems they want an easy life with no risk's and frankly a good holiday at the expense of the chruch members and then come back and tell church
members how good the progress is. and when you try to challenge these same blind sheep about what thier pasters are doing they get angry and defensive
saying well why don't you go! ( Well im not an evangilist ha?)
They just make me sick
and the members are so blind that they can't see they are funding extravagant holidays for evil men to enjoy.
You may ask why im concerened with this foolish thing but my girl is a church goer and we had this debate yesterday, and low and behold shes blind
Is it just me or do others see the same thing going on. ???