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Why is Israel, causing so much arab outrage?

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posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Roper

Another point was the hate that the Muslim children are taught at a very young age. Books, cartoons and children preaching hate for the Jews on a kids TV program.

So plastering all over the news on a constant basis dead and bleeding Israelis and showing attacks on Palestinian villages as well as stone throwing Palestinians rebeling against the (From the israeli point of view) heroic IDF is teaching them to Love the Palestinains? They BOTH endoctrinate hatred for one another or haven't you noticed lately that 1 dead chicken in Sderot = 18 dead Palestinains. They have yet to really make them pay for the dead woman there...still lots more love to spread around.

You need to watch the video of the israeli settlers celebrating Purim right in the midst of a Palestinian town with IDF escorts making sure none of them are touched or harmed while the settlers get drunk and chant and throw insults at the Palestinians who are forced to watch. They burn palestinain effigies of Arafat righ there in their village square.Dancing and singing while the Palestinian men stand there helpless and degraded. The children on both sides sat there and also watched the wretched cruel rite.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 07:00 PM
I feel that there is plenty of hate being taught to little kids on both sides of the conflict. Isrealies tell their kids that all palestinians are worthless animals worthy of slaughter. I've heard them say it all the time about the palestinians. I'm sure the palestinians tell their kids the same thing.

Isrealies also have an obsession that they are superior to everybody's inherent in their religion. So it's no wonder that they have agitated the local population everywhere they go. They were booted out of what is now Iraq several thousand years ago the same way the Mormans were booted out of the midwest. Both groups had to keep migrating until they finally found a place to stay. Mormans landed in Utah. Isrealies in the land of Cannan, which was occupied by the way.

people are right the land there is worthless. So much that the original 'isrealies' found the land too harsh and went even further to the west. About 50% stayed in the region the other half kept moving for better land. They ran into egypt and the pharoh wasn't having it, he said assimilate or go back to where you came. Some assimilated the others went back to cannan. But the land was never theirs. Plenty of other people already lived there. But with an attitude that your poop don't smell but everybody elses does doesn't make friend anywhere.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 07:05 PM
And honestly ask yourself if you were a palestinian watching the settlers degrade them constantly you too would be buisy trying to figure out how to turn plow and shears into swords.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 07:08 PM
Hmm lets see - heavily armed Mexican refugees colonize a chunk of the US, start organizing militias, eventually declare they're forming their own state (after all it was theirs way back when) and all the anglos will have to either live under Mexican rule or find a new place to live.

A succession of wars to take the land back goes badly, and ends up with millions of anglo refugees living under a brutal military occupation or in refugee camps scattered around the Southwest.

Think the displaced Arizonan and Texan anglos, or thier neighbors, are going to be over it only a generation or so later? Cause I'm pretty sure Aztlan would end up getting nuked.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 07:23 PM
religion , i hate religion. it has been the fuel to millions and millions of deaths. i killed so and so because of retaliation and my religion told me so. how ignorant and stupid can people be. violence only creates more violence. i think we need to just get rid of the whole ball of wax and start over. bomb the pssss out of their aaaassss and give them a new gov't and aspecially a new religion. hell, let them be monks or something. they have been fighting for 1000 years or more. USA, it is time to get rid of the trash that stinks to high heaven. lets clean up these peoples acts and show them the path to peace. and if they don't, bomb the psss out of em till knowone is left to wage another war.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
I feel that there is plenty of hate being taught to little kids on both sides of the conflict. Isrealies tell their kids that all palestinians are worthless animals worthy of slaughter. I've heard them say it all the time about the palestinians. I'm sure the palestinians tell their kids the same thing.

im from israel and my parents never told me that palestinians are worthless animals worthy of slaughter nor did any of my friends ever heard this stuff from his parents... meanwhile in palestine:

[edit on 18-11-2006 by DeMitsuko]

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by DeMitsuko

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
I feel that there is plenty of hate being taught to little kids on both sides of the conflict. Isrealies tell their kids that all palestinians are worthless animals worthy of slaughter. I've heard them say it all the time about the palestinians. I'm sure the palestinians tell their kids the same thing.

im from israel and my parents never told me that palestinians are worthless animals worthy of slaughter nor did any of my friends ever heard this stuff from his parents... meanwhile in palestine:

[edit on 18-11-2006 by DeMitsuko]

The momgun video looks like an Israeli production made by Palestinian Media Watch for propaganda purposes. Even though it may have a misleading title like "Palestinian Media Watch" which may sound like its a group of Palestinians, its actually a pro-Israeli group that goes around looking for articles, print or media that may place Palestinians in a positive light, just like CAMERA or MEMRI and employs pressure tactics to have the articles reworded or corrected. (I Love it when they have Uncorrected/Dismal correction listings! Some editors still have balls!)

If you looked at the Armedkids video, although the Terrorist group may have used this kid to acheive a goal, and plaster his face on posters, the young girl in the end was saddened by his death and said that she would have rathered someone else have done it because she loved the kid and he took care of her. It was actually quite sad. These people are so desperate to be free from the violence of Israel that they ended their own lives rather then let the IDF or IAF end it for them.

I didn't even bother to watch the 3rd one.

Out of a possible 10 rating, I give this a 2 and thats only for the cool special FX and stop motion video in MOMGUN Pt 1 "The Palestinian Connection"

Coming soon to a theater near you: MOMGUN Pt 2 "Arafat Gave Me A Paper Cut: Out For Blood 2"

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN

I didn't even bother to watch the 3rd one.

Out of a possible 10 rating, I give this a 2 and thats only for the cool special FX and stop motion video in MOMGUN Pt 1 "The Palestinian Connection"

Coming soon to a theater near you: MOMGUN Pt 2 "Arafat Gave Me A Paper Cut: Out For Blood 2"

you give this 2 out of 10 not because the special effects but because you hate israel and anything that goes againt your belief is either false or propoganda.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 08:14 AM
I look at it a little differently. Why is the Arab hatred causing so much grief for Israel. Surely it can't be based on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Romans did that according to what I've been reading.

Craziness started with hatred toward Israel, now as I posted elsewhere, it's knocking at the doors of North America.


posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by DeMitsuko

you give this 2 out of 10 not because the special effects but because you hate israel and anything that goes againt your belief is either false or propoganda.

No you are wrong. I only dislike the people who would perpetrate such things in order to make something they were doing seem legitimate. It is an extremely evil person to come up with such ideas to hide their intentions. Wether its palestinian terrorists or the Israeli government. No difference.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 12:45 PM
All the "you hate Israel" stuff ignores a simple fact - Israel is a Western colony carved out on what was recently other people's land. Those people that were kicked out, and their children, aren't very happy about it. Just as, no doubt, the Jews weren't happy about being kicked out of their homes thousands of years ago.

What do you expect, really? Flowers?

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 01:07 PM
They hated Israel way before they fired rockets or rockets ever existed. Israel is the object of God's love and Jesus is coming to set up His Kingdom when He comes to Crush Satan and his allies. Satan knows this. So he wants to destroy the Jews and curse the land the Jews are on so Jesus and God the Creators plans fail, because it will signify the END OF SATAN'S KINGDOM on Earth and his Ultimately being tossed into the Lake of Fire alive created for him and his demons, also anyone else who wants to go with him too.

God says He will Curse those who Curse Israel. So be careful who you Curse-It will
be a costly decision.

This is Spiritual Warfare wake up people. Hey, Israel. IS REAL. HE IS REAL and coming again. Satan can't stop JESUS

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 05:50 PM
look i will not respond to the post behind because i do not disrespect religions or ideoligies ever, however i will defend the statement that israel right now is the terrorist, please let it pass through your mind for a little bit and put all what you knew before aside and think about it, i punched you in the stomach, so you are justified in punching me back, but are you justified in cutting my arm off? that's what israel does, Hezbollah took TWO soldiers, what did israel do, kill almost 3000 civilians, destroy lebanon, and set it back 20-30 years, that's not cutting an arm off, thats cuttin legs and arms in "Retaliation" for a little poke! for gods sake, look at things clearly and without bias, killing 3000 civilians is not collateral or damge done by mistake neither was the total annihalation of lebanon. about a couple of days back, in gaza, i think the poster of this thread might have mentioned it, israeli F-16's fired at a buildingin Gaza that was 2-stories, and naother building, and both were destroyed, adn of course there was damage done to other buildings in the area from the blast, this has killed countless numbers of children women and men indiscrimantly, and on an arab news station there was an interview with a surviving occupier of the building, he wasn't a terrorist, he wasn't a fanatic, and neither were many others who lived in those buildings, and of course unfortunatly the dead can't talk.... so please stop trying to justify israeli actions, israel is a fanatic extremist racist terrorist that has long terrorised and contributed for the regions instability, i can even put it's leaders such as sharon and others in the same league as hitler. have you ever heard of what sharon has done to a couple of villages in southern lebanon back in the 80's or so, he did something called MASS MASSACRE.... and i'm sure if i look i will find many many more atrocities done by Israel.

now don't get me wrong here, i'm not saying that Hamas or the PLO are angels or innocent, they are just as bad, all those militia leaders in Palestine are money and power hungry bastards who have no concious, but Israeli actions are also great atrocities that are done to inncoent people, so basically both sides are bad and wrong, and both sides are not the people they are the leaders and the factions, israeli government vs. Palestinian militias, the militias do soemthing, Israel retaliates on the people of palestine that have nothing to do with things, and that only gives the militais more power and more support, so it's all just a big a-s-s mess over there, and who suffers from it, mostly the palestinians but also sometimes the israeli people... so lets not put all the blame on Israeli government, but lets just give it maybe 60%-70% of it...

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