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Originally posted by grimreaper797
Why? That is my question.
Why are you here, at this very subforum?
What are you trying to accomplish? Why are you trying to accomplish it?
Why, are you trying to find the reason for all things that are being and the possibility of an afterlife? Why are you trying to prove god exists?
Why is the question I ask.
[edit on 14-11-2006 by grimreaper797]
Originally posted by grimreaper797
our responses are getting too long, so Im going to shorten it up ET.
In short, our opinions come from experiences. You say truth comes with experience, but opinions come from experiences.
So in short, you say experience is the way to truth, yet you say opinion is interfering with me finding the truth.
If that is true, then its because Im learning it all from experience. But its not true, because a majority of things I learn by taking myself out of my shoes, and facing the situation externally, allowing myself to disconnect emotional bias which creates opinions and prejudice to begin with.
By the way, your making my posts out like they are about me. Im not asking you the questions for you to answer them for me, Im asking them for you to ask them to yourself.
I know the question, but for me to ask you it, would destroy the whole point of you finding your way to the question. Finding the right question is most of the journey. feel free to PM me if you think its the right question.
They simply aren't as important. My truth is not your truth, but my question IS the same as your question. The answer is the truth, but the answer wont be the same in time.
The question is "what do I do next?" figure out why. If you are enlightened, you wont have to agree with my logic, but you will be able to understand it.
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Experiences cannot form opinions, just reaffirm pre-existing ones.
If all sensory input first gets delivered to the subconscious part of the mind, then perhaps we only experience what our opinion permits us to experience. our opinion dwells within the conscious part of the mind, but it is not the conscious part of the mind that your senses report to, your senses report to the subconscious part of the mind. So, how can you be sure of what you have seen, if your conscious mind gets to choose to overide the truth your subconscious mind experienced?
that is exactly what i am saying. experience is the way to the truth, yet you have never experienced the truth, you have only experienced your what your opinion permits to bubble up to the top, after all sensory input has been delivered to the part of your brain you are not consciously awary of. you are not consciously aware of your experiences because you are not consciously aware of you subconscious mind which only accounts for 99.999999997% of the reality most people are not experiencing. most people are not experiencing truth because of the 0.000000002% of their brains (conscious) which is the self/opinion which is in the driver's seat, so to speak, of your mind.
but what are you learning? Opinions must also adhere to a certain formula, right?
we all learn through a process ... truthfully?
so if we only can consciously experience things that conform to the truths of our opinion (conscious mind) then what were the first truths that everything we consciously experience had to latch onto?
1) "Self Pre-Serve". to many this means merely "survive", to others it means "me first before anyone or anything". All first experiences and all experiences since then may only have been 0.000000002% of the real experience, as the truths we were not consciously capable of experiencing just got filed away to take up even more space in our subconscious filing cabinets.
i'm sorry if my words sound that way. but in order for me to ask myself, i would have to rely on my opinion of myself to judge myself. and i choose not to trust my opinion as much as i trust the truth of whatever it is i refuse to judge.
you said:
"Im not asking you the questions for you to answer them for me, Im asking them for you to ask them to yourself."
if i were to be asking myself, then a pre-requisite would be i would have to divide my mind into at least 2 parts to do so. one to ask the question, and one to respond. i find i can see far more than just 2 angles when i think with one mind, not a fractionalized mind that is in pieces.
but, i have no question.
1) so, either i have asked the question and found the answer
2) i have found the question to be unanswerable and refused to accept that so i pressed forward to the next logical question.
3) i have found the question to have multiple answers and have ventured out to explore the various plausible answers.
4) i have never had a use for the question, as i have always had the answer.
5) i have the answer, but the question is forever trying to corner speculation into submission, so i don't have the question, but i do have the answer.
of course, there are other plausibilities as well.
But i am less than here, so why do i have a need for such a question?
what i do next is what comes before what i did last. this is one beautiful answer to a perfect question.
I do wholeheartedly apologize if my words seemed directed at you personally. they were not intended to be. i like your thinking style. or else, why would i be here? I like members who provoke thought, the harder the questions, the more brain food. Some people like to think, and i believe you are one such person. And i very much enjoy people who can find the words to make me think. Perhaps you did not notice, but it did take me 3 days to respond on this thread. I was off of work for three days, but i did have a 15 minute window of opportunity to answer your inquiries of the way i think Wed. morning. instead i opted to read over your post a couple of times and think about it for a few days. the computer i use is at work, and my home computer is inop. So, i gave your ideas some thought, as i know you put thought into them.
i don't think we think too differently. you have just as much knowledge and truth to offer me as i do you. you make very good points, and you articulate well when you share your thoughts here on ATS, and i honestly respect that.
the underlining point i can think to make now is:
"what do i do next" -- I like that question, a lot.
if an opinion is subject to being truths compiled upon pre-existing truths only, then what were the first truths that dictate how experience is percieved?
Originally posted by millerman
Your metaphysical ramblings aren't nearly as zany or interesting as Simon Moon's - who I assume you're trying to imitate here....
Originally posted by clearwater
Yikes, that's a grim neat,meaning - how profound.
- But if you have nothing to prove, what reason are you here? Are you here to spread the idea you have? Or to just simply hear yourself say it?
I'm just opinionated.
are we then born with opinions? No, opinions form from observing but a lack of any understanding about the subject, first hand experience, or reinforced beliefs pushed onto them by parents and other people.
Couldn't it be you experience the same thing, but your emotions hijack your system and you end up interpreting it differently then? Best way to train yourself out of that is to remain conscious of what your doing and saying. Going through things and not jumping to conclusions.
I can understand what your saying, but I think its the other way around. I think you interpret it first, then emotional hijacking occurs and it warps it. You get angry then suddenly your hearing a different tone and such.
If you cant control your emotions and such, how do you expect to think logically?
If you can't think logically, the truth will definately be distorted.
that is exactly what i am saying. experience is the way to the truth, yet you have never experienced the truth, you have only experienced your what your opinion permits to bubble up to the top, after all sensory input has been delivered to the part of your brain you are not consciously awary of. you are not consciously aware of your experiences because you are not consciously aware of you subconscious mind which only accounts for 99.999999997% of the reality most people are not experiencing. most people are not experiencing truth because of the 0.000000002% of their brains (conscious) which is the self/opinion which is in the driver's seat, so to speak, of your mind.
Your not making sense though. If you can only see the truth through your OWN experiences, you cant see the truth, none of us can. Mainly because first hand experiences cause emotional responses. If the emotional response doesn't occur, the opinion doesn't form. It doesnt follow basic logic
What if I were to tell you that you have divided your mind by birth, and that you only use half of it by asking the question, or only the other half by only answering the question?
Thats why no amount of understanding a truths can answer that question of what you will do next. The question is more accurately depicted logically as "what will I ATTEMPT to do next?" mainly because its not certain you will do it, or that you will succeed or anything. That question is infinite because as long as time goes, it must be reevalued and reanswered. The answers are endless because free will decides the current answer of what you will attempt to do next.
It is the question that has no set answer, and that no truth can answer. It is the question that is answered by free will and choice, and decided in history by chance.
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
maybe you are right. instincts may be inherited opinions.
interpret what first? the sensory input that is not delivered to the emotional realms of the conscious mind, but instead are delivered to the subconscious realm of the mind? What is there to hijack if the subconscious mind only permits the consious mind to have what it can accept and nothing more?
logically i don't see how emotions are not true, therefore controlling truth is not just accepting truth, but rather yielding truth to the opinion that emotions should be controlled.
logic can be easily distorted with or without emotions.
Why not turn inwards to challenge one's own opinion and instead of running from emotions to merely control them, why not face them to quantify and define them.
Logically speaking of course, if one could determine within their own minds what emotions are justified for and from where they come, then one could burn a lot more callories on logical perceptions without having to burn callories on attempting to control fear, love, hate, and all other emotions and personal emotional initiators.
Trying to control emotions is like only so many fingers and toes when the damn is breaking. but, if one could define what their emotions truly are, and explain them for what they are and why, then you have no need to ever control emotions again.
seems to me like a liberating concept, because by trying to control your emotions is just storing more information in your subconscious mind which is taking space away from one's conscious cognitive skills.
to say the opinion does not form is to say you are denying your genetic commands that are within each and every cell that comprises you as a whole. So, unless you've experienced being self aware enough to dump certain instincts from your programming, no you have not seen what you thought it was you saw.
1) your eyes see a thing
2) your subconscious mind recieves the signal.
3) your subconscious mind delivers the signal to your conscious mind.
4) your conscious mind can not accept anything that is inconsistant with what truths it accepts as truth. so, your conscious mind keeps only 0.000000002% of the experience that is compliant with what can accept, since no new truth can be incorporated without having a means to attach to a pre-existing truth. or else it is one brain cell all by itself with 4 or 5 "arms" without any connection to any other brain cell throughout the entire neuro-net.
The brain does not work the way you are saying it does. Some of the concepts you are presenting here are inconsistant with what is known about the human brain.
The truth is if you have not consciously accepted certain truths as truths, then you can not even be capable of recieving the information from your subconsious mind, because there simply is no place for it to fit in your conscious neuronet. What i am talking about is a state of mind that permits you to go more than a month without sleep, and still function just fine. Why? because sleep is merely a byproduct of having a subconscious that requires sleep. Have you experienced going more than 5 weeks without sleep?
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
I would say you were right once, but now you are mistaken. I became self aware enought to know that the two cells that both combined with each having the genetic prime directive of "self pre-serve" never really fully joined the dna. Do you believe a sperm and an egg can both have dna that says "survive no matter what" and "survive no matter what", and be totally compliant with eachother to forfiet the genetic command of "survive no matter what"?
I would say i got further than that. i must have. because no one told me, i found that truth within, past my emotions, past my logical thoughts, past every pre-accepted truth, i ventured into the core of my own being.
and when i did i went more than 5 weeks without sleep, but i wasn't tired.
and when i did i went more than a month without eating, but i wasn't hungry, and i lost about 10 pounds.
and when i did i endure other physical changes as well.
and when i was in the process of changing i would sweat a pool while i slept with no covers, even though it was less than 60 degrees F in the room.
Perhaps you can prove to me these things did not happen? Then i will believe you are right, and i will most assuredly concede, i promise you.
and this is the answer to your question: WHY?
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
If truth cannot answer the question with no set answer: "what will i attempt to do next?", then what lies beyond truth and logic that provides a means to answer the question, if not freedom from the truth and from the logic and also freedom from the emotions and the opinion?
does one need to intimately know their own opinion, emotions, logic, and truth before they have the authority to freely ask "what do i do next?".
is it the final question? can you define the final question without knowing opinions, emotions, logics, and truths? Or does one only reach this question by disregarding opinions, experiences, emotions, logics, and truths?
it seems to me that one must also in the process of identifying this as the finality of all questions disregard:
1) the opinions of all others
2) the experiences of all others
3) the emotions of all others
4) the logics of all others
5) the truths of all others
why? because it is can be construde as a selfish question. you sort of leave everyone else out, don't you? It's not "what do i do next for someone" or "what do i do next for the benefit of others?"
your zenith question is:
"What do i attempt to do next?"
i'm not yoda, but i like something the little green guy said:
"do or do not. there is no try."
you've given me some interesting perspectives, and i appreciate it, honestly.
but with regards to your question of: "Why?"
because: It is real. Within you there is something beyond you. i see you are closer than most, but take the truth of all you are into account.
i have experienced things that are not possible. that is the "Why" for me. But, each relationship is different. Every relationship between every soul is unique.
You hinted at the concept, and you said it very elegantly.
there are alot of different people on this planet. Surely if there is a God, then perhaps God does not want to have the same relationship with everyone.
i shared my thoughts and some of my experiences with you, whether you choose them to be compliant with your truth or not, is it relevant? i experienced what i experienced, and who or what can take the truths of it from me?
just some thoughts. just some retorical questions for no one else but myself.
Originally posted by grimreaper797
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
I would say you were right once, but now you are mistaken. I became self aware enought to know that the two cells that both combined with each having the genetic prime directive of "self pre-serve" never really fully joined the dna. Do you believe a sperm and an egg can both have dna that says "survive no matter what" and "survive no matter what", and be totally compliant with eachother to forfiet the genetic command of "survive no matter what"?
well what if I were to tell you that is what you WERE. A question i dont often ask people because the inability to contemplate it is "Where do YOU think the conscious and subconscious originate?" did the brain just make them up?
Did the brain just make them up?if so how?
How do you think the consciousness and sub consciousness came to be.
How did we develop it as we got older.
We did are biggest evolving in the first 5 years of our life, we somewhere along the lines grew to the point where we developed this consciousness. How? It didn't come with us at birth. Children between birth and 1 show no characteristics of consciousness. They show signs of life, and signs of emotion, but they don't have a conscious. They don't feel bad for waking mom up all the time, or crying in the middle of the night when people sleep. They dont feel bad for pulling on a dogs ear and hurting the dogs ear. They don't have that consciousness.
Where did it come from?
Im asking because I want to here your opinion because your one of the people that I think may have an idea on this.
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
i think these "scales/balances" within our mind do not always serve us to provide us with the truth, but rather sometimes prevent us from seeing it all together.
Originally posted by grimreaper797
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
i think these "scales/balances" within our mind do not always serve us to provide us with the truth, but rather sometimes prevent us from seeing it all together.
At first I was just going to overall respond but this needed specific addressing.
And I completely agree with it. The instincts of fear and such are there specifically for you. They aren't there for other people or whats best overall. They are for your own personal use, meant to benefit you ultimately.
Personally what makes alot of sense to me is we ended up evolving into something that picks up what we cannot see. How do we know that we are not picking up certain "wavelengths" (lack of better words) that our brain literally picks up?
All in all this thread wasnt meant to be about consciousness lol. Let me direct you to my own little possible theory of where the conscious could be.'