posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 12:25 PM
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has proclaimed it has the intention to purchase a nazi-painting of Henri van de Velde, the late dutch
painter (1896 -1969). The painting, which had disappeared after WOII, has suddenly reappeared somewhere in Belgium earlier this week.
A Flemish art-collector bought the painting from a merchant. The painting which is entitled as 'De nieuwe mens' (The new man) was made in 1933 by
order of former NSB-leader Anton Mussert. The NSB was the Dutch Socialistic Alliance which had close ties to the SS and was feared and hated by dutch
Jews and by anybody who wasn't part of it.
The painting glorifies the Nazi-ideology by showing a young, half-dressed man carrying a flaming sword (Illuminati symbol?).
The Rijksmuseum is eager to purchase the painting, because the painting is considered as a replenishment on the collection of the present day.