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Latest on Starchild Skull

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posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 02:49 PM
Note: *I wanted to get this info out to anyone who is interested in learning the latest with the research of the Starchild skull.

the theremin

WHAT IS THE "STARCHILD" SKULL? " A true bone skull dated by C-14 at 900 years old. Its bone is half as thick, half as heavy, and twice as durable as it should be. It is unlike anything ever seen on Earth before now."

National Geo Documentary
At 8pm ET on Nov. 27th the National Geographic cable TV channel will air "Ancient Astronauts," a new documentary featuring Erich Von Daniken, Zecharia Sitchin, and (among others), myself and the Starchild skull--the most credible relic ever put forth with the potential to confirm intelligent extraterrestrial life.

What It Means For The Starchild
Since we first began testing the Starchild scientifically, our ultimate goal has been to recover and sequence its nuclear DNA. Only then, by "reading" the DNA of both its parents, can we be certain of its genetic heritage. However, until now we've been thwarted because the chemical "primers" used in DNA recovery could never "locate" the Starchild's nuclear DNA. In seven attempts, not one "pickup" was made. This is a strong indication (but not yet an inarguable proof) that the Starchild's nuclear DNA is not entirely human.
Now, however, the stalemate can be resolved. A few months ago scientists in the US and Germany announced their ability to sequence the Neanderthal genome within the next two years. This will use new, extremely cutting edge technology whose principle breakthrough is that it no longer requires primers. It can reassemble a genome literally piece-by-piece, base pair-by-base pair. Consequently, our geneticists tell us that sometime in 2008 they should be able to use this new technology to recover a large part of the Starchild's nuclear DNA. This exciting and potentially historic development means we should finally be able to definitively determine if the Starchild is, as we strongly suspect, something other than entirely human.

MORGELLONS: What we know and what we don't. Could this be the cause of the Fibers in the Starchild bone?

mod edit to use "ex" tags instead of "quote" tags
Quote Reference.

[edit on 10-11-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 03:24 PM
Fantastic, thank you, I love the way we can share information about this subject matter we all love, I've caught so many shows because of posts like this.

Let's keep this thread in play until the 27th so that others don't miss out.

Now when you said "myself and the starchild skull"

Do you really mean ...yourself?!

Wow, if so, well done. Congratulations for making the show!!

Oh Poop on a scoop. I will be in Australia between the 11/23 - 05/12 and will miss it.

I know this is a naughty request but I don't suppose anyone might be able to record this and ummm, make it available for me? Truly, the subject matter of ancient astronauts if something I'm very, very interested in.

Pokey Oats

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 05:24 PM
I too am interested in this. Been on the fence, but quite intrigued. It will be nice to see something new and refreshing, instead of the same rehashed info, with a different commentator.


posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 05:26 PM
Don't worry too much about missing it -- there are always reruns. It should be rerun within the next 6 months as they usually only produce enough episodes for 1 season. Check with the national geographic web site, they should have a schedule for its rebroadcast, if you can't find anyone to record it for you.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 05:38 PM
Pokey Oats....glad you will find this show of interest. Hopefully anyone interested in the Starchild skull will find out about this new show. It does look promising.

No, I will not be on the show. I am new to the board and thankfully the mod corrected my use of quotes to external sources. All the information in my post is from

I wonder if anybody else has heard about the fibers found in the Starchild Skull and the possible Morgellon connection? Really weird stuff.

the theremin

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Pokey Oats
Oh Poop on a scoop. I will be in Australia between the 11/23 - 05/12 and will miss it.

Hard to believe i know but we do have cable in Australia complete with National Geographic channel. Its true, we even have telephones now!!

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 05:57 PM
Mojo4sale glad you have cable and phones there in Austrailia!
Good for you!

I wanted to also mention that if you go to the National Geographic website
you click on the right hand side of a note that says send me an email reminder and they will put an email in your box to remind you before show time.

the theremin

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 02:45 AM
TIVO is also a very worthwhile investment. . highly recommended to everyone who is interested in this as you can simply set it to record every alien/ufo show for up to a year in advance, and it will record it for you. (I know everyone has heard of it here, with the exception of the original poster apparently)

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by mojo4sale
Hard to believe i know but we do have cable in Australia complete with National Geographic channel. Its true, we even have telephones now!!

Yeah yeah, whatever mate. I was born in Australia and lived their most of my life until moving over to the US for work, so I do actually know that we have cable TV and telephones.

I had already checked Nat Geo Aus and verified that it is not playing in Australia whilst I will be there.

Pokey Oats

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 03:18 PM
Must have left your sense of humour behind when you left Mate.

Have a good one. Mojo.


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