posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 02:17 PM
Ahhh, I'll get to this when I get home from work and classes.......
All "accidents"* are kept "hushed" or "quiet" in the military....
*"Accidents"= running aground, collisions, etc.
All responsible personnel are "interviewed" and
then excuses! The Captain of this vessel/sub/boomer will be spending the
rest of his days at a desk....the closest to 'captaining' another vessel will be the fishing boat he/she may have on the river or lake somewhere.
The Navy does
not tolerate matter the situation, save war-time, and then it is still not looked upon with much forgiving. My
understanding is that the Captain and 1-4 others where being held "negligent" for this? Sorry, haven't read article yet, but will read up on this
when I do ever get home.
[Edited on 13-11-2003 by Seekerof]