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Current KKK upset... as well as nazi hints...

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posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 08:08 PM
Down where I live we have had subtle sighns of dark histories of the south and even Europe... There have been rural cross burnings racist town meetings and a jewish temple burned down (thought of as an accident but, the makings of a chemical bomb was found on scene.) This has made me wonder are we in the middle of the center of an uprising of Nazis or the KKK. This suspicion was only backed by a rural farmers tale of a harrowing encounter with cross burners. It goes something like this. a young farmer 30 or so walks into his lease in the weyerhauser territory, when he sees a fire. Normally he would disregard because the fish and game were always burning stunted hardwood (which would be short) but this was ten or twelve feet in height so natrually out of curiosity he goes and drives toward it on his ATV. A down a trail leading directly to the fire he catches sight of something white against the trees. Upon closer investigation he comes upon "something" in a white cloak with a pointed hat... He thinks of it better to head home when more of them walk onto the pathway branishing long curved blades (which we know as simitars)... Though he could have easily ran over them, he took the legal approach. Hollered at them about the private property, and ran... Which was made more terrifiying for the man because when he awoke he found a charred and smoldering cross in his backyard. Upon further inspection of his deer lease another charred cross. Bother were removed and destroyed...

The farmer was so scared he never called the police, or alerted weyerhauser. I found out because he was anonymously sending his story to ZONE over and over, at first it was disregarded but until I saw noticable corresponding racist tendancys in our city government.... Any thoughts? It is highly disturbing, to think my town is ruled by the invisible hand of the south...

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Potentate_Michael
This has made me wonder are we in the middle of the center of an uprising of Nazis or the KKK.

Do these people ever really go away?

Not only that, but there are plenty of people around to pin everything from accidents to sheer vandalism on the KKK and the Nazis.

Some years back there was what seemed to be a rash of Black church fires that for awhile everyone was blaming on racists, but it really turned out to be massive coverage of a bunch of accidental fires and, I believe, at least one insurance fraud scheme.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 03:42 PM
I see where you are coming from

Do these people ever really go away?

wether you mean people who blame the KKK or the KKK I can see your point of view it could have been kids pranking the man or his "enemies"

It is not normally like me to jump on something like this but I just covered it with an unbiased point of view that I saw fit... But thanks for the critique

[edit on 12-11-2006 by Potentate_Michael]

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by Potentate_Michael
This has made me wonder are we in the middle of the center of an uprising of Nazis or the KKK.

Do these people ever really go away?

Not only that, but there are plenty of people around to pin everything from accidents to sheer vandalism on the KKK and the Nazis.

Some years back there was what seemed to be a rash of Black church fires that for awhile everyone was blaming on racists, but it really turned out to be massive coverage of a bunch of accidental fires and, I believe, at least one insurance fraud scheme.

What about the three young Jewish guys that were setting fires to christian churches? The control system has gone into overdrive to paint these three young men as just wayward and not understanding what they had done. The final trial is yet to happen.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 04:31 PM
We live in a time in our country that is a lot of opportunist people looking for a trill.

I would never allow myself to feel intimidated by anything, and to tell you the truth is nothing better than the power of making a big deal about it and bringing as much public, media and nationwide attention with incidents like these.

So it seems to me that perhaps the person that has become the victim of this act may not be a victim at all and is just making the whole story.

And again is nothing more dangerous than playing victim if all this is for real.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Potentate_Michael
Down where I live we have had subtle sighns of dark histories of the south and even Europe... There have been rural cross burnings racist town meetings and a jewish temple burned down (thought of as an accident but, the makings of a chemical bomb was found on scene.) This has made me wonder are we in the middle of the center of an uprising of Nazis or the KKK. This suspicion was only backed by a rural farmers tale of a harrowing encounter with cross burners. It goes something like this. a young farmer 30 or so walks into his lease in the weyerhauser territory, when he sees a fire. Normally he would disregard because the fish and game were always burning stunted hardwood (which would be short) but this was ten or twelve feet in height so natrually out of curiosity he goes and drives toward it on his ATV. A down a trail leading directly to the fire he catches sight of something white against the trees. Upon closer investigation he comes upon "something" in a white cloak with a pointed hat... He thinks of it better to head home when more of them walk onto the pathway branishing long curved blades (which we know as simitars)... Though he could have easily ran over them, he took the legal approach. Hollered at them about the private property, and ran... Which was made more terrifiying for the man because when he awoke he found a charred and smoldering cross in his backyard. Upon further inspection of his deer lease another charred cross. Bother were removed and destroyed...

The farmer was so scared he never called the police, or alerted weyerhauser. I found out because he was anonymously sending his story to ZONE over and over, at first it was disregarded but until I saw noticable corresponding racist tendancys in our city government.... Any thoughts? It is highly disturbing, to think my town is ruled by the invisible hand of the south...

I have a problem with your story....

Where is this first of all? Why did they burn the crosses on his property? was he black?

Why in the world would they be wielding simitars, a traditionally islamic weapon? Klnasmen would not be brandishing a weapon that their enemies use. Remember, everythin involved with these groups is deeply rooted in symbolism. Are you sure it wasnt macheties or a scythe?

regardless, I think this is fear mongering plain and simple. Nazis and Klansmen are not coming to burn crosses in your yard or march down your street.

[edit on 12-11-2006 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 05:56 PM
The KKK are a joke. Most other Neo-Nazi types laugh at the KKK. They think they are a bunch of clowns....and they are a bunch of clowns. Does anyone care what the KKK is doing?

Is it time for another KKK parade?

Every Gay Pride parade in the United States should be forced to happen at the same time and place as the KKK parade. Now THAT would be a site to see!

Like the St. Patrick's Day parade in Boston, Massachusetts.....invite the KKK to join in! I'd pay to see that!

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 03:06 PM
I am a new member so if I sound ignorant please forgive me. If the KKK, Illuminati, Masons and or other groups are commiting crimes that no one reports, how will things ever change? It seems as though it is getting hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. As far as the labeling goes how does one tell a gang member from the Illuminati, KKK, etc.

Need help!

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 02:44 PM
Even I'm doubting the credibility of this man. He claims he was born in the deep south, but he speeks with an accent. He isn't like others in my area so he may be trying to extort this story in some way. Which will require more investigation. And as for your question Siren, itll never change unless they decide to get bold or someone reports the crimes or raids them!

All Abaiting,
Potentate Michael

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
I have a problem with your story....

Where is this first of all? Why did they burn the crosses on his property? was he black?

Why in the world would they be wielding simitars, a traditionally islamic weapon? Klnasmen would not be brandishing a weapon that their enemies use. Remember, everythin involved with these groups is deeply rooted in symbolism. Are you sure it wasnt macheties or a scythe?

regardless, I think this is fear mongering plain and simple. Nazis and Klansmen are not coming to burn crosses in your yard or march down your street.

[edit on 12-11-2006 by XphilesPhan]

Sounds like a white flag op to me. A common ploy used to destroy an enemy by doing a heinous act that your enemy would not do and then go and blame it on them. Very devious and very effective especially with an ignorant public.

I don't condone these kinds of actions by anyone. The religious cults that do these flag ops are reprehensible.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 11:04 PM
Do you all not see what is happening here. The African Americans are blaming the KKK, The KK are blaming the African Americans.

If we are all supposed to be treated equally.....Then NO ONE is to blame.

If African Americans in this country want to be treated equally.....Then affirmative action and things like that need to go away. You want me to treat you as an equal!?!?! Then be better than me, or atleast be as good as me.

Slavery ended over a 100 years ago. If anyone still alive was a slave,, Then THAT PERSON DESERVES REPERATIONS!!! For the rest of the citizens...You are what you make yoursself out to be. You want to be a gang banger...Then fine, I hope you are killed!!! You want to try and better yourself, Then I am willing to spend my tax dollars to help you!!! If you are not willing to better youself, YOU SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT OF THE GENE POOL!!!

I do not pay taxes for people to sit and home and do nothing. Yes i am WHITE!! But i have a family memeber who does nothing and expects a WELFARE check. THese people should be cut off!!!

Including my family member, If you are not willing to help yourself, yhen F.U.!!!

If yoou are not willing to help youself, then you have no right to this countries services. Go to work at a minimum wage job at McDonalds (Although most McDonalds in my area are willing to pay more) This will be deducted from your WELFARE check and save the country Billions!!!

You do not like your minimum wage job, I'm willing to spend my tax dollars to help you better yourself!! If you show me you aew willing to learn/work, I have no problem with my tax dollars going to help you better yourself. But if you think you are going to sit on your @$$ and colect a check from the Govt. I SAY F.U.

I do not go to work 5 days a week and pay taxes so your LAZY ASS can sit at home and collect a Govt check!! This is B.S.!!! You are struggling to survive. take a job, any job! If you are still below the poverty level, then I have no problem helping you with my tax dollars. But if you expect a FREE RIDE...Then go to HELLL!!!!!!

Well some may say I am RACIST for my coments,,I say B.S.!!! As I have stated above, yes I am White. I have a family member on welfare. And if I won the LOTTERY tommorow, I would give that person NOTHING! That person is not willing to go out and get a job, any job, to help there self out. Why should I help them??

As far as I'm concerned....I should quit my job, go on welfare. Then I would have a 50 inch PLASMA TV and be driving a CADILLC(SP)

PLease!! Tell me why I should pay taxes to SUPPORT these ungrateful SOB's?!?!?

[edit on 22-11-2006 by CSRules]

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 01:38 AM
I've lived my life in the deep south. I've known people that have been associated with the Klan their entire lives(usually with the reasoning "well, my daddy was one.")From the dealings I've had with them, as far them being upset and there being a resurgence on their part, this group of people would be one of the last I would be worried about. As an organization, their back was broke in the '70's and they've never recovered. Most of the ones you see are just small, isolated family units. Plus, they'd have to suspend any operations they had going during hunting season.


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